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OP-ED                                                                     JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 14

        Cops vs cops, Twitter vs Govt and Unity

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              he confrontation between Ch-
              hattisgarh and UP police is just
        Tas dangerous and ridiculous as
        all such face-offs. Some  are arguing
        that  unlike  the  Punjab  police’s  at-
        tempted arrest of BJP leader Tajinder
        Bagga that was foiled by Haryana and
        Delhi police, the Chhattisgarh police
        had a magistrate’s  warrant to arrest
        a TV journalist – the offence in ques-
        tion being the airing of a ‘misleading’
        video of Rahul Gandhi. But just as in
        Bagga’s case, the visiting police team
        hadn’t informed counterparts in the
        destination state. Not surprisingly, and
        in a repeat of past actions by BJP state
        governments, another Congress-ruled
        state, Rajasthan, has also booked the
            The real trouble is of course ex-
        treme politicization of policing. Mul-
        tiple FIRs are lodged in states over
        causes dear to the party that runs the
        government and accused persons get
        “lucky” only if they happen to live in   Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga speaks to the media at his residence, Janakpuri, in New Delhi on Saturday.
        a state governed by a rival party. The    Tajinder Bagga reached his residence after being produced before Duty Metropolitan Magistrate in Gurugram. (ANI Photo)
        TV journalist had a BJP-governed
        state police’s backing, but Jignesh
        Mewani in Gujarat didn’t have that        The Twitter War           High Court, MEITY only provided   played a major role in deepening the
                                                                            the order to him and his lawyers. An-
                                                                                                              popular negativity against diversity.
        when the Assam police came calling.    he most recent disclosures in   other instance is when Sushant Singh,  Homogeneity is native to religiosity.
        Neither did pharmacy student Nikh-     the last week of June revealed   an actor, author and presenter, was  Consequently, every religious com-
        il Bhamre or Marathi actor Ketaki   Tthat Twitter withheld a number  blocked without any order being  munity is inherently intolerant of
        Citale when the Maharashtra police,   of accounts and tweets in India. Many   served on him. He had to approach   dissent. When religion and politics
        then “loyal” to MVA, jailed them for
        “anti-Sharad Pawar” tweets.       of these belonged to politicians, jour- the Bombay High Court for redress.  become a potent mix, the popular
                                          nalists, activists and even a global think  In  all  these  instances  —  there  may  attitude to ‘unity in diversity’ gets
            That police forces should get so
        brazenly busy doing the petty bid-  tank such as Freedom House. We have   be many more — a blocking order is   stigmatized. This sullies secularism
        ding of their political masters and   witnessed similar situations in Febru- not only confidential but also made   too. Today, secularism has been dis-
                                                                            in secret.
                                          ary and April 2021,  when takedown
        that this should lead to regular con-  orders were reportedly issued for                                 The pity of it is that this threat
        frontations may be considered par   content about the  farmers’ protests   -- Apar Gupta, The Indian Express   to a secular democracy is not being
        for the course by our politicians but   and criticism of the Union govern-                            addressed with intellectual rigor. The
        at least the Supreme Court should   ment’s response to the second wave of   The Unity Issue           ‘why’ and ‘wherefore’ of the change
        not remain indifferent. The Criminal   Covid-19, respectively. From a citizens’   he jading of ‘unity in diversity’  being engineered are not articulated.
        Procedure Code isn’t specific enough   rights perspective, however, the need   must be read together with the  Consider an aspect of this issue. The
        on inter-state arrests and SC must is-  to rely on a voluntary mechanism is a  Tactivation of the masses. Unity  hallmark of the homogeneity-orient-
        sue binding guidelines. Except when
        nabbing terrorists, out-of-state police   cause for concern. It is also unsustain- is  deceptive  in  relation  to  the  mass.  ed rhetoric is intensity. It is this that
                                          able as it may eventually come under  Individuals  who  comprise  it  are  di- lends irresistible rhetorical vehe-
        teams must possess arrest warrants   threat.                        verse. But they cease to be so in being  mence to the speeches of the prime
        from the jurisdictional magistrate,   Another  persisting  infirmity  has   constituted into a mass. A significant  minister.  It  would  be  interesting to
        inform the local police, and secure   been the failure to provide a prior  feature of our times is that public sen- reckon how Narendra Modi would
        transit remand from the local magis-  show-cause notice and opportunity  timents too are being mass-ified. As   sound if he were to advocate ‘unity
        trate. SC should also note that multi-  to the actual users whose web con- a result, nonconformity to dominant  in diversity’ in the prevailing climate.
        ple FIRs for the same cause of action   tent is blocked. Take the case of Ta- views and versions is deemed offen-
        continue despite the court terming                                                                      -- Valson Thampu, The Telegraph
                                                                            sive. This makes it easy to criminalize
        it an “abuse of process”. That SC   nul Thakur,  a journalist  who in  his   dissent. Almost everyone feels uneasy   (India)
                                          free time made a satire website to
        seemed to veer from its own path in
        the Nupur Sharma hearings doesn’t   parody the social evil of dowry. His   about  dissenters.  Dissenters  them-  Every week, we look at what the top
                                                                            selves do. This tells us a lot about the
                                          website was blocked without any no-
        change the argument.                                                                                  commentators in the Indian media are
                                          tice  provided  to  him  and  the  block- demoralization besetting the Opposi-  talking about and bring to you a slice
                   -- Editorial,          ing order itself was never provided.  tion parties today.           of their opinions and comments
                The Times of India        Even after approaching the Delhi      The invocation of religion has

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