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BUSINESS EYE JULY 21, 2023 | The Indian Eye 32
Make AI in India: Govt & Startups Unite for Healthcare System
OUR BUREAU diatricians. ager, CMC Vellore and Nation- vanced technologies that continue
AI technology has emerged as al Secretary General, CAHO, a to revolutionize the way healthcare
a powerful tool with the potential to leading healthcare industry body, is delivered. These technologies
ith the convergence of enhance efficiency, accuracy, and ac- expressed admiration for the dedi- not only improve various aspects of
start-up culture, AI tech- cessibility in healthcare delivery. The cation and resilience of doctors on healthcare operations and contribute
Wnology, and the govern- need for collaboration between doc- National Doctors Day. She com- to advancements in healthcare but
ment’s vision of “Make AI in India” tors and innovators is crucial in build- mended “Doctors are the key pillars also enable the application of predic-
and “Make AI work for India,” the ing an intrusive healthcare ecosystem who can spearhead the transforma- tive analytics, enhancing efficiency
stage is set for a transformative era that addresses the diverse healthcare tion of healthcare in India. for medical professionals and easing
in digital health and Doctors are at needs of India’s vast population. The collaborative efforts of their responsibilities.
the centre of this, by leveraging their The Make in India program and doctors and innovators will not only In a time when non-communi-
clinical expertise, they are poised to the National Digital Health Mission shape the future of healthcare but cable diseases are rapidly increas-
play a pivotal role in ensuring the (NDHM) initiated by the govern- also address the challenges of ac- ing across the nation, the expertise
successful implementation and gov- ment are playing a crucial role in pro- cessibility, affordability, and quali- and dedication of our doctors are
ernance of new technologies that can moting the adoption of technology ty. By leveraging AI and supporting needed more than ever. The fusion
positively impact patient outcomes. within the healthcare industry. As of ‘Made-in-India’ start-ups, healthcare of doctors’ clinical expertise with
As suggested by data from the 2021, there were 3,548 active startups can become more patient-centric, ef- the power of AI can lead to ground
World Health Organisation (WHO), operating in the healthtech sector, as ficient, and equitable, ensuring that breaking advancements, ultimately
India’s doctor-to-patient ratio has per a report from the industry. Over every individual receives the care benefiting patients and healthcare
plummeted sharply to about 0.7 doc- the past decade, startups have ef- they deserve.” providers alike.”
tors per 1,000 patients in the year fectively utilized technological tools Vikram Thaploo, CEO-Tele- In its mission to revolutionize the
2020, from its record high of 1.2 such as AI, IoT, ML, and big data to health, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise healthcare industry, Dozee - India’s
doctors per 1,000 patients in 1991. address various healthcare challeng- Limited, emphasized the signifi- first AI-based remote patient moni-
The uneven distribution of medical es. Dozee, India’s first AI-based con- cance of technological advancements toring and early warning system has
resources across the rural urban tactless Remote Patient Monitoring in supporting doctors’ life-saving partnered with doctors and health-
population divide is felt all the more (RPM) and Early Warning System endeavors. “Through Apollo Tele- care providers (HCPs) nationwide,
acutely in the field of specialised (EWS) for continuous patient mon- health, we proudly stand alongside delivering comprehensive training
care with the shortage of surgeons, itoring, is a notable example. these remarkable professionals, em- programs on leveraging AI for opti-
physicians, gynaecologists and pae- Dr Lallu Joseph, Quality Man- powering them with innovative, ad- mal patient care delivery.