Page 16 - The Indian EYE 071522
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                   JULY 15, 2022

                                             IDP USA to celebrate

                           ‘AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV’

         at India Day Parade of Long Island on August 7

                         The parade that culminates in an entertainment program will showcase

           India’s heritage and culture and Indian Americans’ achievements. Children’s carnival and

                                    games area will be free. Raffle will have attractive prizes

        OUR BUREAU                        dent, said that the parade this time   mission on Human Rights, in his   and Past President Beena Kothari, in
                                          will originate from Hicksville Com-  address praised India’s intellectual   their brief speeches, gave a call to the
        Mineola, NY
                                          munity Center on Carl Street West,   force and free thinking and said   community to support the parade with
           n celebration of India’s 75th an-  adding that the enthusiasm this time   that nobody could have kept the   tan-man-dhan (body, mind and funds).
           niversary of independence, IDP   is high since this is the 75th landmark   country in shackles. He also prom-  The parade that culminates
        IUSA will hold its 12th annual    year of India’s Independence, and   ised full support and protection for   in an entertainment program will
        India Day Parade in Hicksville, Long   the parade will proudly celebrate In-  the parade on behalf of the Town   showcase India’s heritage and cul-
        Island on August 7, it was announced   dian Government initiative ‘Azadi Ka   and County.             ture and Indian Americans’ achieve-
        at the Curtain Raiser on June 21 held   Amrit Mahotsav’.                The program emceed by Past    ments. Children’s carnival and
        at the prestigious Nassau County Ex-  He  recalled  the  sacrifices  of   President  Mukesh Modi  started   games area will be free. Raffle will
        ecutive and Legislative Building here.  freedom  fighters,  some  known  and   with the recital of the Indian and   have attractive prizes.
            The event was attended by IDP   some not so. How important inde-  American anthems, followed by the   A couple of Indian-Americans
        USA team members, past presidents,   pendence is for a country you can see   ceremonial lamp lighting. The first   running for elected office in the New
        community leaders, officials of Nas-  in Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s   item was an energetic dance item,   York primaries were in attendance.
        sau County as well as the Town of   aggression, he pointed out.     Ganesh Vandana, performed by a    Dinner at the event was served by
        Oyster Bay, and presspersons.         IDP USA Founder Bobby K Ka-   young girl, Angel.                Rajbhog.
            Vimal  Goyal,  IDP  USA  Presi-  lotee, Chair of Nassau County Com-  IDP  Chairperson  Indu Jaiswal      Continued at next page... >>

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