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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JUNE 21, 2024 | The Indian Eye 34
36% of women feel like they can nev-
er find the resources they need to get
more out of their lives. Whether it’s
a mentor to give them the confidence
to pursue a new passion, or the finan-
cial literacy to help them prioritize
their goals, Marshalls is committed
to helping close this “access gap.”
“I was honored to be invited to
keynote at the first ever Good Stuff
Social Club and what I loved most about the experience is that it fostered
a supportive community where women could network and access incredible
experts and their life-changing advice, tools, and resources, but also peers,
and new friends. It was the sense of community and togetherness that was
so powerful,” says Chopra Jonas. “After that experience, I wanted to expand
the reach of the Social Club to women in different cities. Every woman de-
serves to live the life they want, and it’s refreshing to partner with a brand like
Marshalls who has prioritized community-based initiatives like this to support
women.” As partners in this mission, Chopra Jonas and Marshalls are collab- Raj Gandhi, the son of Chicago community leader Hitesh Gandhi, is a
orating again to design impactful sessions on how to help find financial stabil- student at the prestigious Wayne State University of Detroit, Michigan.
ity, how to embrace your self-worth and achieve your ambitions for a better Raj’s extracurricular engagements included Certified Nursing Assistant,
life, how to turn connections into valuable community, and how to style with Admin Assistant at Neurohealth, Pediatric Emergency Department Volun-
purpose and confidence. teer, Volunteer Tutor for Low-income families, Basic Life Support Certified
RAJ GANDHI – the American Heart Association, Stop The Bleed Certified – American Col-
lege of Surgeons, Committee of Trauma.
He aspires to be a family medicine physician who actively supports the
Chicago resident wins Outstanding effort to equalize access to healthcare. He intends to accomplish this goal by
opening a clinic in which he operates on a sliding scale fee. This ensures that
Youth of the Year 2024 award those who may not have health insurance can still receive affordable treat-
ment and education on preventive health measures, thus avoiding the trau-
n June 5, 2024, Raj Gandhi was awarded by Congressman Daniel K. matic and costly experiences associated with preventable illnesses and diseases.
Davis from District 7, in the presence of many dignitaries’ Congress-
Oman Jonathan Jackson, Congressman Raja Krishnamurthi, AMEC
Chair Dr Vijay Prabhakar, Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, Consul- To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
ate General of India Chicago Somnath Ghose. our website