Page 12 - The Indian EYE 063023
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OPINION                                                                  JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 12

        ment and Big Data, to advance the
        UN Sustainable Development Goals.
            Along with CAS, several univer-
        sities in China promote S&T cooper-
        ation. The University Alliance of the
        Silk  Road  (UASR)  was  launched  in
        2015 by Xian Jiaotong University, with
        more than 150 universities from BRI
        countries joining the initiative.
            Preliminary assessments  indicate
        that the Chinese decision to include
        S&T collaboration has achieved some
        success. According to the latest avail-
        able data from the Chinese Ministry of
        Education, 492,185 international stu-
        dents were pursuing higher education
        in China in 2018, of which substantial
        numbers were from BRI countries.
            With the backdrop of growing
        collaboration, members of the BRI
        countries have their own perceptions.
        Robert-Jan  Smits,  former  Director
        General of Research and Innovation,
        European Commission underlined
        that as long as there are clear and trans-
        parent ‘rules of the game’, scientific co-  Critics have also pointed out that the Chinese science enterprise is ‘less international’ compared to Western scientific powers like the US, EU
        operation with China is beneficial. The
        Central and Eastern European coun-                                          and the UK (File photo)
        tries  appreciate  S&T  collaboration
        with China as a ‘respectful partner.’   Chinese stealing the defence and   whelmingly dominated by ethnic Chi-  climate crises and the COVID-19
        In Africa, collaboration is concentrat-  industrial secrets, “a bigger concern   nese, with a very limited presence of   pandemic have only heightened the
        ed in three main sectors: information   is that if the United States does not   foreign scholars.     critical importance of science, techno-
        technology, agriculture and education.  make adequate investments, in 10 to   In  tandem,  Chinese  science  and   logical innovation and collaboration
            Nonetheless, some issues of con-  15 years we won’t have any secrets   knowledge are intimately connected   to overcome global challenges. Suc-
        cern include low co-authored scientific   that the Chinese find it worthwhile to   with the Communist party in order to   cessive Chinese leadership have taken
        publications between China and BRI   steal.” With the backdrop of the grow-  fulfil the weave of the ‘China Dream’.   steps to develop the country’s S&T
        members, accounting for only 18 per   ing Sino-American technology war,   This nationalistic agenda seems to be   infrastructure. China has overtaken
        cent of the total of papers published by   countries in Africa, the Middle East   at odds with the Western notion of   the United States for the first time in
        China with international partners. Bai   and parts of Eastern Europe, Latin   ‘autonomy’ and ‘curiosity’ as drivers   terms of research articles published
        Chunli, President of CAS also points   American and South East Asia are be-  of research, and experts have under-  in the Nature index group. From Jan-
        out major obstacles for science coop-  ing forced to choose sides, especially   lined that China is at risk of turning   uary-December 2022, China’s share
        eration with BRI countries to include   for the adoption of technology.          away those ‘techno-globalists’.21 For   of research articles was 19,373, com-
        conflicts,  social  and  economic  gap   Another major criticism  is  that   instance, the high profile Communist   pared to 17, 610 for the United States.
        among BRI nations and a lack of pro-  several BRI projects have been car-  Party of China policy ‘Thousand Tal-  In spite of the rapid growth of
        fessionals and funding.           ried out without rigorous assessment   ents Program’ initiated in 2008, has yet   Chinese S&T, there are rising com-
            While  the  influence  of  Chinese   of environmental risks. For instance,   to achieve its goal.  plaints on Chinese approach of shar-
        S&T in BRI countries is widespread, it is   research into the health and eco-  The implementation and the   ing data and protection of intellectual
        not without criticism. The harshest crit-  logical impacts of the BRI is almost   achievement of the SDGs is critically   property. Maintaining accountability
        icism comes from Western countries,   nonexistent  in  Pakistan  universities,   depends on science, technology and   and transparency is vital for progress
        especially the United States, specifical-  mainly because the government of Pa-  innovation. For instance, the contin-  and can ensure win-win cooperation
        ly on the implementation of DBAR,   kistan doesn’t want to embarrass Chi-  ued development of cleaner technol-  with member countries of BRI. A key
        which has fueled the ‘technology war’   na should the conclusions be anything   ogies is indispensable, along with the   fundamental is to uphold the princi-
        between the United States and China.   other than an endorsement of BRI   transfer of clean technologies, and   ple of ‘open science’, making scientific
        It warned that signing up to DBAR   projects. In fact, Magdalena Skipper,   accessibility to developing countries,   process  more  transparent,  inclusive
        has the potential of giving the Chinese   the editor-in-chief of Nature, ‘environ-  in order to mitigate the climate cri-  and democratic.
        government surveillance opportuni-  mental sciences’ will be an interesting   sis. Since launching of BRI in 2013,
        ties and giving away the keys to untold   area to watch as this discipline “has   primary attention has been on ‘hard   Dr Opangmeren Jamir is Research
        amounts of economically valuable   only emerged as a focus more recent-  infrastructure’ though, mainly on the   Analyst at Manohar Parrikar Institute
        and sensitive information, including   ly in China” where the impact in this   energy and transport sectors like rail-  for Defence Studies and Analyses
        such diverse topics as oceanic current   area “of research has key implications   ways, bridges and roads, with S&T be-  Views expressed are of the author and
        readings to biological samples to next   that extend well beyond China itself.”  ing one of the minor components (at   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        generation communications systems.    Critics have also pointed out that   around 15 per cent in 2022).  the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
            On the growing trend of a Si-  the Chinese science enterprise is ‘less   In modern scientific research, col-
        no-American technology war, former   international’ compared to Western   laboration is one of the most important   Government of India.
        director of White House Science and   scientific powers like the US, EU and   aspects as it pools collective knowledge   This article first appeared in the Comments
        Technology  Policy,  John  P.  Holdren,   the UK, where immigrants make up   and  thereby  enhances  better utiliza-  section of the website ( of Mano-
        has stated that although there is ma-  a  significant  proportion  of  the  S&T   tion of resources and improves inno-  har Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies
        jor concern about the perception of   workforce. Chinese S&T is over-  vations. The reality of ongoing global   and Analyses, New Delhi on June 23, 2023

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