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BIG STORY                                                                JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                         INDIA-RUSSIA TIES



               As Prime Minister Modi and President Putin promise to enhance the mutual

             friendship and increase the bilateral trade to $ 100 billion, the US government
                      seems worried – and alarmed – about the developments in Moscow

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                The Prime Minister said that the
                                                                                                              India-Russia relationship is built on a
        Moscow/New Delhi/Washington, DC
                                                                                                              strong foundation of mutual trust and
               ailing strong ties between                                                                     respect.
               India and Russia, Prime                                                                            “On hearing the word Russia, the
        HMinister Narendra Modi                                                                               first  word  that  comes  to  every  Indi-
        on Tuesday said that the time-tested                                                                  an’s mind is ‘Bharat ka such dukh ka
        friendship between the two coun-                                                                      saathi’ (India’s partner in happiness
        tries has been marked with warmth                                                                     and sorrow), India’s trusted friend.
        and the word that comes to mind on                                                                    Our Russian friends call it ‘druzba’
        hearing the word Russia is “Bharat ke                                                                 and we call it ‘dosti’,” he said.
        sukh-dukh ka saathi” (India’s partner                                                                     “’Russia me sardi ke mausam me
        in happiness and sorrow).                                                                             temperature kitna hi minus me chala
            PM Modi, who interacted with                                                                      jaye, Bharat-Russia ki dosti hamesha
        the Indian community in Russia at an                                                                  plus me rahi hai, garmjoshi bhari rahi
        event held in Moscow, also recalled                                                                   hai.’ (No matter how much the tem-
        the ‘sar pe lal topi Russi, phir bhi dil                                                              perature goes down to minus during
        hai Hindustani’ line of a famous Bol-                                                                 the winter season in Russia, In-
        lywood number from the movie Shree                                                                    dia-Russia friendship has always been
        420, which was released in mid-fifties.                                                               in plus, it has always been warm.)
        “The song was once sung in every                                                                      This relationship is built on the strong
        household here...this song may have                                                                   foundation of mutual trust and mutu-
        become old, but the sentiments are                                                                    al respect,” he added.
        evergreen,” he said.                                                                                      PM Modi praised hard work and
            In his address to the communi-                                                                    honesty of the Indian community,
        ty, the Prime Minister thanked  the                                                                   emphasising  how  their  contributions
        Indian diaspora for the warm wel-                                                                     have enriched Russian society.
        come  and  lauded  its contribution  in                                                                   “I am happy that India and Rus-
        enhancing the India-Russia relation-                                                                  sia are working shoulder-to-shoulder
        ship. While greeting them on behalf                                                                   to give new energy to global prosper-
        of 140 crore Indians, he noted that his                                                               ity. All of you present here are giving
        interaction with the community was                                                                    new heights to the relations between
        special, as it was his first address to                                                               India and Russia. You have contribut-
        the Indian diaspora in his third term.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi receiving the Order of St Andrew the Apostle the First-Called,   ed to Russian society with your hard
            Prime Minister spoke about the                                                                    work and honesty. I have admired the
        transformation that has happened in   Russia’s highest civilian honour from the Russian President Vladimir Putin, at St Catherine’s   unique relationship between India
        India in the last ten years.                           Hall, in Moscow on Tuesday (ANI)               and Russia for decades,” he said.
            He said it is the objective of the                                                                    Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra
        government to become the third-larg-  resonance. The Prime Minister en-  He mentioned that a decision has   Modi and Russian President Vladi-
        est economy in the world. The Prime   couraged the Indian community to   been taken to open two new Indian   mir Putin met in Moscow on Tuesday
        Minister further noted that India’s   continue playing a proactive role in   Consulates in Kazan and Ekaterin-  and outlined their goals to eliminate
        call for peace, dialogue and diploma-  forging a stronger and deeper part-  burg and this would give further boost   non-tariff trade barriers and achieve
        cy  to  resolve  global  issues  had  high   nership with Russia.   to people-to-people ties.                Continued on next page... >>

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