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IMMIGRATION                                                              JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 42

            The Uncertain Path of the D-3 Waiver

         for DACA Recipients under Biden’s New

                               Immigration Initiative

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA AND      evaluate these applications on   many grounds of inadmissibili-  prior to the commencement   recipients, and their prospec-
        KAITLYN BOX*               a case-by-case basis, and will   ty, including the 3 and 10 year   of proceeding is inadmissible   tive employers, currently have
                                                                                                                     little assurance that a D-3
                                                                                          if  they seek admission within
                                                              bars that arise from unlawful
                                   afford approved applicants a
              n June 18, 2024, the   three-year period in which to   presence. In a news release cor-  3 years from the date of de-  waiver will be granted when
                                                                                          parture. Under INA § 212(a)
                                                                                                                     they leave the country for con-
              Biden administration   apply for permanent residence.  responding with the Biden ad-
        Oannounced two new             The other process will   ministration’s announcement,   (9)(B)(i)(II) a person who has   sular processing. If the waiver
        immigration initiatives aimed   enable  Deferred Action  for   the U.S. Department of State   been unlawfully present for   is not granted, the DACA re-
        at keeping families together.   Childhood Arrivals (DACA)   –  Bureau  of  Consular  Affairs   more than one year, and who   cipient could be stranded out-
        The first is a “parole in place”   recipients to more easily obtain   stated: “As part of this initia-  again seeks admission with-  side the U.S. for up to 10 years.
                                                                                                                        Importantly, an individual
                                                                                          in 10 years from the date of
        program which will provide a   employment-based visas. The   tive, the Department will clari-
        pathway for undocumented   measure will allow “DACA re-  fy existing guidance to consular   the departure is inadmissible.  can typically only spend a lim-
        spouses of U.S. citizens to be-  cipients and other Dreamers,   officers  related  to  when  they   Minors do not accrue un-  ited amount of time in an em-
        come lawful permanent res-  who have earned a degree at an   should  consider  recommend-  lawful presence under INA§   ployment-based nonimmigrant
        idents (LPRs). In order to be   accredited U.S. institution of   ing that DHS grant a waiver   212(a)(9)(B)(iii)(I),  so  a  status – for an H-1B nonimmi-
                                                                                                                     grant the maximum is 6 years
                                                                                          DACA recipient who applied
        eligible, the noncitizen spouse   higher education in the United   of ineligibility, where applica-
        must have entered the U.S.   States, and who have received   ble…  These  clarifications  will   for and received DACA before   –  so  DACA  recipients  who
        without admission or parole   an offer of employment from a   describe  when  consular  offi-  the age of 18.5 years would not   obtain  an  employment-based
        and hold no immigrant or non-  U.S. employer in a field related   cers should consider recom-  trigger the 3- or 10- year bars.   visa such as an H-1B will also
        immigrant  status, and  “must   to their degree, to more quickly   mending that the Department   Since the grant of DACA stops   need to find a path to remain in
                                                                                                                     the U.S. on a long-term basis,
                                                                                          the accrual of unlawful pres-
        –  as  of  June  17,  2024  –  have   receive work visas.” Although   of Homeland Security waive
        resided in the United States   many details about this mea-  ineligibility for these applicants   ence, they would have accrued   including being sponsored  for
        for 10 or more years and be le-  sure are still forthcoming, it ap-  on an expedited basis, in con-  less than 180 days of unlawful   permanent residence by their
        gally married to a U.S. citizen,   pears to involve the expedited   junction with visa applications   presence. An individual who   employer. Even if the DACA
        while satisfying all applicable   issuance of an INA § 212(d)  overseas.  However, the pro-  obtained DACA after the age   recipient has received the D-3
                                                                                                                     waiver, this waiver only waives
                                                                                          of 18.5 years and before 19
        legal requirements.” DHS will   (3) waiver (D-3), which waives   cessing steps will remain the
                                                                 same.” The Foreign Affairs   would trigger only the 3- year   the ground of inadmissibility
                                                                  Manual (FAM) will also   bar, having accrued more than   for the temporary nonimmi-
                                                                  be updated to “encour-  180 days but less than one year   grant admission. If the DACA
