Page 8 - The Indian EYE 063023
P. 8

NATION                                                                   JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye                     8

                                           MANIPUR BURNING:

        Govt faces flak for calling the meeting ‘too

                     late’ with PM Modi away in the US

          Violence gripped Manipur on May 3 after clashes erupted during a rally organized by the All Tribals
                Students Union to protest the demand for the inclusion of Meiteis in the Scheduled Tribe list

        OUR BUREAU
        Imphal/New Delhi
              wo soldiers got injured after
              armed miscreants resorted to
        Tunprovoked  firing  in  N  Bol-
        jang, Imphal West district on Thurs-
        day morning, Spear Corps, Indian
        Army said. The soldiers sustained
        minor injuries and are stable, officials
        added. In a tweet, Spear Corps said,
        “Unprovoked firing in Imphal West.
        Armed miscreants resorted to un-
        provoked firing in N Boljang, Imphal
        West Distt in the morning hours of
        22 June. Calibrated response by own
        troops to avoid any collateral dam-
        age. Two soldiers sustained minor in-
        juries- both stable.”
            Earlier,  an  Indian  Army  sol-
        dier has been injured after armed
        miscreants resorted to unprovoked
        firing  from  Kanto  Sabal  towards
        Chingmang village during the inter-
        vening night of June 18-19.
            Violence  gripped  Manipur  on
        May 3 after clashes erupted during a
        rally organized by the All Tribals Stu-
        dents Union (ATSU) to protest the
        demand for the inclusion of Meiteis
        in the Scheduled Tribe (ST) list.        People from Manipur, stage a protest over the ongoing violence in the state, at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on Monday (ANI)
            As Manipur is still witnessing in-
        cidents like arson, the state govern-
        ment on Tuesday extended the ban   Shah will convene an all-party meet-  Rahul Gandhi said it is being con-  remain suspended in the state.
        on the internet by five more days till   ing on June 24 in the national capital   vened at a time when Prime Minister   “Further suspension of mo-
        June 25 with immediate effect in an   to discuss the situation in Manipur,   Narendra Modi is on a State visit to   bile data services/internet/data ser-
        effort to prevent further disturbance   Home Ministry Spokesperson said   the United States, which shows that   vices including broadband services
        to peace.                         on Wednesday.                     the meeting isn’t important to him.  and  internet/data  services through
            Meanwhile, Congress leader KC     The announcement came hours       Rahul  tweeted, “Manipur  has   VASTs of Bharatnet Phase-ll is fur-
        Venugopal on Thursday slammed     after, Congress Parliamentary Party   been burning for 50 days, but the   ther suspended in the territorial ju-
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi for   Chairperson Sonia Gandhi said that   Prime Minister remained silent. An   risdiction of the state of Manipur,
        his silence over the unrest in Mani-  the unprecedented violence that has   all-party meeting was called when   except for those who have already
        pur. “For the last 53 days, Manipur   devastated the lives of people in Mani-  the Prime Minister himself is not in   been  specifically  exempted  by  the
        is  burning,  and  people  are  fighting   pur has “left a deep wound in the con-  the country! Clearly, this meeting is   government and may be exempted
        with each other. PM has not uttered   science of our nation” while appealing   not important for the Prime Minis-  subsequently and Internet Lease
        a single word yet. A delegation from   for peace and harmony in the state.  ter.” The union home minister will   Line (ILL) on a case to basis as per-
        Manipur was here for the last 10      Questioning the timing of the   be chairing an all-party meeting on   mitted by the competent authority,”
        days but PM was not ready to meet   all-party meeting called by Union   June 24 in the national capital to   an order issued by Manipur govern-
        them,” Venugopal said. “We’re     Home Minister Amit Shah on June   discuss the situation in Manipur,   ment  said  on  Tuesday,  adding  it  is
        expecting a meeting convened by   24, to discuss the prevailing situation   the spokesperson for the MHA in-  issued to prevent any disturbances
        Prime Minister,” he added.        in Manipur in the wake of ethnic vi-  formed on Wednesday.          of the peace and public order in the
            Union  Home Minister Amit     olence and clashes, Congress leader   Meanwhile, Internet services   jurisdiction of the state.

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