Page 24 - The Indian EYE 063023
P. 24

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 24

        FISANA hosts successful Mother’s Day & Father’s Day

        VIJAY SHAH                                                                                                Dipak Shah also invited Piyush
                                                                                                              Patel who addressed the FISANA
        Edison, NJ
                                                                                                              guest. “I believe in support to com-
              he  first  time  Mother’s  Day  &                                                               munity and at this age, being senior,
              Father’s Day celebration over                                                                   continue to support seniors commu-
        TGala lunch held on the 18th of                                                                       nity like FISANA. Whatever myself &
        June in ballroom of Royal Albert Pal-                                                                 my company can to for FISANA, will
        ace. The event, attended by over 1000                                                                 try to support so.”
        FISANA members including commu-                                                                           Later on, Host Nishil Parikh in-
        nity dignitaries who were pleased to                                                                  vited Vice Chairman Subhash Doshi,
        see the decorative stage and venue.                                                                   Passaic County Commissioner Bruce
        With a packed agenda that included                                                                    James, and all being welcomed with
        few keynote briefing speeches by pres-                                                                flowers by mothers member of FISA-
        ident, Chairman, community-guest                                                                      NA. During the honoring time, Presi-
        and music performances, award pre-                                                                    dent introduced Kunal Joshi and Juhi
        sentations, and charity donation ini-                                                                 Mehta from KZ Entertainment who
        tiatives. The Gala Dinner proved to   Chairman Dipak Shah spoke during FISANA   Edison Mayor Sam Joshi addressing the   donated almost 450 tickets of drama
        be a resounding successful as per re-  Seniors gathering on Mother’s day & Father’s   FISANA Guest during celebration of Mother’s   and provided entertainment to FIS-
        views at the time of depart.                Day celebration              day & Father’s Day celebration  ANA members in beginning of sum-
            The event commenced at 10:30                                                                      mertime. Bimal Joshi from Golden
        AM President Bharat Rana intro-                                                                       Era Adult Day Care was called up and
        duced to host / emcee of the event                                                                    honored for his services to FISANA.
        Mr. Nishil Parikh who is renounced                                                                        Host Nishil Parikh welcomed
        Gujarati poet and highly literate in IT                                                               dance performer Ms. Jinal Raval &
        field. During the delightful appetizers                                                               Sia Rawal, who performed Bollywood
        time enchanting melodies of Ganesh                                                                    fusion kathak and mesmerized the
        Vandana, which provided a warm and                                                                    guest. Nishi also welcomed Uncle Pan-
        welcoming ambiance as attendees en-                                                                   kaj Misra who performed iconic song
        joyed.                                                                                                of Amitabh Bachchan well known as
            At around 11:30 AM, the Presi-                                                                    Amar-Akbar-Anthony and perfor-
        dent Bharat Rana welcome Chairman                                                                     mance was applauded with clapping’s.
        Dipak Shah on stage who addressed                                                                         The talented  musician  took the
        the gathering by wishing Happy                                                                        stage, captivating the audience with
        Mother’s Day to FISANA Mothers                                                                        his mesmerizing performance. Host
        and Happy Father’s Day to FISANA                                                                      Nishil Parikh introduced Sanjay Shah
        Fathers. He said “ In events like this   President Bharat Rana, Dipak Shah & Dr. Mukund Thakar during Mother’s day &    who soulful voice and musicians tunes
        when gathering is over 600 paid tick-                  Father’s Day celebration on stage              and sound engineer Rajan made ef-
        ets guest made FISANA remarkable                                                                      fective technicalities of sound.
        to raise the power and inspiration to                                                                     The success of the event was a
        do more such kind of events.”                                                                         demonstration to the power of dona-
            Bharat Rana then welcome Vice                                                                     tion, as the celebration of excellence,
        Chairman Dr. Mukund Thakar along                                                                      and the FISANA umbrella organiza-
        with Ramaben Thakar. Dr. Mukund                                                                       tion  of  various  seniors’  associations
        Thakar said very briefly “ Such event                                                                 who donated with open heart com-
        is made for entertainment and fun                                                                     mitment to giving back to FISANA.
        with lots of food tfor seniors to enjoy.                                                              Edison,  Woodbridge,  Bridgewater,
        Wishing festivities to mothers and fa-                                                                Ramilaben, Clifton, Union, Middle-
        thers of FISANA.”                                                                                     sex County, Dipak Shah, Dr Mukund
            Mr. Kenny Desai, President of                                                                     Thakar, Vishnu Patel, Kz Entertain-
        FIA who walked in rush hours who                                                                      ment, Vipul Amin, Vatsalya Adult
        called upon stage and address the                                                                     Day Care and other organizations
        gathering that “FIA is proud of join-                                                                 come together for charity donation.
        ing hands with FISANA and FIA has              Full house during Mother’s day & Father’s Day celebration  As the guests departed, they car-
        joined in welcoming the Prime Minis-                                                                  ried with them a sense of fulfillment
        ter of India Shri Narendra Modi ji in   the respect to Mothers and fathers   called upon the stage by Chairman   and a vibrant power of commitment
        Washington DC and New York. FIA   of FISANA and communities”. Sam   Dipak Shah who addressed the gath-  to making a difference in seniors’
        welcomes you all to join FIA Inde-  Joshi  briefing  gave  progress  of  his   ering “ FISANA is in heart of Senior’s   communities. The event had not only
        pendence Day Parade on August 20th,  18-months being mayor of Edison   as one of the old and larger organiza-  celebrated achievements but had
        2023 on Madison Avenue, New York.”  where he could able to do community   tion in terms of years and members   also ignited a spark within everyone
            President & Chairman welcomed   work in school, road infrastructures,   who time to time enjoy various events   to strive for greatness, contribute to
        The Edison Mayor Sam Joshi who    business gathering, and appealed to   of community and Parikh Media al-  charitable causes, and foster a spirit
        highlighted in speech that “Edison   do registration for voting and to do   ways provide the platform to do cov-  of unity and compassion.
        is so proud to have FISANA Orga-  voting either by mail or in person   erage in TV and prints. Parikh Media   In closing the vote of thanks by
        nization  host  such  magnificent  gath-  during election day.      as always extend support by media   Host Nishil Parikh to all the donors
        ering on Father’s Day and expressing   Padmashri Dr Sudhir Parikh also   and will continue.”          and supporters.

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