Page 12 - The Indian EYE 071522
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OPINION                                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 12

        dents and the involvement of terror
        outfits  in  carrying  out  each  one  of
        those, two things need to be looked
        at – the nature of the incidents and
        those owing responsibility for them.
        A  look  at  the  timeline  of  the  inci-
        dents is crucial in this respect.
            While not exhaustive, the table
        lists major incidents of targeted kill-
        ings that followed the abrogation of
        Article 370. Majority of victims are
        identified  as  Kashmiri  Pandits,  a
        Sikh, and Hindu migrant labourer.
        A number of Muslim civilians too
        have become targets of these out-
        fits. However, it is notable that most
        of these targeted killings involving
        Muslim victims, Kashmiri or other-
        wise, carry some political motiva-
        tions. For instance, they belonged to   Jammu and Kashmir Police recovered the arms and ammunition from the possession of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists after being apprehend-
        the local BJP cadres, or Sarpanches,                         ed by the villagers, at Tukson Dhok in Reasi on Sunday. (ANI Photo)
        or were working for the government.
        This made them ‘stooges’ of the gov-
        ernment and hence were targeted.   The targeted killings reflect motiva-  indeed experienced a gradual shift.   ternal actors and interests involved.
        Non-Muslim victims like migrant   tions of these outfit to hamper reha-  The 2016 Uri attack and 2019 Pulwa-  The idea also appears to target sec-
        workers  or  school  principals and   bilitation efforts of Pandits. The en   ma attack only further strengthened   tions of the national population who
        bank employees, though, have often   masse withdrawal of Kashmiri Pan-  India’s case before the international   might be possibly influenced by calls
        been singled out for their communal   dits following the murder of Vijay   community.                 for ‘justice’ and ‘freedom’ as opposed
        identity.                         Kumar on June 2 is a case in point.   Post-abrogation of Article 370,   to that of ‘jihad against infidels’.
            While a majority of these at-     Pakistan’s compulsions with the   India successfully ensured that the
        tacks have been claimed by the TRF   Paris-based watchdog, Financial Ac-  internal political rearrangement did   GOING FORWARD
        (along with a handful linked to the   tion Task Force (FATF), is an import-  not attract negative international   Despite the best efforts of mili-
        HM and the LeT), it is noteworthy   ant reason accounting for the drying   attention, despite vocal efforts by   tant outfits and their masters, inter-
        that in each of these attacks, open   up of Pakistani sponsorship to terror   Pakistan and Turkey. This waning in-  national  perceptions  have  reflected
        claims have been made only by the   outfits in terms of funds and weapon-  ternational support has led militant   little change. The popular support
        newer outfits – most prominently the   ry. Given that the consequences of   groups to  seek renewed  legitimacy   within the Valley for a ‘secular’ face of
        TRF. No official statements claiming   Islamist terrorism have adversely af-  and support for their activities, in the   militancy is limited as well. However,
        such attacks have been released by   fected most of the Western world, the   garb of calls for safeguarding human   the use of these new organizations
        the LeT or HM since.              popular acceptability of any struggle   rights and rhetoric of ‘struggle for re-  as  fronts  for  other  Pakistan-backed
            Given the fact that most of these   following an Islamist path has gener-  sistance’ against ‘occupational forces’   Islamist organizations could sustain
        new organizations are termed as   ally decreased over the years. With   as opposed to previous calls for jihad.   militancy in the state. This calls for
        Front Organizations of the previous-  India highlighting Pakistani involve-  The nomenclature, iconography, and   careful monitoring of their tactics,
        ly existing ones, it could partly explain   ment in sponsoring terror and desta-  language appear to aim to portray   modus operandi, reach, and popular
        why  older  militant  organizations   bilizing the country’s internal secu-  the militancy as a strictly indigenous   response  to  their  influence  opera-
        have not made any recent claims.   rity, international perceptions have   movement for ‘freedom’ with no ex-  tions. The operations of these fronts
        Most of these attacks are claimed by                                                                  in the information domain must be
        the  TRF  even  as  no  significant  re-                                                              tackled at par with those in the phys-
        cruitment has been recorded by the                                                                    ical domain. After all, every act in
        organization since its inception (as                                                                  the physical domain emerges from
        depicted in Graph 1). The possibil-                                                                   an idea in the cognitive domain –
        ity that the new ‘secular’ outfits are                                                                through information consumed, or
        but a mere cover for the pre-existing                                                                 on many occasions, force fed.
        Pakistan-sponsored organizations is
        more likely the bitter truth.                                                                             Ms Tejusvi Shukla is Research
                                                                                                                Intern at the Manohar Parrikar Insti-
          WAR IN THE INFORMATION                                                                               tute for Defense Studies and Analyses,
                    DOMAIN                                                                                                New Delhi
            While the appearance and lan-
        guage of communication has been                                                                        Views expressed are of the author and
                                                                                                               do not necessarily reflect the views of
        carefully ‘secularized’, the militancy                                                                 the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        in its essence – in terms of the ability                                                                     Government of India.
        to gather popular support, its choice
        of targeted killings, and the objec-                                                                   This is the abridged version of the In-
        tives driving the selection of targets                                                                 troduction of the book which appeared
        for attacks, has remained communal.                                                                     first in the Comment section of the
        In terms of local recruitments, the                                                                   website ( of Manohar Par-
        previously  existing  Islamist  outfits   Pilgrims on their way to the Amarnath Shrine on Wednesday. (ANI Photo)  rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
        continue to attract more recruits.                                                                     Analyses, New Delhi on July 5, 2022

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