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SPORTS                                                                   JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 47

                                                       T20 WORLD CUP

              USA Cricket’s Rise: From Underdogs to

         Super 8 Contenders in the T20 World Cup

          Monank Patel, the US captain, embodies this surging passion for cricket in the USA. Hailing
            from Gujarat, India, Patel’s love for the sport began at a young age, nurtured by his father

                                                                                                              qualification  has  not  only  bolstered
                                                                                                              their  confidence  but  also  brought  a
                                                                                                              significant  financial  boost  through
                                                                                                              prize money and a surge in national
                                                                                                              interest for the sport. Looking for-
                                                                                                              ward to their upcoming matches in
                                                                                                              Barbados, Jones anticipates fervent
                                                                                                              local support, reflecting the growing
                                                                                                              global recognition of USA cricket.
                                                                                                                  Another standout  American
                                                                                                              player is Saurabh Netravalkar, an
                  ARCHAN MEHTA                                                                                Indian-born talent making waves at
                                                                                                              the T20 World Cup. More than just
                   New York, NY
                                                                                                              a brilliant mind with a Cornell degree
              ricket is experiencing a surge                                                                  and a successful career as an Oracle
              in popularity within the USA,                                                                   engineer, Netravalkar is a skilled left-
        Cfueled in part by the ongoing                                                                        arm bowler. He previously donned
        T20 World Cup. Team USA’s impres-                                                                     the Indian U-19 jersey but couldn’t
        sive performance, marked by victo-                                                                    crack the senior squad. Now, proudly
        ries against powerhouses like Paki-                                                                   representing the USA, he became a
        stan and Canada, has brought their                                                                    national hero by successfully defend-
        potential to the forefront. While the                                                                 ing 18 runs in a super over against
        abandoned match against Ireland due                                                                   Pakistan,  securing a historic victory.
        to a wet outfield played a role in their                                                              Netravalkar personifies the ideal bal-
        qualification (awarding both teams a                                                                  ance between academics and athlet-
        point), it can’t diminish their strong                                                                ics, inspiring young people to pursue
        showing throughout the group stage.                                                                   their passions in both areas. It could
        This advancement to the Super 8 has                                                                   just be coincidence that oracle stock
        significantly raised the sport’s profile                                                              is up 13% since the time Saurabh dis-
        in the country. The success not only                                                                  missed Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma
        boosts interest and investment in                                                                     on June 12th!
        cricket, but also guarantees automatic                                                                    As the T20 World Cup progress-
        qualification for the 2026 T20 World                                                                  es, eight teams – India, Australia, En-
        Cup, promising continued growth and                                                                   gland, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, West
        engagement. This performance from                                                                     Indies, USA, and South Africa – have
        Team USA is proving they don’t just                                                                   advanced to the Super 8 stage. Team
        play baseball with a weird stick nor its  embodies this surging passion for  cases their untapped potential and   USA’s journey continues with a match
        just about hot dogs and home runs.  cricket in the USA. Hailing from Gu-  unwavering spirit. Aaron Jones, a   against  South  Africa  on  June 19  in
            Leading this American charge is  jarat, India, Patel’s love for the sport  flamboyant player on the team, em-  Antigua. They then face the West In-
        seasoned coach Stuart Law. With a  began at a young age, nurtured by his  phasizes that their success is a result   dies on June 21 in Barbados, followed
        coaching history encompassing teams  father. Immigrating to the US, he ini-  of both  determination and  honed   by a clash against England on June
        like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, West In-  tially ran a restaurant, putting cricket  skills, not just luck. While the rain-af-  23, also in Barbados. Dominating the
        dies, and Afghanistan, Law’s philos-  on the back burner. However, when  fected match played a part in their   group stage, India has secured their
        ophy emphasizes trust and empower-  the  opportunity to  play  for  the  US  qualification,  Jones  highlights  their   spot in the Super 8. They’ll face off
        ing his players to showcase their skills.  team arose, he grabbed it with both  burning desire to prove themselves   against Australia, Afghanistan, and
        He also prioritizes fostering strong  hands, viewing it as a second chance  on  the  field.  He  expresses  immense   Bangladesh in this next round. The
        team  relationships,  a  key  ingredient  at high-level cricket. His crucial  pride in the often-overlooked talent   matches will be held across Barbados,
        in helping underdog teams rise to the  half-century against Pakistan stands  within  the  US  team,  confident  that   Antigua, and St Lucia, with only the
        challenge.                        as a testament to his dedication.  they can compete with any opponent   top two teams from this group pro-
            Monank Patel, the US captain,     This rise of USA cricket show-  when they play proper cricket. This   gressing to the thrilling semifinals.

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