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BOLLYWOOD SPECIAL JULY 21, 2023 | The Indian Eye 34
Rap by Grammy-nominated
Raja Kumari adds to excitement
about SRK’s ‘Jawan’
The rap song encapsulates the essence of SRK in the film, serving as a testament
to the star power of King Khan
OUR BUREAU dia while expressing their gratitude
for being a part of this mega project.
Having seen this, King Khan himself
n a brilliant collaboration, the came to express his love to the team
much-anticipated Jawan pre- and replied to everyone.
Ivue features a King Khan Rap, In another development, SRK
a high-energy and captivating track has surprised fans by dropping the
especially written for SRK, by the first poster of Jawan at the end of the
extraordinary artist, Raja Kumari. #AskSRK session. After some fun
While much applause has been pour- chit chat with the fans while wrap-
ing in for the power-packed prevue, ping up the #AskSRK session, SRK
lots of fans have been lauding the dropped a surprise by unveiling the
film’s music too. And one integral poster of the film, leaving fans sur-
part of the film’s discography has been prised. Since SRK has never done
singer Raja Kumari. After watching this before in any of his #AskSRK
the teaser from the film, she couldn’t sessions, this gesture was super spe-
contain her excitement and penned a cial for all his fans.
heart-warming note for SRK. SRK unveiled the new cool post-
Raja Kumari took to social me- er of Jawan, showcasing his intense
dia and wrote, “Thank you, Anirudh “bald” look which has become super
and Shah Rukh Khan for calling me SRK (left); Raja Kumari popular post the Jawan Prevue. This
to write and perform the title track! poster further fuelled the already ris-
Can’t wait for the world to hear it.” ing excitement for the film.
The King Khan Rap, written and The record-breaking views for Shah Rukh Khan’s #AskSRK
Raja Kumari is Indian-Ameri- performed by Raja Kumari, brings Jawan signify the power of engaging session on social media is an engag-
an electrifying and dynamic element storytelling and effective marketing ing opportunity for fans to interact
can Rapper, recognized for her to the film. The rap encapsulates the in an increasingly competitive enter- with the superstar and witness his
incredible talent and versatili- essence of SRK in the film, serving as tainment landscape. witty and intelligent replies. Fol-
a testament to the star power of King Shah Rukh Khan has recently lowing the exhilarating release of
ty. Being a Grammy-nominated Khan. Raja Kumari’s undeniable tal- left the nation berserk with the ex- Jawan’s Prevue, fans eagerly await-
artist and having performed at ent and unique style infuse the rap hilarating Prevue of his highly an- ed SRK’s appearance on #AskSRK.
with an energy that perfectly comple- ticipated film ‘Jawan’. Well studded Without much delay, the superstar
renowned music festivals like ments the grand scale of Jawan. with high-octane action sequences, recently held a conversation with his
Coachella, Raja Kumari’s track Meanwhile, the pre-release vid- SRKs invincible charm, and a pleth- fans in his Characteristic style.
eo of Jawan effortlessly surpassed all ora of emotions, the prevue has set Furthermore, Shah Rukh
in Jawan further adds to the previous records held by teasers and social media on fire with fans drop- Khan’s various appearances in the
film’s excitement and appeal. trailers in the Indian film industry in ping their love and excitement after action-packed Prevue of Jawan has
terms of 24-hour view counts. With watching the extraordinary world of generated never seen before buzz.
112m views across all platforms, the Jawan. The film’s prevue video garnered
Raja Kumari, has not only video’s immense traction has shat- Well, it’s not just the fans who 112mn in 24hrs across platforms the
thrived in the Indian and interna- tered the existing benchmarks, estab- were expressing their love and well biggest ever for any film in Indian
tional music scene but has also lent lishing a new pinnacle for the Indian wishes to the star, but SRKs co-stars cinema.
her distinctive voice to some of Bol- film industry. and team members in this action Jawan is a Red Chillies Enter-
lywood’s most iconic jams. Her col- Jawan’s Prevue reigns supreme thriller, director Atlee, co-stars Vijay tainment presentation, directed by
laboration with notable artists such as the most-watched video in the first Sethupathi, Sunil Grover and Ridhi Atlee, produced by Gauri Khan and
as Gwen Stefani, Iggy Azalea, Fifth 24 hours, a testament to SRK’s wide- Dogra, Pan India dance director, Co-produced by Gaurav Verma. The
Harmony and *John Legend* has spread popularity, the universal ap- Shobi Paulraj, actor Yogi Babu, Ed- film will release worldwide in the-
solidified her status as a force to be peal of the film and the rising antici- itor Ruben and Co-producer Gaurav atres on September 7th, 2023 in Hin-
reckoned with. pation surrounding the film’s release. Verma also took to their social me- di, Tamil and Telugu languages.