Page 18 - The Indian EYE 071522
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 18

             American Hindu Coalition and US India Security

                     Council express solidarity with Ukrainians

            Ramesh Kapur says Indian Americans cannot support invasion of one country by the

                     other and they can play an important role in bringing peace in the region

        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC
        A             of  eminent  Indi-
              an-Americans on Wednesday
              came together to express their
        solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
        Organized by American Hindu Co-
        alition along with US India Security
        Council at the US Capitol, the event
        “Indian Americans Against Geno-
        cide in Ukraine” called for an ur-
        gent end to the human sufferings in
        Ukraine by Russia, which has waged
        a war against the country.
            Observing that Indo-US rela-
        tionship transcends political parties
        and elected leaders, Indian American
        Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi
        said the heart of this relationship is
        an embrace of human rights and em-
        brace of secular democracy and free-
            This  is  a  fight  between  certain
        countries who believe in authoritar-
        ian dictatorships and those coun-  want to leave the impression that In-  the United States and India join   to come out in support of the people
        tries that believe in an international   dian-Americans condone the geno-  hands together against genocide in   of Ukraine. “We must be outrage in
        rules-based order, he said. “That’s   cide in Ukraine. Indian Americans,   Ukraine, he asserted.      Ukraine and must be equally outrage
        what the fight is about,” he asserted.   he said, cannot support invasion   Kumar Barve, former majority   on the genocide happening in Ban-
        Krishnamoorthi said the long-term   of one country by the other. Indi-  leader of Maryland, said its safe to   gladesh and Kashmir,” he said.
        strategic threat to the United States   an-Americans can play an important   say that 100 per cent of Indian-Amer-  Prof Narendra Rastogi from the
        and India is the Chinese Communist   role in bringing peace in the region,   icans are opposed to the Russian in-  Harvard University alleged a geno-
        Party.                            he added.                         vasion of Ukraine.                cide is happening in Ukraine and
            “So, if we are going to counter
                                                                                Dr Mohan Sapru representing
                                              The US is looking for business
        that long term strategic threat, then   partnership with India, while India   the Global Kashmiri Diaspora, said   called for a political solution to the
                                                                                                              war. Nissim Reuben, from the Amer-
        we have to come to the aid of those   is looking for a security partnership   the world should learn lesson from   ican Jewish Committee, said there is
        who would fight against authoritari-  with the US. “That’s the challenge,”   the genocide in Kashmir and that   tremendous opportunity for India,
        an dictators. Who would fight against   Kapur said. It’s very important that   the international community needs   US and Israel to work together.
        invasion,  who  would  fight  against
        naked aggression, brutal oppres-
        sion,  which  is  what  we’re  seeing  in
        Ukraine? So how can we stop that?”   Ro Khanna Pushes for CAATSA Waiver to India
        Krishnamoorthi asked.
            “The event is to show our sup-
        port for the people of Ukraine. This       ongressman Ro Khanna has pushed for a      sia and China’s close partnership.”
                                                   waiver for India with regards to the Counter-
                                                                                                 Khanna introduced an amendment to ensure that
        is not against any country, but to show   Cing  America’s  Adversaries  through  Sanctions   the US “take additional steps to encourage India to
        our support …. What’s going on in    Act (CAATSA), despite Delhi’s reliance on Moscow   accelerate India’s transition of Russian-built weapons
        Ukraine is very unfortunate,” said   for military imports. A leader from the Democratic   and defense systems while strongly supporting India’s
        Alok Shrivastava, executive director   Party representing California, Khanna said, “While   immediate defense needs.”
        of the American Hindu Coalition.     India faces immediate needs to maintain its heavily   This is not the first time that an American law-
            Indian Americans are disap-
        pointed by certain countries’ stand of   Russian-built weapons systems, a waiver to sanctions   maker has made such a request to President Biden.
                                                                                                 In October last year, two members of the US
                                             under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through
        not supporting the Ukrainian people   Sanctions Act during this transition period is in the   Senate requested President Joe Biden to not sanction
        and their democratically elected gov-  best interests of the United States and the US-India   India under CAATSA for purchasing military equip-
        ernment, he said.                    defense partnership to deter aggressors in light of Rus-  ment from Russia.
            Ramesh Kapur from US India
        Security Council said he does not

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