                                                                  age  consular  officers  to   of unlawful presence. DACA   recipient is sponsored for per-
                                                                  consider  recommending   recipients who obtained the   manent residence, the bars
                                                                  expedited review of waiv-  benefit  after  the  age  of  19   at INA  §  212(a)(9)(B) will
                                                                  er requests in conjunction   would have been unlawfully   continue  to  trigger  if  the ap-
                                                                  with certain nonimmi-   present in the U.S. for a year   plicant applies for adjustment
                                                                  grant visa applications   or more, and would  face the   of status or applies for an im-
                                                                  overseas, consistent with   10-year bar. Individuals could   migrant visa overseas. Hence,
                                                                  existing  Department  reg-  enroll in the DACA program   they will need to wait for 3 or
                                                                  ulations and guidance…  up until they reach age 31, and   10  years  before  they  can  get
                                                                  This will result in certain   participation in the program   admitted as lawful permanent
                                                                  individuals to potentially   was  highest among those who   residents. Under  USCIS poli-
                                                                  more quickly receive work   were well over 18, so many   cy, the 3 and 10 year bars can
                                                                  visas if DHS approves a   DACA recipients will unfortu-  be spent in the US, which we
                                                                  waiver of ineligibility.”  nately face the full 10-year bar.  have extensively discussed in
                                                                      Although   DACA        The question of whether   a  prior blog.  The  question  is
                                                                  recipients can at present   or not the waiver will be grant-  how can one wait for 10 years
                                                                  apply for a D-3 waiver in   ed is also a purely discretionary   in lawful nonimmigrant status
                                                                  order to obtain an em-  determination made by a con-  in the US before they can ap-
                                                                  ployment-based nonim-   sular  officer,  and  the  waiver   ply for adjustment of status?
                                                                  migrant visa, this process   application can take months   Many DACA recipients
                                                                  is rarely used in practice.   to be adjudicated. The Foreign   are natives and citizens of Mex-
                                                                  When a DACA recipient   Affairs Manual directs consul-  ico or South American coun-
                                                                  who has been unlawful-  ar officers to “consider the fol-  tries such as Guatemala, Hon-
                     m of                                         ly present in the United   lowing factors, among others,   duras, or El Salvador, so they
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          States for a lengthy period   when deciding whether to rec-  are likely to be eligible to file an
                                                                                          ommend a waiver: The recency
                                                                  of time leaves the United
                                                                                                                     employment-based adjustment
                                                                  States to apply for an em-  and seriousness of the activity   of status application much

             ployment-based visa at a   or condition causing the appli-  more quickly than a beneficia-
                                                                  U.S. consulate abroad,   cant’s ineligibility; The reasons   ry from a backlogged country
                            they  are  likely  to trigger   for the proposed travel to the   such as India or China. In the
                                                   
             ­       the 3- or 10-year bars pur-  United States; and The posi-  June 2024 Visa Bulletin, for ex-
              ‚                                                     suant to INA § 212(a)(9)  tive or negative effect, if any,   ample, the Final Action Date
                                                                  (B).Under INA § 212(a)  of the planned travel on U.S.   for the employment-based
                                                                  (9)(B)(i)(I) a person who   public interests. Whether there   third preference category (EB-
                                                                                                                     3) is November 22, 2022 for In-
                                                                  is unlawfully present for
                                                                                          is a single, isolated incident or
                                                                  more than 180 days but   a pattern of misconduct; and   dia and the “rest of world”, but
          2              6th Floor                                less than 1 year, and who   Evidence of reformation or   for India it is August 22, 2012.
                                                                  voluntarily departs the US   rehabilitation.”  Thus, DACA   However, §104(c)  the Ameri-
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