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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 34

        expertise. I am confident that with his inputs and expertise, we will explore   Sharma joined the college’s fac-
        newer avenues and deeper areas of collaboration between the United States   ulty  in  2004  and  previously  served
        and India”.                                                         as chair of the college’s mechanical
           “I am honored to join the esteemed Board of Directors of the US-India   engineering department for 12 years.
        Strategic Partnership Forum,” said Shailendra Singh. “I look forward to col-  He is a Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz
        laborating with fellow board members and leveraging our collective expertise   Cullen Distinguished University Pro-
        to further strengthen the relationship between the United States and India for   fessor.
        founders and startups across both regions.”                             Sharma added, “Since my arrival
            Shailendra was included in the Forbes Midas List of top global VCs for   here, I have cared deeply about the
        three consecutive years from 2018 to 2020. Shailendra has led investments in   success of this college. Now, I can
        several companies and has been the driving force behind numerous initiatives   play a greater role in its future by
        and programs aimed at helping startups across all stages of their journey from   working alongside faculty, students
        seed funding to IPO readiness.                                      and other stakeholders and make us
                            VIVEK RAMASWAMY                                 a destination college for engineering and technology.”
                                                                                His groundbreaking research in flexoelectricity is documented in numer-
                 Republican leader’s book                                   ous science journals and has inspired further investigations into its potential
                                                                            in applications for healthcare and robotics.
                                                                                Sharma’s  research  efforts,  scholarly  output  and  teaching  talents  have
            “Truths” to be out on Sept. 24                                  earned distinguished honors including membership into the National Acad-
                                                                            emy of Engineering, the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences’ Coz-
                                                                            zarelli Prize and the Daniel C. Drucker Medal from the American Society of
                                                hreshold Editions, an imprint   Mechanical Engineers.
                                                of Simon & Schuster, has an-   “His vision and leadership will be instrumental in guiding the Cullen Col-
                                          Tnounced that  it will  publish   lege of Engineering to even greater heights,” said University of Houston (UH)
                                          “Truths: The Future of America First”   Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Diane Z. Chase.
                                          by former U.S. presidential candidate   Founded in 1941, the Cullen College of Engineering is one of UH’s oldest
                                          Vivek Ramaswamy on September 24.   academic units, offering bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.
                                          Senior editor Paul Choix acquired
                                          North  American,  open  market,  and                    DR. PREM REDDY
                                          audio rights from Keith Urbahn at
                                          Javelin.                                    Prime Healthcare CEO
                                              As per the book, America is at a
                                          crisis point. For decades, politicians,
                                          the media, and special interests have   receives President’s Lifetime
                                          put themselves before the country.
                                          They have divided citizens against one         Achievement Award
        another, betraying the core principles of democracy and equality the US was
        founded upon. Now, people are faced with a real choice: either take our coun-  r. Prem Reddy, MD, FACC, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Prime
        try back into our own hands or allow America’s decline to happen on our watch.  Healthcare, has received the Joseph R. Biden Lifetime Achievement
            In Truths: The Future of America First, Ramaswamy explains exactly how
        honesty about the most important issues will get our country back on track.   DAward, presented by United States President, Joseph R. Biden. The
        The America First movement emphasizes the issues that bring us together,   award recognizes Dr. Reddy’s exceptional commitment, significant and sustained
                                                                            contributions to ensuring that communities have access to quality healthcare.
        not what divides us. It asks that we put our country over politics, merit over
                                                                                The Joseph R. Biden Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor
        grievance, and truth over lies. Ramaswamy tells us the truth about our politi-  in the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) program, honoring indi-
        cal system, and the people who control it, and exhorts us to exercise our right   viduals for using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challeng-
        to self-governance again.                                           es facing the US as a nation.
            As per the book, America First is bigger than any man or woman. It’s a
        movement and the future of the US depends on it.                        Dr. Reddy, a cardiologist from humble beginnings in rural India who was
                                                                            the first in his family to attend school, founded Prime Healthcare in 2001 with
                                                                            a mission to save hospitals and serve communities. Since 2010, Prime Health-
                             PRADEEP SHARMA                                 care has provided more than $12 billion in community benefit activities and

              Scientist appointed as Dean                                   care to treat and promote health and healing across the United States.
                                                                                In addition to his recognition by The White House, late last year Dr. Red-
                                                                            dy was honored with the first-ever Human Values Award during the Global
                of University of Houston’s                                  Leadership Forum hosted by the World Forum for Ethics in Business in Wash-
                                                                            ington, D.C. In 2023, Dr. Reddy was honored for his unwavering dedication
                     Engineering College                                    to community healthcare with a lifetime achievement award from Michigan
                                                                            Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and an Achievement Award from the American As-
                                                                            sociation of Physicians of Indian Origin during their 2023 Annual Convention.
              radeep Sharma, currently the Cullen College of Engineering’s interim   In 2018, Dr. Reddy’s legacy was extended to medical education with the
              dean, has been named to assume leadership of the college starting Mon-  founding of the California University of Science and Medicine (CUSM), one
        Pday, July 1. An internationally recognized scientist and acclaimed edu-  of the nation’s newest medical schools located in San Bernardino County, Ca-
        cator, Sharma is proud to take the reins of the college he affectionately refers   lif. Dr. Reddy serves as Chairman of the Board of CUSM, to promote health
        to as an extension of his home.                                     equity and address the physician shortage.
           “I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to elevating the rep-
        utation of the Cullen College of Engineering,” Sharma said. “It is important   To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
        that others recognize its global impact, and I will work diligently to spotlight      our website
        the work of our faculty, staff and alumni.”

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