Page 18 - The Indian EYE 063023
P. 18

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 30, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 18

                                                     MODI VISIT TO US

          Strengths of Indian diaspora on full display

                        during important visit to New York

        New York fortunate to have incredibly vibrant, diverse, successful Indian American community: Senator Chuck Schumer

                                                                                                              brant and diverse, successful Indian
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              American community that enriches
        New York, NY                                                                                          our city and state in so many differ-
                                                                                                              ent ways. People from every part of
              xpressing delight after meet-                                                                   India and every religion have ener-
              ing Prime Minister Narendra
        EModi, Grammy-winning singer                                                                          gized  so  many communities  here,”
                                                                                                              Schumer said on Thursday.
        Falguni Shah said on Wednesday he                                                                         The US Senator said: “Indian
        loved the album cover and her new                                                                     Americans contribute mightily to
        song ‘Abundance in Millets’.                                                                          our culture, our economy, our en-
            Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        met Grammy award-winning Indi-                                                                        tertainment, our politics, and every
                                                                                                              other facet of life. In February, I was
        an-American singer Falguni Shah                                                                       honoured to lead the largest and
        a.k.a  Falu,  and  her  family  in  New
        York on Tuesday. Speaking to ANI,                                                                     most senior US Senate delegation
                                                                                                              to India ever.”
        Falguni Shah said, “It was so nice to                                                                     The Senator from New York
        see him (PM Modi), we have worked
                                                                                                              said it’s his pleasure to congratulate
        together for six months. He loved the                                                                 India’s Prime Minister Narendra
        album  cover  and  the  song.  He  said                                                               Modi on his historic state visit to
        let’s hope a lot of people benefit from                                                               America.
        the song and the cause is taken care                                                                      The US Senator said he made
        of”.                                                                                                  India  his  first  government  trip  as
            The Prime Minister also unveiled   Modi meets with Indian-American Singer Falguni Shah, in New York on Tuesday (ANI)
        the album cover of her new song ti-                                                                   Majority Leader to show his com-
                                                                                                              mitment to the importance of the
        tled ‘Abundance in Millets’.
                                                                                                              US, India relationship.
                                                                                                                 “We spent more than an hour
        Prime Minister lauded Shah for                                                                        and a half with the Prime Minister,

        her song ‘Abundance in Mil-                                                                           and we learned so much about how
                                                                                                              great India is and why it is becom-
        lets’, which raises awareness                                                                         ing one of the very leading powers of
        regarding healthy and environ-                                                                        the world. We realized what a strong
                                                                                                              US, India relationship is essential
        ment-friendly millets. Prime                                                                          to promoting our democracy in the

        Minister Modi also appreciat-                                                                         region, growing the world economy,
                                                                                                              boosting technological progress and
        ed her for bringing the people                                                                        competitiveness of both our nations
        of India and the US together                                                                          and being a barrier to China, India’s
                                                                                                              traditional enemy,” Schumer said.
        through her music                                                                                         The US  Senator  said he is
                                                                                                              amazed by what he saw and expe-
            PM Modi and Shah have col-                                                                        rienced  in  India,  “a  beautiful  and
        laborated on this special song. The                                                                   diverse country, a proud and long
        singer’s husband, Gaurav Shah, also                                                                   history that is filled with hardwork-
        worked alongside and the song fea-                                                                    ing, ambitious, talented people who
        tures a speech written and delivered                                                                  are together creating the destiny of a
        by PM Modi.                                                                                           vibrant, pluralistic democracy.”
            The special song is aimed at pro-     Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with various think tank experts    “I welcome his visit as the next
        moting the benefits of millet and its                                                                 step in deepening the partnership
        potential to alleviate world hunger.                     at New York on Tuesday (ANI)                 between our countries. I greatly look
            Falguni  bagged the Best  Chil-                                                                   forward to working with India and
        dren’s Music Album Grammy for ‘A  for winning her first-ever Grammy.  ibly vibrant, diverse, successful Indi- the whole Indian American commu-
        Colourful World’ on April 4, 2022,    Meanwhile, US Senator Chuck  an American community.             nity in New York to move forward
        saying that, to her surprise, PM   Schumer on Thursday said New        “Here in New York, we’re so    on issues of shared interest and mu-
        Modi also extended his best wishes  York is fortunate to have an incred- fortunate to have an incredibly vi- tual gain,” the Senator said.

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