Page 6 - The Indian EYE 071224
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NATION                                                                   JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                               JAMMU & KASHMIR

                       More places hit in terror attack

        after Five Army soldiers killed in a major

                                               attack in Kathua

         A terrorist ambush on a routine patrol vehicle in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district resulted
                    in the tragic loss of five Army personnel, including a junior commissioned officer

        OUR BUREAU
        Srinagar (J&K)
              n encounter broke out between security
              forces and terrorists in Jammu and Kash-
        Amir’s Doda on Tuesday, a day after an attack
        in Kathua in which five soldiers were killed. This
        comes a day after dive Army soldiers were killed
        in  an  ambush  by  terrorists in Kathua  district  of
        Jammu and Kashmir on July 8. Billawar Additional
        Deputy Commissioner, Vinay Khosla told report-
        ers that eight injured soldiers were brought to the
        Billawar Hospital.
            “An unfortunate incident took place yesterday
        in which 5 soldiers died. Strict action will be taken
        against the terrorists responsible for this. 8 injured
        soldiers were brought to Billawar Hospital. Out of
        which, the Army shifted six jawans to Pathankot
        Hospital after being provided with the best possi-
        ble treatment here”.
            Meanwhile, the National Investigation Agen-
        cy (NIA) on Tuesday visited the Kathua terror am-            An encounter between terrorists and Security personnel in Doda on Tuesday (ANI)
        bush site in Jammu and Kashmir where five Army
        personnel,  including  a  junior  commissioned  offi-  tional border, which the attackers appear to have   rying pilgrims to the Mata Vaishno Devi shrine on
        cer, lost their lives on Monday. NIA’s Jammu and   reactivated. The area is primarily monitored by the   June 9, which left nine people dead and 33 injured.
        Kashmir-based unit reached the spot to assist the   BSF and falls under the jurisdiction of the 9 Corps   The NIA has been investigating these incidents
        police in the investigation of the tragic terror case.  of the Army, under the Western Command.  and has identified several suspects.
            A terrorist ambush on a routine patrol vehicle   The army personnel who lost their lives in the   The region has seen a surge in terrorist activity
        in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district resulted   attack belonged to Uttarakhand. They are Rifle-  in recent months, with several attacks on security
        in the tragic loss of five Army personnel, including   man Anuj Negi from Pauri, Nayab Subedar Anand   forces and civilians.
        a  junior  commissioned  officer,  on  Monday.  Five   Singh Rawat from Rudraprayag, Naik Vinod Singh   Amid the recent increase in terror attacks
        other soldiers were injured in the attack, which oc-  from Tehri, Kamal Singh from Pauri and Adarsh   in the Jammu division, Congress on Tuesday ex-
        curred near Badnota village in Kathua.        Negi from Tehri.                             pressed  its concern and asserted that whatever
            The attack occurred on the Machedi-Kindli-   The attack took place when a group of heav-  steps the government takes for the safety of the
        Malhar road in a remote area, approximately 150   ily armed terrorists ambushed the patrolling par-  country, the party is ready to extend its support.
        km from Kathua town, at around 3.30 pm on Mon-  ty of the Army in the Badnota area in Kathua. A   Addressing a press conference, Congress MP
        day. Elite para commandos have been deployed   massive search operation is underway to nab the   Deependar Singh Hooda said that the most con-
        on the ground, engaging in intermittent exchang-  terrorists behind the ambush in which five people   cerning thing is that the Kathua attack is the fifth
        es of fire as the operation continues. Notably, this   were also injured.                  attack in a month.
        incident coincided with the 8th death anniversary   The  incident  has  sparked  widespread  con-  “This cowardly attack on our Army personnel
        of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani,   demnation and outrage, with many calling for in-  is extremely condemnable. The thing of concern
        adding a sombre context to the situation.     creased security measures to prevent such attacks.   is that it is the 5th attack in a month. Recently, an
            The attack is believed to be the latest in a se-  The Army has launched a search operation in the   encounter took place in Kulgam where 6 terrorists
        ries of terrorist incidents in the region, which have   area to track down the terrorists responsible for   were killed and 2 soldiers were martyred. On June
        been attributed to attempts by Pakistan to disrupt   the attack.                           26, there was an encounter in Doda, and on June
        the peaceful atmosphere in Jammu and Kashmir.    This  incident  comes  on  the  heels  of  several   9, the day of the Prime Minister’s swearing-in cer-
            The region where the ambush took place is   other terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, in-  emony, a bus heading towards Vaishno Devi was
        part of the old infiltration route along the interna-  cluding a recent attack in Reasi area on a bus car-  attacked,” Hooda said.

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