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IMMIGRATION                                                               JULY 21, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 38

            DHS’s Family Reunification Parole Initiative Can Serve as

             Template for Other Bold Executive Actions to Reform the

           Immigration System Without Fear of Being Sued by a State

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA AND KAITLYN   Immigration and Nationality Act   and children of permanent resi-  manitarian parole program has   “Parole Plus Alternatives to De-
        BOX*                       (INA) authorizes the Secretary   dents. The invited petitioner can   been the subject of a lawsuit by   tention” (Parole+ATD) and “Pa-
                                   of Homeland Security, in his dis-  then initiate the process by filing   Texas and nineteen other states,   role with Conditions in Limited
             n July 7, 2023, DHS an-  cretion, to parole noncitizens into   a request on behalf of the benefi-  and  allows 30,000 qualifying na-  Circumstances Prior to the Issu-
             nounced a new family   the United States temporarily on   ciary and eligible family members   tionals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua   ance of a Charging Document”
        Oreunification parole initia-  a case-by-case basis for urgent hu-  to be considered for advance trav-  and Venezuela to be admitted to   (PWC) policies in Florida v. May-
        tive for beneficiaries of approved   manitarian reasons or significant   el authorization and parole.  the United States every month for   orkas  that is currently pending
        I-130 petitions who are nationals   public benefit. The parole author-  The new processes allow   up to two years. The new FRP ini-  before the Eleventh Circuit Court
        of Colombia, El Salvador, Guate-  ity has long been used to establish   for parole only on a discretion-  tiative is more narrowly tailored   of Appeals. In a brief filed on July
        mala, & Honduras. Nationals of   family reunification parole (FRP)   ary, case-by-case, and temporary   as it applies only to spouse, chil-  5, 2023, the government argued
        these countries can be considered   processes administered by U.S.   basis upon a demonstration of   dren  and  sibling  beneficiaries  of     that the “special solicitude” doc-
        for parole on a case-by-case basis   Citizenship and Immigration Ser-  urgent humanitarian reasons or   approved I-130 petitions. Also,   trine proffered by states in United
        for a period of up to three years   vices, including the Cuban Family   significant public benefit, as well   in United States v.  Texas, the   States v. Texas. should not apply
        while they wait to apply to be-  Reunification  Parole  Program,   as a demonstration that the ben-  Supreme Court in an 8-1 major-  in  the  humanitarian  parole  con-
        come lawful permanent residents.   which was established in 2007,   eficiary  warrants  a  favorable  ex-  ity  opinion  rendered  a  blow  to   text. Florida asserted that it was
        This is an example of the adminis-  and  the  Haitian  Family  Reunifi-  ercise of discretion. Individuals   Texas and Louisiana in holding   entitled to special solicitude for
        tration using its executive author-  cation Parole Program, which was   paroled into the United States   that they had no standing to chal-  the same reasons articulated by
        ity to shape immigration policy in   established in 2014.  under these processes will gen-  lenge the Biden administration   Texas in United States v. Texas –
        the absence of meaningful Con-  The processes begin, accord-  erally be considered for parole   on federal immigration policy on   “a challenge to its sovereignty and
        gressional action to reform the   ing to the DHS announcement,   for up to three years and will be   enforcement priorities. Although   indirect fiscal costs flowing from
        system. Indeed, this initiative can   with the Department of State issu-  eligible to request employment   that case dealt with whether a   the presence of more noncitizens
        serve as a template to allow bene-  ing an invitation to the petitioning   authorization while they wait for   state could challenge the federal   in its state.” Because the Supreme
        ficiaries of approved I-130, I-140,   U.S. citizen or lawful permanent   their immigrant visa to become   government’s ability to exercise   Court rejected an almost identical
        and I-526 petitions to be paroled   resident family member whose   available. When their immigrant   prosecutorial discretion, it can   argument for the application of
        into the US while they wait for a   Form I-130 on behalf of a Colom-  visa becomes available, they may   also potentially deter a state’s   special solicitude in United States
        visa number to become available,   bian, Salvadoran, Guatemalan, or   apply to become a lawful perma-  ability to demonstrate standing   v. Texas, the government argued
        which under the backlogs in the   Honduran  beneficiary  has  been   nent resident.  when it challenges other federal   that Florida is similarly not enti-
        employment and family prefer-  approved.  Beneficiaries  awaiting   The Federal Register No-  immigration policies.  tled to avail of the doctrine.
        ence categories, can take several   an immigrant visa could include   tices for Colombia, El Salvador,   In Texas’ challenge to the   The Supreme Court’s  de-
        years to decades.          certain children and siblings of   Guatemala, and Honduras pro-  Deferred Action for Childhood   cision in United States v. Texas
            Section 212(d)(5) of the   U.S. citizens and certain spouses   vide more information on the   Arrivals (DACA) program, Tex-  could have interesting implica-
                                                                  FRP process and eligibility   as  has  argued that  it is  entitled   tions for challenges to DACA,
                                                                  criteria.               to “special solicitude.” The doc-  as well, and DACA recipients
                                                                      According  to  the  fed-  trine  first  enunciated  in  Massa-  as  intervenors  have  filed  addi-
                                                                  eral register notices, the   chusetts v. EPA allows states to   tional briefing to the US District
                                                                  justification  for  the  new   skirt some of the usual standing   Court for the Southern District
                                                                  FRP initiative is part of a   requirements, like whether the   of Texas in US v. Texas, Case No.
                                                                  broader, multi-pronged, and   court can redress an alleged inju-  1:18-CV-68. In his concurrence
