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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 32

                           ASHWIN RAMASWAMI                                 profit-centric and decrease healthcare costs. Unlike my Socialist Democrat

          Democrat named to credentials                                     opponent’s incompetence in healthcare, instead of bankrupting Social Secu-
                                                                            rity and Medicare, I will preserve and protect them.”
                                                                                As Dr. Mohan prepares for the general election, he emphasizes that all
           committee for Convention 2024                                    the issues that he is strong on and will fight to bring common sense solutions
                                                                            to are issues that all Americans want – Republicans, Independents and Dem-
                                                                            ocrats. “I believe in the profound strength of empathy and that the power of
              shwin Ramaswami, a candi-                                     Good grows exponentially. I am more than ready for the big fights ahead for
              date for the Georgia State Sen-                               the good of the people. I invite all residents of Burlington, Monmouth and
        Aate representing District 48,                                      Mercer counties in NJ’s 3rd District to join us in the Good fight, the Big fight
        has been appointed to the credentials                               and help build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.”
        committee of the 2024 Democratic
        National Convention (DNC).  The                                                             LOKESH MUNI
        convention is scheduled to take place
        in Chicago from August 19th to 22nd.                                 Jain leader to establish US based
            As a member of the credentials
        committee, Ramaswami will play a                                                 World Peace Centre
        crucial role in resolving concerns
        related to delegate seating and veri-
        fying the credentials of delegate can-                                 ndian Jain spiritual leader Acha-
        didates. His work will help to ensure                                  rya Lokesh Muni has announced
        that only properly credentialed dele-                               Ithe establishment of the World
        gates can serve as delegates and alternates to the Convention.      Peace Center in New Jersey, with
            Recently, Ashwin Ramaswami, the first Gen Z Indian-American candi-  the aim of promoting global peace
        date running for a US state senate, has won the Democratic primary in the   through various means. The center
        state of Georgia and he will face Republican Senator Shaen Still in November.  will train peace ambassadors and
            His appointment underscores the significance of South Asian Americans   serve as a hub for mediating and re-
        and Gen Z leaders within the Georgia Democratic Party, shaping the future   solving international disputes.
        trajectory of the national party.                                       This initiative is part of a broader
            The 23-year-old Ramaswami graduated from Georgetown University  ‘Peace and Harmony tour’ addressing

        His parents immigrated to the US from Tamil Nadu in 1990. If elected, he   conflicts worldwide. The first center
        would be the youngest ever elected representative in the State of Georgia and   is set to be inaugurated in New Delhi,
        the first Indian-American to win this position in Georgia.          and the New Jersey center will be the second of its kind, marking a significant
                                                                            step toward global collaboration for peace and harmony.
                                                                               “The establishment of the World Peace Center in New Jersey is a signifi-
                             DR RAJESH MOHAN                                cant step towards creating a platform where global conflicts can be addressed.
             Republican wins Primary for                                    Whether it’s the ongoing war in Ukraine or the Israel-Palestine conflict, the
                                                                            aim is to bring disputing parties to the negotiation table before violence esca-
          NJ’s 3rd Congressional District                                   lates,” said Acharya Lokesh Muni.
                                                                                The foundation for the World Peace Center in New Jersey is set to be laid
                                                                            soon, with a ceremony planned after completing the necessary formalities. As
                                                                            per him, this center would be the first of its kind outside India.
               r Rajesh Mohan, an experi-                                       Muni is the founder of the Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati organization, which
               enced physician leader and
        Da successful entrepreneur,                                         works for peace and emphasizes non-violence. He was presented with the
                                                                            US President’s Gold Volunteer Service award in April in recognition of his
        stood victorious in the Republican
        Primary for New Jersey’s 3rd Con-                                   contribution to the public good and humanity.
        gressional District. Dr. Mohan will                                                 PRIYANKA CHOPRA JONAS
        now face a Socialist Democrat Herb
        Conaway, in the upcoming  Novem-
        ber election.                                                        Marshalls partner with actor for
            Mohan’s campaign focuses on
        stronger border protection, ensuring                                      initiative to support women
        the longevity of Medicare and Social
        Security, investing in domestic man-                                     or the second consecutive year, Marshalls is partnering with actor and
        ufacturing and small business growth,                                    producer, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, to play an integral role in design-
        increasing investments in mental                                    Fing the Good Stuff Social Club programming and to build awareness
        health care, and reducing out-of-pocket medical costs by reforming the Af-  through her own personal story and powerful platform.
        fordable Care Act.                                                      Marshalls announced programming in communities across America de-
            With a distinguished career as a quadruple board-certified interventional   signed to help women bridge the gap between where they are and where they
        cardiologist with an MBA and a proven successful track record of leadership,  know they’re capable of going. With a slate of new and returning programming
        Dr. Mohan brings a wealth of experience, passion and a commitment to pub-  as part of the Marshalls Good Stuff Social Club, the brand is continuing its mis-
        lic service. “I am honored and grateful for the support I have received from   sion to help women access the good stuff™ in life and achieve their ambitions.
        the residents of NJ’s 3rd Congressional District,” said Dr. Rajesh Mohan. “I   Marshalls commissioned research to understand the “access gap” for
        am determined to bring solutions to our nation’s critical issues. Unlike my   women in the US – defined as what stands between women and the life they
        Socialist Democrat opponent’s support of open borders and illegal immigra-  want to live. Findings showed that 2 in every 3 women feel like they aren’t
        tion, I will work to secure our borders and stop illegal immigration. Unlike   living their ideal life. Though many feel optimistic about their futures, at least
        my Socialist Democrat opponent, I will make healthcare patient-centric, not                                  Continued on next page... >>

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