Page 36 - The Indian EYE 070524
P. 36

BUSINESS EYE                                                             JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 36

         Bullish on India’s consumption, investors

                   flock to fund retail sector startups

        PRABHAKAR CHATURVEDI                                                                                  misallocation of funds. The industry
                                                                                                              is  perhaps  over-correcting  by  focus-
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              ing on more conventional businesses
              uoyed by India’s strong con-                                                                    like retail and omnichannel brands,
              sumption patterns, venture                                                                      where more sustainable business
        Bcapitalists are flocking to fund                                                                     models are being funded.
        retail sector startups.                                                                                   Shravan Shetty, Managing Di-
            Investor  confidence  in  new-age                                                                 rector at Primus Partners, said, “The
        retail companies and startups has                                                                     sector’s share has increased as inter-
        surged, with funding in the retail sec-                                                               est in the sector has remained buoy-
        tor increasing by 32 per cent to USD                                                                  ant, while exuberance for other sec-
        1.63 billion in the first half (H1) of                                                                tors has reduced.
        2024, up from USD 1.23 billion in H1                                                                      Venture capital is behaving
        2023, according to data intelligence                                                                  similarly to the markets, where the
        firm Tracxn.                                                                                          long-term story of consumption
            The Indian economy is on track                                                                    has picked up compared to other
        to emerge as the third-largest econ-                                                                  themes like fintech, which has seen
        omy in the world by 2026. Last year,                                                                  reduced interest compared to previ-
        the country’s consumption grew at                                                                     ous years.”
        a faster pace than that of advanced                                                                       According  to  the  Tracxn  report,
        economies such as China, the US,                                                                      the  first  half  of  2024  witnessed  8
        and Germany, as observed in a UBS                                                                     funding rounds surpassing USD 100
        report.                                                                                               million such as Flipkart’s USD 350
            The report further noted that In-                                                                 million Series J round led by Google,
        dia’s household consumption nearly                                                                    Apollo 24|7’s USD 297 million PE
        doubled in the past decade to USD                                                                     round, and Meesho’s USD 275 mil-
        2.1 trillion last year, with an annual                                                                lion Series F round, underscoring the
        compound growth rate of 7.2 per                                                                       VCs strong intent for the retail sector
        cent, higher than the aforemen-                                                                       companies.
        tioned countries. Additionally, India   Flipkart Group CEO Kalyan Krishnamurthy meets with Singapore Minister for Communications   According to the survey, the
        is expected to surpass Germany (in                                                                    country  saw  a  significant  surge  in
        2024) and Japan (in 2026) to become       and Information Josephine Tao, at the Flipkart Office, in Bengaluru (ANI)  Monthly Per Capita Consumption
        the third-largest consumer market in                                                                  Expenditure (MPCE) in 2022-23,
        the world.                        ed to remain around 60 per cent of   catching up to do for venture capital   with rural spending reaching Rs
            Commenting on venture capital-  GDP. Thus, Indian consumption is   to invest in this space,” he said.  3,773 and urban spending at Rs
        ists’ interest in new-age retail compa-  expected to cross USD 4.5 trillion in   He opines that companies such   6,459, reflecting a 164 per cent and
        nies, Harmanpreet Singh, Co-found-  the same period. For context, this is   as Zomato and Nykaa have yielded   146 per cent increase, respectively,
        er and Managing Partner of Prath   more than double the current con-  attractive outcomes in the consum-  since 2011-12 at current prices. Ad-
        Ventures, said, “India’s GDP is   sumption and will equal what Chi-  er-tech space. However, investors   justed to 2011-12 prices, the growth
        projected to reach USD 8 trillion   na’s consumption was in 2015. With   have witnessed large failures driven   is 40 per cent in rural areas and 33
        by FY32, with consumption expect-  this context, there is naturally some   by unsustainable unit economics and   per cent in urban areas. (ANI)

         Amit Shah appeals for “Sahkar se Samriddhi” through cooperation

                  inister  of  Cooperation  ing of a bank (Sardar Patel Sahkar   “Sahkar se Samriddhi” (Prosperity   tive institutions to open their bank
                  Amit Shah lauded the  Bhavan) constructed at a cost of Rs   through Cooperation) in front of the   accounts in the District Cooperative
         Mefforts  made under the  18.70  crore,  as  per  an  official  state-  entire country and the world.  Banks so that a strong economic
         “Sahkar se Samriddhi” or prosper-  ment of the Ministry of Cooperation.  Addressing the program, the   structure could be built in the coop-
         ity through cooperation initiative   Sahkar Se Samriddhi scheme    Union Home and Cooperative Min-   erative sector, an official release of
         while inaugurating the 76th Annual  aims to maximise the potential of co-  ister said that Kheda is the same dis-  the Ministry of Cooperation said.
         General Meeting of Kheda District  operatives to propel economic prog-  trict from where Amul was started   He said that the centre is run-
         Central Cooperative (KDCC) Bank  ress in India. The Ministry of Cooper-  under the successful guidance of the   ning pilot projects under the new
         Limited, Nadiad, Gujarat through  ation is in charge of the initiative.  country’s first Home Minister Sardar   initiative “Cooperation Amongst
         video conferencing.                 The  Union  Minister  said that   Vallabhbhai Patel. Shah appealed to   Cooperatives” in Banaskantha and
             He inaugurated the new build-  Amul  set  an  example  of  achieving   the people associated with coopera-  Panchmahal districts.

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