                                                                  regional strategy to address   ry. However, Justice Brett Kava-  in United States v. Texas, Justice
                                                                  the challenges posed by ir-  naugh addressed the doctrine in a   Gorsuch  argued  that  the  harm
                                                                  regular migration through   footnote in United States v. Texas   Texas and the states that joined
                                                                  the Southwest border. Con-  stating that the states’ reliance on   it were concerned with – primar-
                                                                  sideration of noncitizens for   Massachusetts v. EPA to support   ily increased spending to provide
                                                                  parole on a case-by-case ba-  their argument for standing was   healthcare and other services to
                                                                  sis will meaningfully contrib-  misplaced. Massachusetts v. EPA   higher numbers of undocument-
                                                                  ute to the broader strategy   held that the state could challenge   ed immigrants present in the state
                                                                  of the United States gov-  the U.S. Environmental Protec-  – was not redressable. Although
                                                                  ernment (USG) to expand   tion Agency’s failure to regulate   an injunction would prevent the
                                                                  access to lawful pathways   greenhouse gases based on spe-  implementation of the Biden ad-
                                                                  for individuals who may oth-  cial solicitude, although that case   ministration’s enforcement guide-
                                                                  erwise undertake an irregu-  dealt with a “statutorily autho-  lines, Justice Gorsuch argued
                                                                  lar migration journey to the   rized petition for rulemaking, not   that this remedy was unavailable
                                                                  United States. The case-by-  a challenge to an exercise of the   to the states because of 8 U. S.
                                                                  case parole of noncitizens   executive’s enforcement discre-  C. § 1252(f )(1), which provides
                                                                  with approved family-based   tion,” the footnote said. Another   that “no court (other than the
                                                                  immigrant visa petitions un-  footnote in Justice Kavanaugh’s   Supreme Court) shall have juris-
                                                                  der this process will, in gen-  majority opinion said lower courts   diction or authority to enjoin or
                                                                  eral,  provide  a  significant   need to be mindful of constraints   restrain the operation of ” certain
                                                                  public benefit by furthering   on  lawsuits  filed  by  states,  say-  immigration laws, including the
                                                                  the USG’s holistic migration   ing  that  indirect  effects  on  state   provisions that the states want to
                     m of                                         management strategy, spe-  spending from federal policies   see enforced. The district court
                                                                                                                     attempted to avoid offending
                                                                  cifically  by:  (1)  promoting
                                                                                          don’t confer standing. Still, Justice
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          family unity; (2) furthering   Kavanaugh’s opinion in United   this provision by “vacating” the
                                                                  important foreign policy ob-  States v. Texas left open the possi-  Biden administrations guidelines
                                                                                             jectives; (3) providing a law-  bility that “a challenge to an Exec-  instead of issuing an injunction,
             ful and timely alternative to   utive Branch policy that involves   but Judge Gorsuch argued in
                                                                  irregular migration; (4) re-  both the Executive Branch’s ar-  part that a vacatur order nullify-
                            ducing strain on limited U.S.   rest or prosecution priorities and   ing  the  guidelines  does  nothing
                                                   
             ­       resources; and (5) address-  the Executive Branch’s provision   to redress the states’ supposed
              ‚                                                     ing root causes of migration   of  legal  benefits  or  legal  status   injuries because the “federal offi-
                                                                  through economic stability   could lead to a different standing   cials possess the same underlying
                                                                                          analysis”. Note that Justice Kava-
                                                                                                                     prosecutorial discretion”, even
                                                                  and development supported
                                                                  by increased remittances.  naugh said that it “could” lead to   in the absence of the guidelines.
                                                                                          a different standing analysis and
                                                                      It remains to be seen
                                                                                                                     DACA recipients argued that
                                                                  whether states like Texas   not that it would.     this program also represents an
          2              6th Floor
                will attack this program in   Florida has already chal-  exercise of inherent prosecutorial
                                                                  federal court. A similar hu-  lenged the Biden administration’s   discretion, and states’ challenge
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