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BIG STORY                                                                JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    5

        a mutual trade volume of over USD
        100 billion by 2030. The two leaders
        also decided to continue dialogue on
        the liberalization of bilateral trade, in-
        cluding the possibility of establishing
        the EAEU-India Free Trade Area,
        according to the Leaders’ Joint State-
        ment released following the meeting.
            “Aspiration for elimination of
        non-tariff trade barriers related to
        bilateral trade between India and
        Russia.  Continuation  of  dialogue  in
        the  field  of  liberalization  of  bilater-
        al trade, including the possibility of
        the establishment of the EAEU-In-
        dia Free Trade Area. Achievement
        of a mutual trade volume more than
        100 bln USD by 2030 (as mutually
        agreed), including increased supplies    Prime Minister Narendra Modi holds a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Moscow on Tuesday (ANI)
        of goods from India to achieve bal-
        anced bilateral trade. Reinvigoration   ing lucrative jobs abroad but allegedly   some announcements related to energy   international efforts for a peaceful
        of investment activities of the Parties,   sending them to the Russia-Ukraine   and oil, Miller replied that US has con-  resolution in the war-torn country, le-
        i.e. within the framework of the spe-  war zone.                    veyed its concerns to the Indian gov-  veraging its longstanding relationship
        cial investment regimes,” the state-  The  CBI  stated that these  traf-  ernment, and revealed that diplomatic   with Moscow to encourage President
        ment read.                        fickers  have  been  operating  as  an   conversations on this issue have taken   Putin to end the war. Further speak-
            They also decided to work on de-  organised  network  and  were  luring   place as recently as the past 24 hours.  ing about the war, she emphasized
        veloping a bilateral settlement system   Indian nationals through social me-  “We have had conversations with   that it is crucial for all allies, includ-
        using national currencies and the con-  dia channels like YouTube, etc., and   them in the past 24 hours,” said Miller   ing India, to support efforts towards a
        sistent introduction of digital financial   also through their local contacts and   while addressing the media. Further,   peaceful resolution in Ukraine.
        instruments for mutual settlements.  agents for highly paid jobs in Russia.   in the media briefing, on being asked   Further, the White House Sec-
            The two countries will focus on   PM Modi’s visit has caused some   about PM Modi’s recent Russia visit   retary also reiterated that India is a
        increasing cargo turnover with India   concern in the US.           and the US stance on this, Miller re-  strategic partner with whom the US
        through  the  launch  of  new  routes   US Department of State Spokes-  plied that they continue to urge India   engages in frank dialogue, including
        for the North-South International   person Matthew Miller reiterated the   to support efforts for a peaceful reso-  their relationship with Russia. “India
        Transport Corridor, the Northern Sea   US government’s stance on India’s   lution in Ukraine, in accordance with   is a strategic partner with whom we
        Route, and the Chennai-Vladivostok   relationship with Russia and said that   the principles of the UN Charter.  engage in full and frank dialogue, in-
        Sea Line. They will also optimize cus-  they have been quite clear about their   “We urge India, we continue to   cluding their relationship with Russia
        toms procedures through the applica-  concerns  and  have  expressed  those   urge India to support efforts to realize   and we’ve talked about this before. So,
        tion of intelligent digital systems for   privately and will continue to do so.   the importance of peace. and endur-  we think it’s critical that all countries,
        barrier-free movement of goods.   “We have been quite clear about our   ing and just peace in Ukraine based   including India, support efforts to re-
            Also, Prime Minister Narendra   concerns about India’s relationship   on the principles of the UN Charter,   alize an enduring and just peace when
        Modi, during his meeting with Rus-  with Russia. We have expressed those   based on upholding Ukraine’s territo-  it comes to Ukraine. It is important
        sian President Vladimir Putin, took   privately, directly to the Indian Gov-  rial integrity and its sovereignty, and   for all our allies to realise this.”
        a strong stance on the issue of In-  ernment, and continue to do so, and   that will continue to be what we will   Jean-Pierre stressed that Pres-
        dian  nationals  being  recruited  into   that hasn’t changed,” Matthew Mill-  engage with,” said Miller in a daily   ident  Putin alone  can  end  the  war,
        the Russian army and the Russian   er  said  in  a  daily  media  briefing  on   media briefing.      which he started. “The US believes
        government has assured an “early   Wednesday.                           After Modi met Putin, the White   India’s relationship with Russia posi-
        discharge” of these Indians from the   In response to a question regard-  House Press Secretary Karine Jean-  tions it to encourage President Putin
        army service, Foreign Secretary Vinay   ing PM Modi’s visit to Moscow and   Pierre urged New Delhi to support   to take this step,” she added.
        Mohan Kwatra said on Tuesday.                                                                             “We   also   believe  India’s
            Addressing a special briefing on                                                                  long-standing relationship with Rus-
        Tuesday, Kwatra said, “The Prime                                                                      sia gives it the ability to urge Presi-
        Minister strongly raised the issue of                                                                 dent Putin, to end his brutal war, an
        early discharge of Indian nationals                                                                   unprovoked war in Ukraine. It is for
        who have been misled into the service                                                                 President Putin to end. President Pu-
        of the Russian army. This was taken                                                                   tin started the war, and he can end the
        strongly by the Prime Minister, and                                                                   war” Jean-Pierre added
        the Russian side promised early dis-                                                                      The White House remarks came
        charge of all Indian nationals from                                                                   after PM Modi met Putin at his No-
        the service of the Russian army.”                                                                     vo-Ogaryovo residence in an informal
            Notably, several Indians were al-                                                                 meeting on  Monday where the two
        legedly duped into fighting in Russia’s                                                               leaders covered prospects for further
        war with Ukraine on the pretext of lu-                                                                development of relations between
        crative jobs. In April, Central Bureau                                                                Moscow and New Delhi.
        of Investigation (CBI), had busted a                                                                      As PM Modi and President Putin
        major human trafficking network run-                                                                  commit to enhancing India-Russia re-
        ning across the country targeting Indi-  PM Modi meets with Indian diaspora at The Carlton Hotel, in Moscow on Monday (ANI)  lations, the US seems seriously wor-
        an nationals on the promise of offer-                                                                 ried and concern.

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