Page 20 - The Indian EYE 063023
P. 20

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 20

                                                     MODI VISIT TO US

                 From the Times Square to Modi’s hotel,

              signs of importance of historic State visit

            Modi arrived in the United States on Tuesday for a state visit that has been projected as a

          milestone in ties between the two countries that would deepen and diversify their partnership

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              imes Square, a major commer-
              cial intersection, tourist desti-
        Tnation, entertainment hub, and
        neighborhood in Midtown Manhat-
        tan,  New  York  City  is  flooded  with
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pic-
        tures and messages welcoming him to
        a historic State visit to the US.
            The US-India Business Council
        (USIBC) said that the displays for
        historic state visit require a historic
           “A historic state visit requires a his-
        toric welcome! @USIBC welcomes
        Shri @narendramodi@PMOIndia to
        the United States of America with a
        display of our support for U.S.-India
        commercial ties and this historic state
        visit at Times Square, New York. @
        Nasdaq #ModiInUSA #USIndia,”
        tweeted USIBC.
            PM Modi arrived in the United
        States on Tuesday for a state visit that   A picture of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on display at Times Square to welcome him on his historic visit to the United States (ANI Photo)
        has been projected as a milestone in ties
        between the two countries that would   of the most crucial bilateral relation- ing  of  individuals  from  different  na- Nations headquarters in New York
        deepen and diversify their partnership.  ships for the United States, adding  tionalities performing Yoga together,  City to mark the 9th edition of the In-
            PM Modi has visited the US five   that Washington is looking forward to  Prime Minister Modi has now arrived   ternational Day of Yoga.
        times since becoming prime minister  deepening the relationship during PM  in Washington.                 People from more than 180 coun-
        in 2014 but his visit this week which  Modi’s State visit to the US.    Upon arrival at the United Na- tries were seen performing asanas
        runs  until  Saturday  will  be  his  first   “This (PM Modi’s) visit celebrates   tions and the Freedom Plaza, he   on their Yoga mats. Apart from PM
        with the full diplomatic status of a   the US-India partnership as one of the   received a warm welcome from  Modi, India’s permanent envoy to the
        state visit, indicating the strengthen- most important bilateral relationships   hundreds of members of the Indian  UN, Ruchira Kamboj, New York City
        ing  bond  between  Washington and   that we have in the 21st century. This  American community.      Mayor Eric Adams and the 77th Unit-
        New Delhi.                        is about our partnership and deepen-  Narendra Modi on Wednesday  ed Nations General President Csaba
            The visit is expected to see the two   ing our relationship with India...This   met people outside a hotel in New  Korosi were among the dignitaries at-
        countries expand cooperation in the   is  a State visit and a little different  York. The people were chanting  tending the event.
        defense industry and high-tech sec- than previous bilateral visits. This isn’t  “Modi Modi” as the Prime Minister   Earlier at the event, PM Modi
        tors, with India getting access to criti- about comparing this visit with any  waved at them. Some of them were   laid floral tributes at the recently in-
        cal American technologies that Wash- other. What this is about is deepening  holding the tricolor. Meanwhile, the   stalled bust of Mahatma Gandhi on
        ington rarely shares with non-allies.  and broadening and strengthening  Indian community in Washington,  the lawns of the UN headquarters.
            US lawmakers have invited PM  our relationship with our Indian part- DC gathered outside Hotel Intercon-  Prime Minister Modi is present-
        Modi to address a joint meeting of  ners. That is why very much, we’re   tinental Willard to welcome PM Modi.  ly on his maiden state visit to the US.
        Congress.  It  will  be  Modi’s  second   looking forward to welcoming them   Women were seen dancing to  PM Modi travelled to Washington
        such address.                     today,” said Patel.               drum beats while donning traditional  DC where he received a ceremonial
            Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy    After addressing 180 nations on   outfits. Visuals show people gathered   welcome at the White House on June
        Spokesperson for the US Department  the ninth anniversary of the Inter- outside the hotel during the rainy  22. US President Joe Biden and First
        of State on Wednesday (local time)  national Day of Yoga in New York,  weather with umbrellas in their hands.  Lady Jill Biden hosted a State Dinner
        said that the partnership with India   where  participants  set  a  Guinness   PM Modi, on Wednesday, led   in honor of Prime Minister Modi the
        holds  immense  significance  as  one  World Record for the largest gather- a special Yoga session at the United   same evening.

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