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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 08, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 20

        Indian American Business Council & Art of Living Hosts

                    Mega Peace Festival with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.  Later, Sri Sri
                                                                                                              Ravi Shankar led the participants in
        Chicago, IL
                                                                                                              a  half-hour guided  meditation  and
               lobal Humanitarian spiritual                                                                   spoke about what he has experienced
               leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar                                                                    while on this worldwide tour and
        Gled the convergence of large                                                                         how it can help Chicagoans achieve
        gathering ‘I Stand for Peace’ – a Peace                                                               meaningful peace and amity. “Medi-
        Festival in Chicago that attracted a                                                                  tation makes you emotionally strong,
        large  attendance  including  ranking                                                                 mentally sharp intuitively more alert,
        United  States  Congressmen,  Local,                                                                  and mindful in your work, whatever
        County and State elected officials and                                                                you  are  doing.  It  has  incredible  list
        a great host of business and communi-                                                                 of benefits, including physical health
        ty leaders on June 26, 202 at the Uni-                                                                benefits.  It  can  help  with  hyperten-
        versity of Illinois Forum Auditorium.                                                                 sion, depression, digestive issues  and
             The Peace Festival “I Stand for                                                                  many others it can help with,” Sri Sri
        Peace”   elicited inspiring  remarks                                                                  added.  He further said, “When you
        from the ranking elected officials in                                                                 share your misery, it will not dimin-
        the backdrop of growing unrest, vio-                                                                  ish. When you fail to share your joy, it
        lence, crime in Chicago and all across                                                                diminishes. Share your problems only
        the globe and the compelling imper-  Keerthi Ravoori, Dr. Sreenivas Reddy, Chair of Illinois Medical Board, Global Humanitarian   with the Divine, not with anyone else,
        ative to usher peace, harmony, love   spiritual leader Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Ajeet Singh, President, Indian American Busi-  but share your joy with everyone.
        and brotherhood. The Peace Meet                                                                            Indian Americans Physicians
        attracted the attendance of Ranking           ness Council President and Vinesh Virani of the Art of Living  held another exclusive event on June
        Congressman Danny Davis 9D, IL-                                                                       27, 2022 at the Double Tree Hotel in
        7th Dist.), Ranking Congressman                                                                       Oakbrook where Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
        Raja Krishnamoorthi (D, IL-8th Dis-                                                                   addressed the Physicians and held
        trict), Cook County Board President                                                                   a half-hour meditation. The event
        Toni Preckwinkle Representative Jim                                                                   brought a host of Indian American
        Durkin (R, 82nd District), Adarsh                                                                     physicians converged to engage in a
        Shastri,  Grandson of former PM of                                                                    solemn interactive session with Sri
        India Sri.Lal Bahadur Shastri, Hoff-                                                                  Sri Ravi Shankar.  Several prominent
        man Estates Police Chief Kasia Caw-                                                                   physicians spoke in admiration of Sri
        ley and a host of State Senators, State                                                               Sri Ravi Shankar’s exemplary con-
        Representatives, Suburban Mayors                                                                      tribution in advancing peace amidst
        and other prominent faith leaders.                                                                    the growing turmoil in contemporary
              Amidst  the  series  of  remarks,                                                               human life. At the event, Sri Sri Ravi
        State Representative Jim Durkin                                                                       Shankar honored Dr. Bharat Barai,
        (R,82nd District) said that he would                                                                  Chair of Indiana Medical Board, Dr.
        table a resolution on the floor of the                                                                Sreenivas Reddy, Chair of Illinois
        Illinois General Assembly to declare                                                                  Medical Board, Dr. Suresh Reddy,
        June 26th as the World Peace Day   Global Humanitarian spiritual leader Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with Congressman Danny   Trustee of Oakbrook Village, Ravi
        and celebrate its observance in the   Davis 9D, IL-7th Dist.), Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D, IL-8th District), Cook County   Kolli, AAPI President, Dr. Vishnu
        State of Illinois every year - which                                                                  Chandy and Adarsh Shastri.
        elicited sustained applause. Mayor             Board President Toni Preckwinkle and community leaders     In conclusion, IABC President
        Lori Lightfoot also sent a proclama-                                                                  Ajeet Singh thanked the host com-
        tion to the event, which was read by  said Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has come  Ajeet Singh profusely thanked Sri Sri  mittee for their unstinted hard work
        Alderman David Moore in which she  to Chicago at this critical juncture  Ravi Shankar for paying a visit and  and dedication in making the peace
        declared June 26 each year to be “I  in  time  to  reflect  and  address  ways  described his visit as historic.  festival a grand success. He publicly
        Stand for Peace” Day.             we can advance peace, harmony and     Taking the stage amidst the  thanked and expressed highest ap-
              Dr.  Sreenivas  Reddy,  Chair  love in the city, nation and indeed  deeply permeated silence Sri Sri Ravi  preciation to Dr. Anuja Gupta, Dr.
        of the event & Chair of the Illinois  across the globe teeming in unrest.  Shankar addressed “In this polarized  Suresh Reddy, Keerthi Ravoori, Nag
        Medical Board welcomed the large       Ajeet Singh, President, Indian  society,  we  need  more  people  who  Jaiswal, Mrs. Santosh Kumar, Rita
        gathering and emphasized on the sig-  American  Business  Council  Presi-  can bring peace, who can bridge the  Singh, Anu Malhotra, Harish Kola-
        nificance  of  meditation  as  a  proven  dent - in a statement - said this Peace  gap from conflict to proper commu-  sani, Johnny Patel, Mitesh Kamdar,
        effective tool by which we can purify  Meet fostered a robust interaction to  nication and celebration; and out-  Sanjay Shah, Subu Iyer, Sunil Shah,
        and quieten our minds, thus rejuve-  advance peace, harmony, happiness,  lined advancing peace and goodwill  Vibha  Rajpput,  Vijay  Muralida-
        nating the body.” Dr. Reddy said, as  amity and goodwill and added “I  through the World Culture Festival  ran,Ajai Agnihotri,  Anil Oraskar,
        a Physician, I can attest to this med-  Stand for Peace” campaign endeav-  next year and bring people together  Dr.Vijay Prabhakar, Vinita Gula-
        ical reality as to the compelling cor-  ors to strengthen and channel indi-  of all backgrounds and all ideolo-  bani, Alli Dhanraj, Nick Verma &
        relation between peaceful mind and  viduals’ commitment to peace holis-  gies.  We  want  to  give  the  message,  Satish Dadepogu
        healthy body. Dr. Sreenivas Reddy  tically during these turbulent times.  ‘Wake up, We are one family,’” said   -- Asian Media USA

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