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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 36

           All eyes on Budget 2024 preparation as

             industries wait for economic blueprint

          A report highlights the need for the government to increase its focus on farmers,

                                  the rural population, urban poor, and middle class

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Strategy” by Prabhudas Lilladher, a
                                                                                                              stock broking company, highlights
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              that India’s economy is on a positive
              he Modi 3.0 government is get-                                                                  trajectory with a focus on infrastruc-
              ting all ready to reveal its eco-                                                               ture development driving growth.
        Tnomic blueprint to the nation                                                                        The report noted that after the suc-
        –and the world at large. This will be                                                                 cessful contest in the election and
        the  Modi  government’s  first  budget                                                                the formation of NDA government
        after it assumed office for the third                                                                 at the center, the government  will
        successive term. The budget is antic-                                                                 continue its capital expenditure.
        ipated to be tabled in Parliament in                                                                      The report highlighted that the
        the third week of July.                                                                               government will maintain a focus on
            Earlier, on February 1, Finance                                                                   capex-led growth around PLI, roads,
        Minister Nirmala Sitharaman pre-                                                                      ports, aviation, defense, railways,
        sented the interim budget for 2024-                                                                   and green energy, given a 20bps low-
        2025 in Parliament due to the elec-                                                                   er fiscal deficit in FY24, normal mon-
        tion year.                                                                                            soons, and a Rs 2.1 trillion dividend
            The Interim Budget is present-                                                                    from RBI.
        ed by a government that is either in                                                                      The fiscal deficit for FY24 stands
        a transition period or in its last year                                                               at 5.6 per cent, providing room for
        in office ahead of general elections.                                                                 the government to push for growth
        The purpose of the interim budget is                                                                  and populism. The RBI’s dividend of
        to ensure the continuity of govern-                                                                   Rs 2.1 trillion has further increased
        ment expenditure and essential ser-                                                                   the fiscal space, enabling investments
        vices until the new government can                                                                    in key sectors like green energy, EV,
        present  a  full-fledged  budget  after                                                               and rural development.
        taking office.                                                                                            However, the report also high-
            Now, as part of pre-budget con-                                                                   lighted the need for the government
        sultations,  Finance  Minister  Nirma-                                                                to increase its focus on farmers, the
        la Sitharaman is scheduled to meet                                                                    rural population, urban poor, and
        representatives from industry as-  Nirmala Sitharaman assumed charge as the Union Finance Minister for the second time in the   middle class to mitigate the impact
        sociations on June 20. The meeting                                                                    of new social engineering cum free-
        will see industry associations such as                     Modi government (ANI)                      bies-led reversals in certain states in
        the Federation of Indian Chambers                                                                     recent elections.
        of  Commerce  &  Industry  (FICCI),  support small and medium enterpris-  challenges. The collaborative efforts   In the stock market, the report
        Confederation of Indian Indus-    es (SMEs).                        of the ministry’s team are expected   shared a positive outlook on sec-
        try (CII), Associated Chambers of     Nirmala Sitharaman, who has   to contribute to a robust and strate-  tors including Auto, Banks, Capital
        Commerce and Industry of India    been a Union Minister in both the   gic  financial  plan  for  the  upcoming   Goods, Defense, Hospitals, Pharma,
        (Assocham), and PHD Chamber of    2014 and 2019 Modi cabinets, took   fiscal year.                    cement, Aviation, and Discretion-
        Commerce and Industry presenting   oath as Union Cabinet Minister in    In the February interim budget,   ary consumption and also increased
        their budget suggestions and recom-  Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi’s   the government focused on econom-  weights behind Capital Goods, Tele-
        mendations.                       new Union Council of Ministers on   ic policies that foster growth, facili-  com and Cement.
            This meeting is part of the gov-  Sunday  evening in  the forecourt of   tate inclusive development, improve   The latest quarterly results
        ernment’s annual pre-budget consul-  Rashtrapati Bhavan, along with an-  productivity, and create opportuni-  showed strong performance in sec-
        tations aimed at garnering feedback   other 70 Council of Ministers.   ties for various sections, while not-  tors  like  auto, oil  and  gas, metals,
        and suggestions from key stakehold-   Nirmala Sitharaman has already   ing that it will pay utmost attention   capital goods, and pharma. While
        ers to shape the upcoming Union   directed officials to initiate the bud-  to the eastern region, including the   some sectors like consumer, IT, and
        Budget.                           get preparation process, emphasizing   states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhat-  oil and gas reported tepid numbers,
            The discussions are expected   the need for meticulous planning and   tisgarh, Odisha, and West Bengal, to   there is optimism around the growth
        to cover a broad range of topics, in-  comprehensive analysis. This early   make them growth engines as part of   potential in auto, capital goods, and
        cluding tax reforms, incentives for   start aims to ensure a well-structured   the goal to make India a developed   pharmaceuticals. Mid and small-cap
        various industries, measures to boost   budget that effectively addresses the   country by 2047.      stocks have outperformed, reflecting
        economic  growth,  and  policies  to   country’s economic priorities and   Meanwhile,  a  report  “India   market confidence in the economy.

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