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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye                     5

        according  to  an  official  statement                                                                in the four months between January
        released by the US Department of                                                                      and April 2023. “Defense, technolo-
        Defense. This visit, it said, provides                                                                gy and economic cooperation grew
        an opportunity to further deepen the                                                                  significantly  in  scope.  The  Biden
        “US-India Major Defense Partner-                                                                      administration’s democracy summit,
        ship as ties between the two countries                                                                Quad meetings, and bilateral meet-
        enter a new and exciting chapter.”                                                                    ings between various divisions and
            According to US-India Strategic                                                                   departments of the US and Indian
        Partnership Forum (USISPF) state-                                                                     governments  show  there  will  be no
        ment since the seminal nuclear deal,                                                                  lack of engagement at the highest
        the US-India defense cooperation                                                                      levels of government,” they said.
        has  only  improved  over  the  years.                                                                    “Supplementing the high-level
        The February meeting of Doval with                                                                    cooperation,  people-to-people  ties
        board members of USISPF under-                                                                        will witness a revived enthusiasm
        scored US defense companies’ com-                                                                     thanks to Secretary of State Ant-
        mitment to producing military hard-                                                                   ony Blinken’s work to ease the visa
        ware under the Government of India’s                                                                  backlog in consulates in India. This
        AtmanirbharBharat   (Self-Reliant)                                                                    will allow more Indian students and
        initiative  and,  on  the  software  side,                                                            professionals to travel to the US and
        on advanced technologies in cyberse-                                                                  back with ease,” they added.
        curity and artificial intelligence (AI).  NSA Ajit Doval with Indian Ambassador to the US Taranjit Sandhu and White House National   The article noted that the biggest
            Things are moving well between                                                                    developments may not be govern-
        the two countries in their respective   Security Advisor to United States President Joe Biden Jake Sullivan during a reception at India   ment to government. In April 2023,
        capitals.  In  New  Delhi  this  week,                  House in Washington DC (ANI)                  Apple opened its first store in India.
        thanking External Affairs Minister                                                                    Apple’s  entry  into  India  reflected
        S  Jaishankar  for  a  “gracious  wel-  country  --  home  to  more  than  1.4   ocratic values and increasing con-  the effort both to establish alterna-
        come”, US Ambassador to India Eric   billion people--and has had robust   vergence of interests on bilateral, re-  tives to China’s dominance of supply
        Garcetti noted that the US-India   economic growth for the past three   gional and global issues. The regular   chains and to gain a larger share of
        partnership  offers  a  lot  of  promise.   decades, with GDP per capita having   exchange of high-level political visits   the market in a country that, accord-
        Earlier in the day, Garcetti and Jais-  risen by 245 per cent, reported Har-  has steadily boosted bilateral rela-  ing to the United Nations Population
        hankar met to discuss the progress of   vard Business Review.       tions between the two countries.  Fund,  now  has  the  world’s  largest
        the relationship between India-US.    As India considers its own lead-  According to an article in Com-  population.
            Eric Garcetti also lauded Prime   ership in the world, it must look to-  parative  Connections,  a  triannual   The White House coordinator
        Minister  Narendra  Modi’s  leader-  ward becoming a stronger innovator   e-Journal of bilateral relations in the   for Indo-Pacific affairs, Kurt Camp-
        ship and “transformative policies”   in technology with a more compre-  Indo-Pacific,  the  US-India  partner-  bell, early in 2023, singled out India
        initiated by his government and said   hensive capacity to move up the val-  ship is on a steady upward trajectory   as the major US diplomatic focus for
        the two countries are increasing their   ue chain in software and hardware.   as a result of Washington and New   the  upcoming  year.  Speaking  at  an
        collaboration around critical emerg-  This necessitates a much closer and   Delhi making a concerted effort to   event, he said, “Our interests are to
        ing  technologies.    “India  is  in  such   deeper  relationship  with  America,   move past Cold-War differences and   see India playing an ever larger, re-
        wonderful hands. With your leader-  both at the governmental but also at   toward advancing Indo-Pacific syner-  sponsible role in almost everything
        ship, with the transformative policies   the private-sector level.  gies.                             that  we’re  doing.”  To  that  end,  the
        that you and this administration are   India-US bilateral relations have   Akhil Ramesh and Michael Ru-  first four months of 2023 were a great
        implementing together with the pub-  developed into a “global strategic   bin said in the article that the US-In-  start, the article said.
        lic sector and private sector and with   partnership”, based on shared dem-  dia partnership continued to expand   In  late  April,  the  US  Nation-
        that  community  aspect  that  defines                                                                al  Security  Advisor  Jake  Sullivan,
        everything that is part of India’s rise                                                               speaking to a packed audience at
        right now. This is the most exciting                                                                  Brookings  Institution,  clarified  the
        nexus in the world. The US-India re-                                                                  administration’s  agenda  of  creating
        lationship is where it is at,” he said.                                                               new economic and trade coalitions
            Meanwhile  in  Washington  DC,                                                                    and the risk of isolating traditional
        India’s  Ambassador  to  the  US,                                                                     allies and partners.
        Taranjit Singh Sandhu on Thursday                                                                         This paradigm shift in the con-
        (local time) met US  Congressman                                                                      ceptualization of economic policy
        James  Clyburn  and  discussed  av-                                                                   in  Washington  DC,  wherein  trade
        enues to strengthen the India-US                                                                      policy and national security policy-
        partnership in healthcare, digital, IT,                                                               making intersect at varying points to
        and renewables.                                                                                       influence  each  other,  “has  support
            As  the  United  States’  concerns                                                                among historically protectionist trad-
        about  China  grow,  India  shines  as                                                                ers such as India”.
        a promising alternative in supply                                                                         The “New Washington Consen-
        chains,  innovation  hubs,  and  joint                                                                sus,” as some analysts have described
        ventures. As the world’s largest de-                                                                  it, resonates in New Delhi, said Ra-
        mocracy with an increasingly open                                                                     mesh and Rubin.
        economy and a strong technology                                                                           With President Biden hosting
        sector, it has the potential to operate                                                               Prime Minister Modi at the White
        at scale.                                                                                             House this month, the US-India stra-
            India  is  in  a  global  sweet  spot.   Modi and Biden interact with each other at the 17th G20 Summit in Bali last year (ANI)  tegic partnership is bound to move to
        It is now the world’s most populous                                                                   the next level.

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