Page 10 - The Indian EYE 063023
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OPINION JUNE 30, 2023 | The Indian Eye 10
China’s Push for Science
and Technology Collaboration
with BRI Countries
hina is aiming to make science
and technology (S&T) cooper-
Cation a significant component
of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
It has taken a number of steps do-
mestically to increase S&T develop-
ment and innovation. At the National
People’s Congress and the Chinese
People’s Political Consultative Con-
ference in Beijing in March 2023, the
role of ‘science’ in the national agenda
was elevated. As a result, the Ministry
of Science and Technology was recon-
stituted and a new permanent body
called the Central Science and Tech-
nology Commission was established,
to oversee China’s S&T efforts.
Moreover, at the second annual
meeting of the Forum on High Quali-
ty Development of the BRI in Beijing
in February 2023, the Chinese scientif- In Africa, collaboration is concentrated in three main sectors: information technology, agriculture and education (File photo)
ic community emphasized robust co-
operation in S&T sector to offer solu- bility. The guideline also emphasized parallel tracks, where the Chinese tion in S&T. Due to the lack of remote
tions to shared issues such as climate expanding cooperation on vocational Academy of Sciences (CAS), the sensing data for resource surveys and
change, environmental protection, skill development to help solve youth largest scientific organization in Chi- environment monitoring, several BRI
public health, the digital economy, unemployment in the BRI countries. na, plays a decisive role in framing countries are at risk of severe environ-
technology transfer and professional In July 2016, the Ministry of Edu- scientific programmes. According to mental change and global warming.
training. This Brief evaluates the im- cation issued another guideline titled, the President of the CAS, Bai Chunli, According to Hunadong Guo, the
plementation of S&T component in ‘Education Action Plan for the Belt “Science, technology and innovation chief architect of DBAR, cooperation
BRI by the Chinese government, how and Road Initiative’, where several are the core driving force for BRI de- is based on seven themes – studying
far it has been successful and also un- aspects for deeper integration in high- velopment” to overcome many devel- environmental change, coastal zones,
derlines issues of concerns while exe- er education with the BRI member opmental obstacles, including climate world heritage protection, natural di-
cuting S&T along the BRI. states were underscored, including change, water and food security, pub- saster mitigation and prevention, ag-
The Chinese government over deepening people-to-people exchang- lic health, and ecological challenges riculture and food security, water re-
the years has issued several guidelines es. It also called for simplification of that BRI participant countries face. sources, urbanization, and cold region
to foster cooperation in the field of visa application procedures to hasten CAS has established five centres environment.
S&T with BRI countries. The Nation- academic exchanges for collaborative of excellence in China to train re- The Alliance of International
al Development and Reform Com- research projects in BRI countries. search scientists from BRI countries. Science Organisation (ANSO) es-
mission, the Ministry of Foreign Af- Moreover, at the Belt and Road In addition, CAS has established nine tablished in November 2018 by CAS
fairs and the Ministry of Commerce Forum on 14 May 2017, President overseas institutions - in Africa, South in collaboration with UNESCO and
jointly issued a guideline in March Xi Jinping encouraged ‘innova- America, Central Asia, South and the Third World Academy of Science
2015 on the ‘Vision and Actions on tion-driven development’ in the BRI East Asia countries. For instance, the (TWAS) is yet another track of foster-
Jointly Building the Silk Road Eco- and intensification of cooperation, centre in Sri Lanka focuses on water ing S&T cooperation among the BRI
nomic Belt and 21st Century Mari- particularly in the areas of the dig- management; the centre in Sao Paulo, states. Based on the principle of ‘joint
time Silk Road’. These called for in- ital economy, artificial intelligence, Brazil emphasizes research on weather consultation, joint effort and joint
creasing cooperation in S&T through nanotechnology and quantum and space and the centre in Tashkent sharing’, ANSO undertakes collabora-
joint labs (research centers), interna- computing. In addition, China an- focuses on the research and develop- tive scientific research projects on the
tional technology transfer centres and nounced the launch of the ‘Belt and ment of natural product drugs with re- themes of climate change adaptation,
maritime cooperation centres, pro- Road Science, Technology and In- gional characteristics of Central Asia. natural disasters, water security, air
motion of sci-tech personal exchang- novation Cooperation Action Plan’. The Digital Belt and Road pollution, human health, ecosystem
es, tackling key sci-tech problems and Cooperation in S&T among the (DBAR), established in May 2016, is and biodiversity, sustainable develop-
improving sci-tech innovation capa- BRI member states runs on several another track of fostering coopera- Continued on next page... >>