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NATION                                                                   JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                                   STAMPEDE IN UP

                      Supreme Court agrees to hear

             plea seeking probe into the incident

                            as cops held for negligence

          More than 100 people, including women and children, were killed after a stampede broke out at a ‘satsang’
            organised by a self-styled godman, Bhole Baba aka Narayan Saakar Hari, in Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                Additionally, copies of news ar-
                                                                                                              ticles related to the incident, on-site
        Hathras (UP)/New Delhi
                                                                                                              videography, photographs, and vid-
              he  Supreme  Court  on  Tues-                                                                   eo clippings were reviewed. The key
              day agreed to hear a plea                                                                       findings of the investigation commit-
        Tseeking direction to appoint                                                                         tee’s report are as follows:
        a  five-member  expert  committee                                                                         In the preliminary investigation,
        under the supervision of a retired                                                                    the SIT held the event organizers
        Supreme  Court judge  to enquire                                                                      primarily responsible for the acci-
        into the Hathras stampede incident                                                                    dent based on eyewitness accounts
        where more than 100 people were                                                                       and other evidence.
        killed on July 2.                                                                                         Based on the investigation and
            A bench of Chief Justice of In-                                                                   actions taken so far, the investigation
        dia  DY  Chandrachud  and  Justices                                                                   committee has not ruled out the pos-
        JB Pardiwala and Manoj Misra said                                                                     sibility of a major conspiracy behind
        the matter will be listed. “I have giv-                                                               the accident and has emphasized the
        en my listing orders already. It will                                                                 need for a thorough investigation.
        be listed,” told the CJI to the lawyer                                                                    The organizers obtained permis-
        Vishal Tiwari who mentioned the                                                                       sion for the event by concealing facts.
        matter for early hearing.                                                                             The conditions applicable for the
            The plea sought direction from   Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi meets the victims’ family members of the   permission were not followed. They
        the committee to suggest and frame                                                                    did not make adequate and smooth
        guidelines and safety measures to                 tragic Hathras stampede incident in Hathras (ANI)   arrangements despite inviting an un-
        avoid such incidents in a large num-                                                                  expected crowd, nor did they comply
        ber of public gatherings.         while permission was only granted to   held responsible for negligence in   with the conditions set by the local
            The petition further sought di-  have around 80,000 attendees.  performing their duties.          administration for the program.
        rection to the State of Uttar Pradesh   In his plea, the advocate cited   The  SIT  probing  the  stampede   People associated with the orga-
        to submit a status report before the   several such stampede-like events   mishap recorded 119 statements   nizing committee have been found
        apex court in the Hathras stampede   that have occurred in the past includ-  and submitted a report on Tuesday   guilty of spreading chaos. The SIT
        incident  and  initiate  legal  action   ing the Kumbh Mela stampede in   stating that the committee that orga-  concluded that the organizing com-
        against the persons, authorities and   1954 where around 800 persons were   nized the ‘Satsang’ was responsible   mittee misbehaved with the police
        officials for their negligent conduct.  reported dead, the Mecca Masjid   for inviting more people than per-  and attempted to prevent the local
            It asked the top court to direct   stampede of 2007 where 16 were re-  mitted.                    police from inspecting the program
        all the State governments to issue   ported dead, the Mata Vaishno Devi   The program was not taken seri-  venue.
        directions and guidelines to prevent   shrine deaths in 2022, the deaths   ously by the said officials, and senior   The Satsang performers and the
        stampedes or other incidents for the   during Dussehra celebrations at the   officials were not even informed, fol-  crowd were allowed to mingle with-
        safety of the public in organising   Gandhi Maidan in Patna in 2014 and   lowing which the SIT recommended   out any  security  arrangements.  De-
        any religious events or other events   the death of around 104 Sabarimala   action against the concerned officials.  spite the large crowd, no barricading
        where a large number of public    devotees at Pulmedu in Idukki.        As per the report, the Sub-dis-  or passage arrangements were made,
        gatherings. More than 100 people,     Meanwhile, the Special Inves-  trict Magistrate of Sikandrarao   and  when  the  accident  occurred,
        including women and children, were   tigation Team (SIT) probing the   granted permission for the event   members of the organizing commit-
        killed after a stampede broke out at   stampede in Hathras recommended   without inspecting the venue and did   tee fled from the scene.
        a ‘satsang’ organised by a self-styled   action  against  six  officials  for  neg-  not inform senior officials.  Devprakash Madhukar, the
        godman,  Bhole  Baba  aka  Narayan   ligence in performing  their duties,   During the investigation, state-  main accused in the Hathras stam-
        Saakar Hari, in Uttar Pradesh’s Ha-  following which they have been sus-  ments were collected from a total of   pede incident, was sent to 14 days of
        thras.                            pended from their services. The lo-  125 individuals, including adminis-  judicial custody after being produced
            As per reports, the event drew   cal SDM, CO, Tehsildar, Inspector,  trative  and  police  officials,  the  gen-  before the Chief Judicial Magistrate
        in a crowd of over two lakh devotees,   and Chowki in charge have been   eral public, and eyewitnesses.  Court last week.

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