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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                        JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 42

                                        FAITH and FILMS:

            Two flicks face launching trouble as

                    courts look at communal angle

         Supreme Court stays the release of Annu Kapoor starrer movie ‘Hamare Baarah’; Gujarat High
              Court’s stays the release of ‘Maharaj’ which is the debut film of Aamir Khan’s son Junaid

        OUR BUREAU
        Mumbai/New Delhi
           n a verdict that will have far-reach-
           ing  consequences  for  the  enter-
        Itainment industry in India, the
        Supreme Court has put a stay on the
        release of the Annu Kapoor starrer
        movie  ‘Hamare  Baarah’  and  asked
        the Bombay High Court to decide
        expeditiously a petition alleging that
        the film was derogatory to the Islam-
        ic faith and married Muslim women.
        A vacation bench of Justice Vikram
        Nath and Justice Sandeep Mehta
        halted the release of the film till the
        disposal  of  the  petition  challenging
        the movie’s certification.
            Jointly produced by Birender
        Bhagat, Ravi S Gupta, Sanjay Nagpal,
        and Sheo Balak Singh, and directed
        by Kamal Chandra, ‘Hamare Baar-                           A still from ‘Hamare Baarah’                        Junaid Khan in ‘Maharaj’
        ah’ stars Annu Kapoor, Manoj Joshi,
        and Paritosh Tripathi. The movie was   themed  on  women’s  empowerment   movie was set to premiere on Netflix   An  application  was  filed  in  the
        scheduled to release on June 14.  and population awareness. Virender   on June 14. ‘Maharaj’ landed in le-  High Court by the devotees of Lord
            The apex court was hearing a plea   Bhagat said, “I want to thank the Su-  gal trouble after an urgent petition   Shri Krishna and the followers of Val-
        challenging the order of the Bombay   preme Court for hearing us today. The   was filed in the Gujarat High Court   labhacharyaji  with  allegation  made
        High Court permitting the release of   censor board said that this is a movie   regarding controversial comments   by the Pushtimarga sect that the film
        the movie. “Until disposal of the pe-  on women’s empowerment and pop-  about the Vaishnava sect and the con-  ‘Maharaj’ is based on the Maharaj def-
        tition before the High Court, screen-  ulation awareness and had submitted   tention of matters that hurt the senti-  amation case of 1862 and that it con-
        ing of the movie in question shall re-  the report to the Bombay High Court.  ments of Hindus.        tains words and comments that hurt
        main suspended. We request the High   Recently, the Bombay HC per-      After the preliminary hearing of   the faith and sentiments of the Vaish-
        Court to dispose of the plea expedi-  mitted the release of the movie af-  the petition, the High Court granted   nava-Pushtimarga sect and Hinduism.
        tiously,” the bench stated in its order.  ter the makers agreed to delete two   an interim injunction against the re-  “The release of the movie based
            During the hearing, the judges   dialogues from the film. Earlier, the   lease of the film ‘Maharaj’. Shailesh   on Maharaj Libel Case of 1862, is
        also observed that they watched the   court was informed that a three-per-  Patwari  filed  a  petition  in  the  High   likely to incite feelings of hatred and
        teaser of the movie and found it to   son review committee could not con-  Court on June 13 regarding the film   violence against the Pustimargi sect
        be “offensive.” Petitioner Azhar Ba-  clude and requested more time for   ‘Maharaj’.  He said, “This film is por-  which, would be in breach of code of
        sha  Tamboli  had  earlier  approached   their report.              traying Hindu Gods and Shlokas in   ethics under the Information Tech-
        the High Court against the certificate   The Karnataka government has   the wrong way and is trying to increase   nology (Intermediary Guidelines and
        given by the Central Board of Film   banned the release or broadcast of the   the gap between Hindus and Mus-  Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules,
        Certification  (CBFC)  to  the  movie   movie ‘Hamare Baarah’ in the state   lims. This should not happen. I have   2021  (hereinafter referred to  as the
        and sought to revoke the certification   for two weeks or until further notice.  told this to the High Court and made   ‘Rules of 2021’) and the Self-regula-
        granted to the film “Hamare Baarah”   In the meanwhile, another mov-  an appeal and asked to ban this film.”  tion Code of Over the Top Technology
        and injuncting its release.       ie is facing a similar situation. The   The producer and others filed a   (OTT),” read the petition.
            Reacting  to the  Supreme Court   makers of Aamir Khan’s son Junaid   petition with the Court against the in-  ‘Maharaj’ is directed by Siddharth
        ruling, Producer Virender Bhagat   Khan’s debut film ‘Maharaj’ are now   terim injunction. The High Court de-  P Malhotra and bankrolled by Aditya
        thanked the apex court for hearing   set to challenge the Gujarat High   cided to hear all the petitions on June   Chopra under the YRF Entertainment
        the matter. He also said that the cen-  Court’s stay order that has paused the   18. The moratorium will continue at   banner.  The  film  also  stars  Jaideep
        sor board had found the movie to be   release of the movie till June 18. The   this stage.            Ahlawat, Sharvari and Shalini Pandey.

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