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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 28

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Twitter to focus on video and commerce in business revamp

           Well-known brands including Warner Bros, Mondelez, McDonald’s and Walmart

                               have resumed advertising on Twitter after initial pauses

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 spent on Twitter, another slide said.
                                                                                                      Earlier, Twitter had announced that the veri-
        Los Angeles, CA
                                                                                                   fied members of the microblogging site will now be
              witter has some major plans to revitalize the                                        able to upload 2-hour long videos. Taking to Twitter,
              company’s business beyond digital advertis-                                          Musk wrote, “Twitter Blue Verified subscribers can
        Ting. According to an investor presentation by                                             now upload 2-hour videos (8GB)!”
        owner Elon Musk and new Chief Executive Linda                                                 According to TechCrunch, a US-based Tech por-
        Yaccarino, Twitter is likely to focus on video, creator                                    tal, Twitter has made changes to its paid plan and has
        and commerce partnerships, New York Post re-                                               expanded the previous 60-minute limit to two hours.
        ported, citing Reuters. Yaccarino, who became the   takeover. Those recommendations have been re-  The  company  also  modified  its  Twitter  Blue
        company’s new CEO on June 5, recently told Twitter   versed and none of the major advertising holding   page and said the video file size limit for paid users
        investors that the company is in early conversations   companies are currently recommending a pause,   is now increased from 2GB to 8GB. While earlier
        with political and entertainment figures, payments   according to a slide shown during the presentation.  longer video upload was only possible from the web,
        services and news and media publishers, said a   Well-known brands including Warner Bros, Mon-  now it’s also possible through the iOS app. Despite
        source familiar with the matter, who spoke on con-  delez, McDonald’s and Walmart have resumed ad-  these changes, the maximum quality for upload still
        dition of anonymity to discuss a private investor call.  vertising on Twitter after initial pauses, the slide said.  remains 1080p, reported TechCrunch.
            The presentation marks Yaccarino’s first meet-  Under Musk, Twitter changed its business name   Soon after Musk announced the news, several
        ing with the company’s investors. After Musk ac-  to X Corp., reflecting the billionaire’s vision to create   social media users swamped the comment section
        quired  Twitter  in  October,  the  social  media  firm   a “super app,” like China’s WeChat, that he has said   and shared their reactions.
        faced months of chaos, including layoffs of thousands   would include digital payments and other services.  Musk who bought Twitter for USD 44 billion
        of employees, criticism over lax content moderation,   Twitter is applying for “money transmitter li-  last year will continue to retain a firm grip on the
        and an exodus of many advertisers who did not want   censes” in all 50 states, according to a slide from   company and will focus on product design and new
        their ads appearing next to inappropriate content.   the presentation. The company has also focused on   technology. He recently announced adding another
            Some ad-buying firms had recommended their   growing video content on the platform. Vertical vid-  update to Twitter allowing its verified users to have
        clients pause ad spending on Twitter after Musk’s   eo now accounts for more than 10 per cent of time   early access to encrypted messaging service.

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