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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 37

                                                              TECH T@LK

        WhatsApp introduces screen sharing with audio for enhanced user experience

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 with ease, while video calls boast higher resolution
                                                                                                   for those with faster connections.
        San Framcisco, CA
                                                                                                      Even in cases of poor network connectivity or
           n a move that promises to revolutionize the                                             when using older devices, the audio quality is crisp-
           way we connect, tech giant WhatsApp has an-                                             er and more reliable. (ANI)
        Inounced a series of updates that will enhance                                                Earlier, in a bid to streamline communication
        the calling experience for its users across desktop                                        and enhance group interactions, WhatsApp has in-
        and mobile devices.                                                                        troduced a new feature aimed at simplifying event
            Since the introduction of WhatsApp in 2015,                                            organization within its platform.
        the platform has continued to evolve with the ad-                                             As per GSM Arena, the messaging giant an-
        dition of group calls, video calls, and multi-platform                                     nounced the rollout of a novel tool designed to
        support. Now, the latest updates set to roll out over   The updates mark a significant step forward in enhancing the   facilitate the planning of gatherings directly within
        the next few weeks are poised to take calling to a   overall quality of calls on WhatsApp, with a relentless focus   WhatsApp groups, eliminating the need for exter-
        whole new level.                                   on audio and video excellence (Agency photo)  nal applications.
            One of the most exciting updates is the intro-                                            With this latest update, users now have the con-
        duction of screen sharing with audio, allowing users   during a call, with the speaker automatically high-  venience of creating events seamlessly, whether it’s a
        to watch videos together while sharing their audio.  lighted and appearing first on the screen.  virtual meeting, a birthday celebration, or any other
            This feature is set to transform the way friends   These  updates  mark  a  significant  step  for-  gathering. This feature allows anyone within a group
        and family interact on the platform, bringing them   ward in enhancing the overall quality of calls on   chat to initiate an event, enabling group members
        even closer despite physical distance.       WhatsApp, with a relentless focus on audio and vid-  to RSVP, and providing clarity on attendance. vents
            In addition, the number of participants on a vid-  eo excellence. WhatsApp has also made significant   created within WhatsApp groups will be prominent-
        eo call has been increased to up to 32 people across   strides in improving audio and video quality, ensur-  ly displayed in the group’s information section, en-
        all devices, offering users the opportunity to connect   ing clearer calls regardless of the user’s location.  suring easy access to event details for all members.
        with larger groups in a seamless and engaging manner.  The recent launch of the MLow codec has sig-  Moreover, attendees will receive timely notifi-
            Furthermore, the addition of the speaker spot-  nificantly  enhanced  call  reliability,  especially  for   cations as the event approaches, keeping everyone
        light feature will greatly enhance the user experi-  mobile users. With improved noise and echo cancel-  informed and engaged.
        ence, making it easier to identify who is speaking   lation, calls can now be made in noisy environments   (With agency reports)

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