Page 23 - The Indian EYE 063023
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 23

                            Speeding ruins lives.

                                                Slow down.

                     Rajendra Vora elected as an International

              Vice President of Jain Social Group Federation

        NEERAJ DHAR                                                                                   President Amish Doshi & Vice President Ra-
                                                                                                   jendra Vora will be busy promoting Jainism & trav-
        Los Angeles, CA
                                                                                                   elling all across the world in opening new chapters.
             ain Social Group International Federation                                                JSGIF motto is Grow More To Serve More
             (JSGIF), headquartered in Mumbai, which                                               will be new team’s top priority to execute. During
        Jis one of the largest Jain Organization in                                                COVID & on many past natural calamities JSGIF
        the world with 85,000 members recently installed                                           did many humanitarian activities.
        Amish Doshi as the International President &                                                  Also, history was created when Amish Doshi
        Rajendra Vora as International Vice President                                              took oath of office that both father and son have
        for Overseas.                                                                              become President of the same organization.
            Since its inception 60 years back their 450+                                              Newly installed team includes 6 Vice Presi-
        chapters are spread all over India, Middle East,                                           dents, Sec General, Sec, Jt Sec, Treasurer, PRO,
        Africa, Asia, Europe & North America. At luxuri-                                           Editors, Web Admin & IDs.
        ous Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chennai JSGIF host-                                                Leading Indian American Rajendra Vora
        ed a Red-Carpet Installation ceremony for newly                                            who is connected with JSG movement for more
        elected team for 2023-25.                                                                  than 40 years elected as JSGIF International Vice
            New projects on horizon by newly installed                                             President. He is the Founder & President of Jain
        team consist of business start-up promotion, Beti                                          Social Group Beverly Hills. Rajendra Vora per-
        Bachao, Beti Padhao, rewarding and recognizing                                             sonally started New York, New Jersey, Toronto
        talent that has made India proud, digitization are    Rajendra Vora (eft) and Amish Doshi  & Beverly Hills chapters of Jain Social Group &
        the core sectors to be emphasized upon.                                                    now is keen on opening new chapters.

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