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OP-ED                                                                     JULY 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 14

                  Global rupee, global Indians

                                     and big population

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              he Reserve Bank of India
              (RBI) this week initiated mea-
        Tsures to allow rupee settlement
        of  cross-border  trade  deals.  It’s  still
        work-in-progress but the essence is
        that Indian banks can act as custo-
        dians of funds in international trans-
        actions settled in rupees. These mea-
        sures need to be located in the context
        of the immediate need to cope with
        developments in the foreign currency
        market and the long-term opportuni-
        ties present in the gradual shift in the
        currency composition of global for-
        eign exchange reserves.
            Global  commodity  prices  have
        dipped since the level witnessed in
        May. For India, this augurs well. The
        average price of an Indian basket of
        crude in July was $106, about 9% be-
        low June. However, it has been par-
        tially offset by the weakening of the
        rupee against the dollar on account
        of global reallocation of capital af-
        ter prominent central banks started
        increasing interest rates. Since Jan-
        uary, foreign portfolio outflows have   power under Tony Blair and Gordon   trast with the sham controversy in the   the fact that India’s employment fell
        crossed $30 billion. In addition to  Brown in the 2000s. And beyond pol- US over Barack Obama’s alleged- by a massive 13 million jobs in June
        market intervention, RBI adopted   itics, the UK has seen several black  ly secret Muslim faith could not be  2022 compared to May. Data from
        other measures to cope with the ru- and brown people gain prominence   starker.                       the Centre for Monitoring Indian
        pee depreciation. Last week, it liber- in sports, media, arts, medicine, and                          Economy show that over 60 per cent
        alized forex inflows. Now, it’s provid- to a lesser extent in business. Nass-  -- Ramesh Venkataraman,    of the employable workforce are not
                                                                                    The Indian Express
        ed a window to settle trades in rupees.  er Hussain, born to a Tamil Muslim                           even looking for work, putting paid to
                                          father in Chennai, captained the En-                                India’s hope of reaping rewards from
           --Editorial, The Times of India                                           Bane or boon?
                                          glish cricket team as far back as 1999.                             its demographic dividend. The stress
                The rise of Rishi             What is truly remarkable about   ndia is projected to surpass Chi- that a growing mass of unemployed,
                                          the ongoing Tory party leadership    na as the most populous country  young people puts on the social fabric
              he fact that the next British   contest, however, is how little com- Iin 2023 — four years earlier than   of the country must not be discount-
              PM may be brown or black is   ment there has been on the skin col- expected — according to the latest  ed. Moreover, the share of the elderly
        Tby itself perhaps not that re- or of the slate. The British political   report of the United Nations Popu- in the Indian population is expected
        markable. The last two decades have   classes, media, and public at large   lation Division. The imminent size of  to steadily rise till at least 2036, strain-
        seen Barack Obama, whose father  seem intensely unconcerned about  the population is intimately connect- ing India’s beleaguered healthcare
        is Kenyan, being elected as the first  the next occupant of 10 Downing  ed to the power dynamics shaping the   system. India is also one of the most
        black President of the United States.  Street being non-white. In a country  relationship between nations — for  vulnerable countries globally in terms
        Kamala  Harris,  born  to  an  Indian   that is inextricably linked in many In- instance, the UN said that the rise in   of the population that will be affected
        mother and Jamaican father, was   dian minds with an ugly history of rac-  population will consolidate India’s   by sea-level rise.
        appointed the first black and woman   ism, this is nothing short of astound-  claim to a permanent seat in the Se-
        Vice-President of the United States,  ing. What is even more surprising is   curity Council. It is, however, a dou-  -- The Editorial Board,
                                                                                                                     The Telegraph (India)
        and Leo Varadkar, whose father is   that there is virtually no discussion   ble-edged sword. This is because there
        Indian, become Prime  Minister  of  of the fact that the runners and rid- are several rising vulnerable constitu-
        Ireland. The UK itself has had sev- ers left include a Hindu, a practicing  encies in India’s population pie. India   Every week, we look at what the top
        eral  senior  members  of  government  Buddhist with Hindu-Catholic roots,  will have one of the largest workforc-  commentators in the Indian media are
        who are not white going back to the  and, incredibly for a Tory party which   es: globally, one in five working-age   talking about and bring to you a slice
        days of Paul Boateng and Shriti Vade- has in the past revealed a nasty seam   persons will live in India in the next   of their opinions and comments
        ra when the Labour Party was last in   of Islamophobia, a Muslim. The con- 25 years. But what queers the pitch is

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