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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 38

                                                              TECH T@LK

               WhatsApp introduces community-exclusive events

                                               feature for group chats

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 larger group video calls and improved business
                                                                                                   tools after the recent updates.
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                      The biggest change is the increase in the par-
                 hatsApp has begun rolling out its high-                                           ticipant limit for group video calls.
                 ly anticipated events feature for group                                              Previously capped at eight users, calls can now
        Wchats,  extending  beyond  its  initial  com-                                             accommodate up to 32 participants, making it eas-
        munity-focused release last month. Initially an-                                           ier for larger groups to connect virtually. This up-
        nounced as an addition to Communities, this fea-                                           date applies to both mobile and desktop users.
        ture is now making its way to regular group chats on                                          In addition to the video call improvements,
        the WhatsApp platform, confirmed GSM Arena.                                                WhatsApp  is  also  rolling  out  new  features  pow-
            According to reports obtained by GSM Are-                                              ered by Meta AI. These AI tools are designed to
        na, the feature has been spotted in WhatsApp for   WhatsApp is also rolling out new features powered by Meta   enhance the user experience for both individuals
        Android’s beta version, marking the be-                                          and businesses. One such feature is the expanded
        ginning of its broader availability.           AI. These AI tools are designed to enhance the user experi-  availability of AI-powered chat functions. Pre-
            The update introduces a new “Event” icon ac-  ence for both individuals and businesses (Agency photo)  viously in limited testing, these features are now
        cessible through the paperclip menu within group                                           available in a dozen countries.
        chats, allowing users to seamlessly create and man-  tion, maintaining user privacy and security. While   Users can experience AI chatbot interactions
        age events directly within their chat groups. Once   WhatsApp has not disclosed a definitive timeline   and even create custom AI stickers.
        an event is created, members of the group can view   for the global rollout of the Events feature across   Businesses on WhatsApp are also getting a
        and respond to the invitation, while only the event   all group chats, users eager to explore this func-  boost with the introduction of Meta Verified.
        creator retains the ability to modify event details,   tionality can participate in the beta program for   This program aims to provide businesses with
        according to GSM Arena.                      early access.                                 a way to showcase their legitimacy and build trust
            Notably, WhatsApp ensures that all group     WhatsApp has introduced some more fea-    with customers.
        events are protected by its end-to-end encryp-  tures to its platform. Users can also experience   (With agency reports)

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