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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 28

                             Many Indian-Americans are

                   named to Rockefeller Foundation’s

                                  Climate Advisory Council

        OUR BUREAU                        climate solutions to ensure the most   Yee, Executive Vice President of   with eminent experts across sectors
                                          transformational impact.          Programs at The Rockefeller Foun-  in this vital endeavor to advance cli-
        New York, NY
                                              With each member serving a    dation and co-Chair of the Climate   mate action.”
              he Rockefeller Foundation   voluntary two-year term, inaugural   Advisory Council.                  The 111-year-old philanthrop-
              announced the creation of a   members of The Rockefeller Foun-    “We are fortunate to partner   ic organization established the new
        Tnew Climate Advisory Coun-       dation Climate Advisory Council   with these world-class climate lead-  Council while in the early stages of a
        cil to help advance people-centered   will have Indian Americans like Ani   ers who will help guide our decisions   $1 billion commitment to advance a
        climate solutions that both reduce   Dasgupta, President, and CEO of   and evaluate our progress as we work   global climate transition that includes
        emissions and enhance opportuni-  World Resources Institute, Arunabha   to develop solutions that can enhance   everyone, especially those who are
        ties for communities most vulnera-  Ghosh, Founder-CEO, Council on   the well-being of people and planet.”  most at risk. As part of its five-year
        ble to the effects of a warming world.   Energy, Environment, and Water   “I am delighted to co-chair The   climate strategy, The Rockefeller
        Together,  this  network  of  climate   (CEEW), Archana Soreng, Khadia   Rockefeller Foundation’s  new  Cli-  Foundation is also targeting net-ze-
        experts and innovators, who repre-  Tribe, India; former Member of the   mate Advisory Council. Together,   ro greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
        sent a diverse array of perspectives,   United Nations Secretary General’s   we will support the Foundation to   for its endowment by 2050, making it
        experiences, and regions where The   Youth Advisory Group on Climate   develop and scale innovative solu-  the largest private U.S. foundation
        Rockefeller Foundation is opera-  Change 2020-2023, Rt Hon Sir Alok   tions to solve the climate crisis and   to  date  to  make  that  commitment.
        tional,  will  serve  as  an  influential   Sharma KCMG,  COP26  President   support those most vulnerable to its   In addition, the Foundation is taking
        voice to accelerate action toward a   and Climate Finance Fellow at The   impacts,” said the Rt Hon Sir Alok   steps  toward  reaching  net-zero  for
        just transition and prosperous green   Rockefeller Foundation.      Sharma,  COP26  President  and  Cli-  the entirety of its global operations,
        economy.                              “Developing   people-centered  mate and Finance Fellow at The   which include headquarters in New
            The  Council,  which  will meet   solutions to climate change requires   Rockefeller Foundation, who will   York City and locations in Washing-
        three to four times a year, will ad-  a significant breadth, depth, and di-  also co-chair the Climate Advisory   ton, D.C.; Nairobi, Kenya; Bangkok,
        vise on the Foundation’s portfolio of   versity of expertise,” said Elizabeth   Council. “I look forward to working   Thailand; and Bellagio, Italy.

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