Page 17 - The Indian EYE 063023
P. 17

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 17

                                                     MODI VISIT TO US

        ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’

         Important to move from practitioners to executors of Yoga: New York City Mayor Eric Adams

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-
               ams on Wednesday said it is
        Nimportant to move from prac-
        titioners to executors of Yoga. He said
        that is the message Prime Minister
        Narendra  Modi is bringing, that we
        must execute what we learn from yoga.
           “It is so important for us to move
        from just practitioners to executors.
        We practice Yoga but we execute
        what we get from Yoga in our lives.
        That  is  the  message,  I believe,  the
        PM is bringing. It’s executing. We
        must execute what we learn from
        yoga,” Adams told ANI. Prime Min-
        ister Narendra Modi on Wednesday
        led the Yoga Day event at the United
        Nations Headquarters in New York
        on the occasion of the ninth Interna-  Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the UN Headquarters to lead a yoga session on the occasion of the 9th International Day of Yoga
        tional Day of Yoga.
            Visuals show people on the UN                                       in New York on Wednesday (ANI)
        Headquarters lawns performing
        yoga along with PM Modi and other
            PM Modi before leading the
        Yoga session on Wednesday said
        Yoga is a very old tradition from In-
        dia, which is absolutely free of copy-
        rights, patents and royalty payments.
            He  also  urged  people  to  join
        hands together to realise the goal of
        ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’.
            Addressing the special event, PM
        Modi said, “On this fine morning, we
        are gathered here at the UN at the
        meeting point of entire humanity. In
        this wonderful city of New York. I
        know many people have come from
        very far. I thank them. I am told that
        almost every nationality is represent-
        ed here today. Yoga means to unite,
        so your coming together is an expres-
        sion of another form of Yoga.”
           “I remember nine years ago, ex-
        actly here I had the honour to pro-
        pose celebrating International Yoga
        Day on June 21,” he added.
            Prime Minister  Modi said  last   Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Ambassador of India to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj at the 9th annual International Day of Yoga 2023
        year, the entire world came together                                     event at UN Headquarters (ANI)
        to support India’s proposal to cele-
        brate 2023 as the International Year  ing together for Yoga.        a new memorial to be built in their  largest troop-contributing nation, we
        of Millets and it was wonderful to see   “I have just paid respect to UN  memory. Last week, the world came  are grateful to all nations for their
        the people across nationalities com-  peacekeepers. In 2015, I called for  together to make this reality. As the   support of the noble cause,” he said.

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