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NATION                                                                   JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye                     8

         India and Nepal sign ‘historic’ pacts as two

                   PMs sit down to resolve tense issues

            Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal says Nepal is now at the cusp of economic takeoff and the country
                                      has achieved political transformation, peace and democracy

        OUR BUREAU

        New Delhi
              epal Prime Minister Pushpa
              Kamal Dahal has stated that
        None-on-one discussions with
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi were
        helpful in easing the situation that was
        heading  for  complications.  Speaking
        to Nepali journalists in New Delhi
        on Friday morning, Dahal stated that
        after three one-on-one meetings with
        his  Indian  counterpart,  the  atmo-
        sphere of the talks became comfort-
        able. Dahal emphasized that despite
        the pressure to perform, the environ-
        ment improved as a result of the Indi-
        an Prime Minister’s initiative.
            Prime Minister Dahal said that
        there were some doubts that the envi-
        ronment for the talks would be com-
        plicated after reaching the Indian cap-
        ital on Wednesday, Kathmandu Post
        reported. “When we arrived, we had
        some doubts about the occurrence of
        complexities during the bilateral talks
        as we had come with certain expecta-
        tions and preparations,” said Dahal.        Prime Minister Narendra Modi holds a bilateral meeting with Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’
            “Several Memoranda of Un-
        derstanding and agreements were                                   at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI)
        signed and because of it this visit has
        become historic.”                 is also covering more about my visit,”   Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Ka-  Minister Prachanda and congratulat-
            Dahal,  during  the  interaction,   said Dahal.                 mal Dahal alias Prachanda on Thurs-  ed him on his appointment as Prime
        said he was doubtful about the prog-  Prime Minister Dahal said that   day said Nepal is now at the cusp of   Minister of Nepal.
        ress to be made with India upon   the main ‘outcome’ of the current trip   economic takeoff and the country has   The President remarked that
        reaching the Nepali Embassy after   was the long-term power deal.   achieved political transformation, in-  bilateral  cooperation  between  In-
        arriving in New Delhi on Wednes-      “The most important thing that   stitutionalized peace and democracy.   dia  and  Nepal  has  grown  recently.
        day,  Kathmandu  Post  reported.  “I   we emphasized during this visit was   “Nepal is now at the cusp of econom-  Even during the tough days of the
        had three one-to-one meetings with   the long-term energy agreement giv-  ic takeoff. We have achieved political   COVID-19 epidemic, trade between
        Modi  which  eased  the  situation.  A   en our potential in the power sector,”   transformation and institutionalized   the two nations was maintained. The
        lot of hard work was done,” said Da-  said  Dahal.  Prime  Minister  Dahal   peace & democracy in the country,”   President further said that the open
        hal, “At one point I was worried and   said that, during his meeting with In-  the  Nepal PM said at  the CII: In-  border between India and Nepal has
        under pressure that we would not be   dian  PM  Modi,  he  pointed  out  that   dia  Nepal  Summit.  Prachanda  said:   encouraged tourism from both sides.
        able to deliver what we had come for.   it was impossible to seek a break-  “Now,  socio-economic  transforma-  “She emphasized the need of reviving
        I see Modi ji’s initiative in easing the   through in the relationship between   tion constitutes our top-most priority   the spiritual tourist circuit to promote
        pressure.”                        Nepal and India by keeping the issue   agenda. We had to double our efforts   people-to-people contact and tour-
            Dahal termed this visit historic   of border dispute at bay, Kathmandu   to ensure a resilient economic recov-  ism. She said that Sister City Agree-
        even though he had previously visited   Post reported.              ery in the post-COVID world.”     ments and improvement in financial
        India four times as the Prime Minis-  “I told Modiji that there cannot   The Nepal PM said the country   connectivity can also boost tourism
        ter adding that the Indian media also   be a breakthrough between Nepal   needs enhanced level of investment,   between our two countries,” the offi-
        gave better coverage than the previ-  and India by maintaining the border   smooth transfer of reliable and af-  cial statement read.
        ous visit, Kathmandu Post reported.  dispute,” said Dahal.          fordable  technology  enhancement,    The President said that Nepal is a
            “Overall,  it  was  good.  I  came   “Modi ji believes that Nepal-In-  capacity for production and produc-  priority for India, and added that New
        as the Prime Minister for the fourth   dia  relations  will  reach  new  heights   tivity and generation of employment.  Delhi looks forward to a development
        time. The second visit was a state visit   and the Indian prime minister talking   Earlier  on  Thursday,  Dahal   partnership with the Himalayan na-
        and I was staying at the Rashtrapati   about resolving the boundary issue is   called  on  President  Droupadi  Mur-  tion,  including  early  completion  of
        Bhawan.  But  now  the  Indian  media   a significant development,” he added.   mu.  The  President  welcomed  Prime   important projects.

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