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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah JULY 21, 2023 | The Indian Eye 33
How it works for Business and Life
Happy people are more successful and attain more success in business.
Happy people are much better at reaching goals and objectives
When you do away with some-
thing, you are making space for some-
thing else. What is emptied must also
be filled. You can indeed use the Law
of Polarity to your own benefits in
How does the Law of Polarity
work in life and relationships?
Masculine Energy
• Masculine energy grows through
• Folks with masculine energy tend
to be stronger, vision-driven prob-
lem-solvers seeking release from
the restraints of being.
• They are competitive and can have
trouble articulating emotions - yet they
want to feel valued in relationships.
Once you believe your goals, objectives and dreams are possible Feminine Energy
HIRAV SHAH for you, take action (Representative photo)
• Those with feminine energy are
more free and open, ready to re-
What is the Law of Polarity? nine and masculine. You can not only How entrepreneurs can utilise ceive and give love.
The Law of Polarity states that, bring up definite energies within your- the Law of Polarity in business? • Feminine energies want to be un-
in our world, there is an opposite for self, but also use the law of polarity to In entrepreneurship, even if you derstood and noticed, and their lov-
ing nature can make them stay for
draw other forces and powers to you
everything; this is needed for balance – like a magnet. don’t have everything you desire, wish, too long in associations.
in our Universe. Could you know contentment want, aspire and dream today, it can
In other words, the principle of Final Thoughts:
polarity is that– everything has got without sadness? Is there love without be right around the corner because You must first correct your un-
agony? Gloom without light?
it literally already exists! Hell, yes.
two “poles”: And, is there sexual attraction Finally, you surely want to know derlying limiting beliefs, to master the
• EVIL AND GOOD, without opposing energies in relation- the most important part of this pro- law of polarity and apply it to each
• HATE AND LOVE, ships? Opposites attract…right and cess? And that is: once you believe and every facet of your life.
• DISCONNECTION and that’s where sexual polarity comes your goals, objectives and dreams It’s a complicated world we live in
• Think of the South and the North into play. are possible for you, take action. Yes, – and the human mind is even super
complicated. But if there is one thing
massive action.
Poles on a globe with its positive What is the importance of the or one principle or one truth that
and negative terminals. Law of Polarity in Business ? How to enhance productivity in comes close to making sense of it all,
Everything in the cosmos has an Business with the help of the
opposite. All things are dual. And • A polarity in business is a circum- it’s the law of polarity. Yes, only the
law of polarity.
stance in which opposing forces
it’s what lets us experience life to the within a system pull at each other to Law of Polarity?
maximum and value the good in the balance out stuff. In businesses or if you are a busi- Exercise:
• In business, decentralisation vs cen- nessman or at work, for you to be able • 1. List down 3 evil and 3 good things
How does the Law of Polarity tralization or growth versus profit to take on good habits, you have to in your life and business
work? maximisation, are very common ex- drop the bad ones. The old one has • 2. List down 3 things you hate most
and 3 things you love most in your
got to go, for something new to come.
amples of polarities.
For every damn activity or gesture • Pondering in terms of polarities is a When you do away with the bad life and business
or deed or action, there is an equal crucial shift, business leaders need to leave room for the good, applying
and opposite response. This sums up to make to steer complexity, and is the Law of Attraction, you are using The writer is a well-known
perfectly the law of polarity. It means a significant element of any leader the Law of Polarity to your own merit Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
that forces come in pairs: positive and strategy for growth and develop- or advantage in business, because the Email: [email protected]
negative, reaction and action, femi- ment. Universe hates a vacuum.