Page 12 - The Indian EYE 071224
P. 12

OPINION                                                                  JULY 12, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 12

        ongoing anti-terror action, especially
        in FATA. In both cases, the trigger
        points for state action were clear. In
        the case of Operation Azm-i-Isteh-
        kam, the timing of the announcement
        and the nature of the campaign need
        deeper analysis. Four problematic ar-
        eas can be highlighted in this context.
            A Chinese trigger - Notwith-
        standing  the  overall  deteriorating
        security situation in Pakistan, the
        Shehbaz Sharif government had no
        urgent reason or trigger point to
        launch Operation Azm-i-Istehkam.
        Yet, one pressure point is visible:
        China. The growing resentment and
        protests against Chinese projects and
        interests in Balochistan, especially in
        Gwadar, have been clear. But direct
        attacks targeting Chinese nationals
        are taken as a breaking point for the
        all-weather friendship between Pa-
        kistan and China. The most recent
        incident was the 26 March 2024 sui-
        cide bombing that killed five Chinese
        people  near the  Dasu  hydropower   The growing resentment and protests against Chinese projects and interests in Balochistan, especially in Gwadar, have been clear (File photo)
        project in KP. Not only did China sug-
        gest that Pakistan must take action,
        but it has more than once officially   “award of exemplary punishments”   the Chief Minister of KP, Ali Amin   from repeating such a strike. Now
        said how it must do so, by “hunting   to terrorists. On the other hand, it   Gandapur, had participated in the   that Azm-i-Istehkam seeks regional
        down the perpetrators” and giving   is meant to be “duly complemented   discussion on the operation. This   cooperation in fighting terrorism and
        “severe punishments.” In addition to   by socioeconomic measures aimed at   was denied by Mr Ali, who stated   therefore hints at tactical cross-bor-
        a clear message in this regard from   addressing genuine concerns of the   that nothing about the operation was   der attacks, including within Afghan-
        the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan   people and creating an environment   discussed. When the Pakistan PMO   istan and Iran, Pakistan’s ties with
        in April 2024, the Joint Statement by   that discourages extremist tenden-  statement was released, it read that   its Western neighbours are expected
        Pakistan and China published in June   cies”. In general, there is much crit-  “complete national consensus and   to go through more troubled times.
        2024 also specifies the severity of the   icism about the collateral displace-  system-wide synergy” are the founda-  Meanwhile, Pakistan has sought
        recent attack, reflecting on Chinese   ments and impact on ordinary lives in   tions of such an anti-terror measure.   “small arms and modern equipment”
        anger over the inability of Pakistan to   areas where a full-swing kinetic oper-  Unlike in 2014, when consensus was   from the US.
        defend China’s projects and its peo-  ation is put in place. It is perhaps this   eventually reached, to implement the
        ple. Interestingly, Liu Jianchao, head   reason that made Islamabad decide   20-point NAP (despite initial protests,   Conclusion
        of the International Department of   to emphasise the softer aspects of   especially by Pakistan Tehreek-e-In-
        China’s ruling Communist Party, had   the  operation.  The  confusion,  how-  saf), the opposition seems to be grow-  espite the various military
        also expressed grave concern over   ever, is due to a later statement from   ing in this case. Within the Parliament   operations that Pakistan has
        the security situation in Pakistan, a   the Pakistani PMO clarifying that   itself, no clear consensus can be seen.  Dundertaken to deal with ter-
        day before the Sharif government   Azm-i-Istehkam is not a large-scale   PTI, Jamat Ulema-e-Islam Fazlur   rorism, nothing substantial has been
        announced the operation. It is not   kinetic military operation. The state-  (JUI-F),  Awami National Party   gained in this regard. On the contrary,
        a surprise that the official statement   ment read that because Pakistan had   (ANP) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) have   Pakistan managed to abet terrorism
        by Pakistan’s PMO also notes that   been “decisively degraded by earlier   openly opposed the government’s   for decades in the name of fighting it.
        Operation Azm-i-Istehkam looks to   kinetic operations … no large-scale   decision on the operation. Street pro-  As a result, the rise of terror groups
        “ensure full-proof security for Chi-  military operation is being contem-  tests, jirgas and rallies were also held   and militancy has become a major
        nese nationals in Pakistan.” As such,   plated where displacement of popu-  in many parts of KP, reportedly also   security  problem  for  Islamabad.  In
        it becomes quite clear that it is Chi-  lation will be required.” This makes   opposing the operation in particular.   April 2023, Shehbaz Sharif, as PM,
        nese pressure that has made Pakistan   it clear that the Sharif government is   Therefore, with a weak and faltering   announced plans for an anti-terror
        announce an anti-terror measure.   only toying with an anti-terror oper-  start to Operation Azm-i-Istehkam, it   operation, which never materialised.
        Pakistan’s aim is focused on placat-  ation with a very sketchy approach.   is unlikely that Pakistan will achieve   There are many reasons to believe
        ing China rather than taking genuine                                anything through it.              that Operation Azm-i-Istehkam will
        anti-terror measures.                   Growing opposition              External factors - Besides the   be no more than just yet another op-
            Confusing nature - Operation                                    China angle, there is fear that Oper-  eration launched in Pakistan.
        Azm-i-Istehkam, which in Urdu            peration   Azm-i-Istehkam  ation Azm-i-Istehkam may escalate
        means “resolve for stability,” as un-    was reportedly announced af-  Pakistan’s tensions with the Taliban   Dr Shrabana Barua is a Research
        derstood initially, had  two compo- Oter a consensus was reached    regime, with whom it has already   Associate at Indian Council of World
        nents. On the one hand, it was to be   at a high-level meeting of the Central   soured relations. On 8 March 2024,   Affairs, New Delhi
        “renewed and full-blown kinetic ef-  Apex Committee on the NAP in June   cross-border strikes against TTP
        forts of the armed forces” with “full   2024. All stakeholders were present   hideouts in Afghanistan led to fur-  This article first appeared in the View-
        support from all law enforcement   at the meeting. In the Dosra Rukh   ther tensions between Kabul and Is-  point section of the website (www.icwa.
        agencies, empowered by effective   Programme of Dawn, Defence Min-  lamabad. Further, Islamabad contin-  in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
        legislation” that would also aim for   ister Khwaja Asif also claimed that   ues to state that it will not shy away   New Delhi, on July 9, 2024

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