Page 6 - The Indian EYE 063023
P. 6
BIG STORY JUNE 30, 2023 | The Indian Eye 6
Modi further related battles
of patience, persuasion and policy.
“I can relate to the battles of pa-
tience, persuasion and policy. I can
understand the debate of ideas and
ideology. But I am delighted to see
you come together to celebrate the
bonds between two great democra-
cies - India and the United States,”
said PM Modi.
Speaking about the active par-
ticipation of Indian-Americans in
US politics, he told that the “Samosa
Caucus is the flavor of the house,” re-
ferring to US Vice President Kamala
Harris. “The foundation of America
was inspired by the vision of a nation
of equal people...There are millions
here who have roots in India, some
of them sit proudly in this chamber
and there is one behind me. There is
one behind me (Kamala Harris) who
has made history,” he said.
The prime minister said that
democracy is one of our sacred and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a bilateral meeting with the President of USA, Joe Biden, at White House,
shared values. It has evolved over a in Washington DC USA on Thursday. National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, Ambassador of India to the United States Taranjit Singh Sandhu,
long time and taken various forms of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and other dignitaries also seen (ANI)
“Democracy is one of our just a celebration of democracy but veins of its people and they live de- in India’s democratic values on the
basis of religion, caste, age, geogra-
mocracy in their daily lives. “We are
also of diversity,” he added.
sacred and shared values. PM Modi further stated that a democracy and as President Biden phy,” he added.
Throughout history, one thing the US is the oldest and India is the said India and America both have Answering a question related
largest democracy. “Our partnership democracy in our DNA. Democra- to the environmental protection, he
has been clear, democracy is augurs well for the future of democ- cy is in our spirit and we live it and said as far as India is concerned, the
the spirit that supports equal- racy. Together, we shall give a bet- it’s written in our Constitution...So environment and climate “have an
ter future to the world and a better no question of discrimination on the essential place in our culture and
ity and dignity. Democracy is world to the future,” he said. grounds of caste, creed or religion tradition”.
the idea that welcomes debate PM Modi also highlighted In- arises,” PM Modi said when asked The Prime Minister said India
dia’s sturdy economic journey. He about measures the government is is the only G20 country in the world
and discourse. Democracy is said, “When I first visited the US as willing to take to improve the rights that kept the promise it took in Paris
the culture that gives wings to the PM, India was the 10th largest of minorities in the country. to protect the environment. “Envi-
economy in the world. Today, India PM Modi said that the govern- ronment is an article of faith for us.
thought and expression. India is the 5th largest economy. And In- ment works according to the con- We do not believe in the exploitation
is blessed to have such values dia will be the third-largest economy stitution formulated on the basis of of nature. India not only works to
soon....When India grows the whole basic democratic values. protect its own environment but also
from time immemorial. India is world grows.” “Democracy is our spirit, it is works for protecting the world. We
“Our vision is Sabka Saath,
the mother of democracy,” said Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sab- in our veins, we live democracy and are taking global initiatives for the
same. India is the only G20 country
our ancestors gave it the shape of
PM Modi. ka Prayaas. It means, together for the Constitution. Our government in the world that kept the promise it
everyone’s growth, with everyone’s works according to the Constitution. took in Paris to protect the environ-
He said that India and US have trust and everyone’s effort. Let me We have proved that democracy can ment,” he said.
made the test of friendship through share with you how this vision is deliver,” PM Modi said. “We have launched an interna-
the long and widening road that both translating into action with scale and “When I say democracy can de- tional solar alliance for the world
countries have travelled. speed,” added PM Modi. liver, there is no scope of discrim- and today several countries in the
“A lot has changed since I came Also noting that India and the ination on the basis of caste, creed, world are working with us. We are
here 7 summers ago. However, a US have democracy in their DNA, religion, gender. When we talk of seeing that due to natural calamities,
lot has remained the same, like our Prime Minister Narendra Modi on democracy, if there are no human there is a huge loss to the infrastruc-
commitment to deepen the friend- Thursday said there is no question values, no humanity, no human ture. We care about our future gen-
ship between India and the US,” said of discrimination on the grounds rights, then it is not democracy. And erations, so we are taking a global
PM Modi. of caste, creed or religion and his when you talk of democracy, accept responsibility to support the world
“Last year India celebrated 75 government works by the mantra of democracy and when we live democ- in the crisis of climate change,” he
years of independence. Every mile- ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas, sabka vish- racy, there is no scope of discrimina- added.
stone is important but this one was was, sabka prayaas’. tion. We go by the principles of ‘sab- Overall, on a busy day with some
special. We celebrated a remarkable Responding to a question during ka saath, sabka vikas, sabka vishwas, top engagements, Modi made a big
journey of our 75 years of freedom a joint press conference with US sabka prayaas’ . There is access for impression and made it clear that the
after thousand years of foreign rule President Joe Biden, PM Modi said all to benefits provided by the gov- relations between India and US are
in one form or another. This was not democracy is India’s spirit, in the ernment. There is no discrimination taking a giant leap forward.