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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 33

                            DR SHAWNA PANDYA

                 Physician to fly on Virgin

                    Galactic Space Flight

                                                                                She rose to prominence for her leading role as high school student Devi
                                                                            Vishwakumar in the Netflix teen comedy series Never Have I Ever. She ap-
                                                                            peared in voice roles in the Pixar film Turning Red and the series My Little
                                                                            Pony: Make Your Mark.
                                                                                Directed by Nisha Ganatra, known for her work on ‘Late Night’, the se-
                                                                            quel revisits the characters of Tess (Curtis) and Anna (Lohan) years after their
              irgin Galactic Holdings announced a new contract with the Internation-  unforgettable body-swap adventure.
              al Institute for Astronautical Sciences (“IIAS”) to fly three research   This time around, Anna is navigating life with a daughter of her own and
        Vastronauts as part of a future crew aboard the Company’s Delta Class   soon-to-be stepdaughter, blending two families into one.
        spaceship.                                                              The sequel promises to bring back the heart and humour that made the
            Dr. Shawna Pandya, a physician, aquanaut, bioastronautics researcher,   original a box-office success, reportedly grossing USD 160 million globally
        and Director of IIAS’s Space Medicine Group, from Canada, has been select-  with a significant portion of the domestic market.
        ed to be one of the astronauts.                                         As production for the sequel commences, anticipation builds among fans
            Dr. Pandya was on the first crew to test a commercial spacesuit in zero   eager to see how ‘Freaky Friday’ will blend its signature comedy with new
        gravity in 2015. To date, she has flown 10 parabolic flight campaigns, culmi-  family dynamics and modern-day challenges.
        nating in over 160 parabolas of experience in micro- and reduced gravity. She
        earned her aquanaut designation on the 2019 NEPTUNE (Nautical Experi-                   SHAILENDRA SINGH
        ments in Physiology, Technology and Underwater Exploration) mission, and
        completed a second aquanaut mission, NEP2NE. She served as Payload Crew   Peak XV’s MD set to join USISPF
        and co-PI of the 2023 IIAS-01 suborbital research flight and a PI and/or co-I
        for Ax-2, Polaris Dawn, and Blue Origin payloads.                                  Board of Directors
            Her work is permanently exhibited at the Ontario Science Center along-
        side Dr. Roberta Bondar, the first Canadian woman in space. In 2022, Dr. Pan-
        dya was named to the Explorers’ Club’s “50 Explorers Changing the World.”   he US-India Strategic Part-
                                                                                  nership Forum (USISPF) is
        In 2024, she was recognized for her contributions by the Women’s Space
        Awards in the Medicine and Health category and named a Karman Pioneer.  Tthrilled to welcome Shailendra
                                                                            Singh, Managing Director, Peak XV
            The mission is designed to enable IIAS to introduce new research while
        also expanding upon the results from ‘Galactic 05,’ during which astronaut   to the Board of Directors.
                                                                                As  a  prominent  figure  in  the
        Kellie Gerardi was able to successfully validate a fluid behavior theory within   investment landscape, Shailendra
        the high-quality microgravity conditions available through Virgin Galactic’s   Singh brings a wealth of experience
        unique flight system. The IIAS crew plans to fly additional fluid cells, with   and strategic insight to the USI-
        payload enhancements including upgrades to camera quality and accelerom-
        eter measurements.                                                  SPF Board of Directors. In his role
                                                                            as Managing Director at Peak XV,
                        MAITREYI RAMAKRISHNAN                               Shailendra has played a pivotal role
                                                                            in facilitating cross-border partner-
               Actor all set to join ‘Freaky                                ships and investments, driving inno-
                                                                            vation, and fostering entrepreneur-
                      Friday’ sequel casts                                  ship within the technology, consumer,
                                                                            and financial sectors. Shailendra leads the firm’s operations globally with over
                                                                            $9 billion of assets under management.
             ans of the beloved body-swap comedy ‘Freaky Friday’ have reason to   Speaking on the new appointment, USISPF President and CEO, Dr.
             celebrate as a sequel is officially on its way, set for a nationwide release   Mukesh Aghi said, “I am thrilled to welcome Shailendra to the USISPF
        Fin 2025. The film, which began filming recently in Los Angeles, is a fol-  Board of Directors. This year alone, we have welcomed several industry lumi-
        low-up to the 2003 comedy that starred Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan   naries to our board. USISPF’s growth is concurrent with the growing strategic
        in the lead roles.                                                  partnership between our two countries.
            Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, known for her lead role in Netflix’s hit series   His deep industry knowledge and commitment to founders across India
        “Never Have I Ever,” has officially joined the cast of Freaky Friday sequel.  and Southeast Asia will be invaluable. We look forward to benefiting from his
        Maitreyi Ramakrishnan is a famous Canadian actress of Tamil origin.                                          Continued on next page... >>

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