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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 22

                      Indian Organizatons, Community Leaders

              Applaud Rep. Meng For Introducing Legislation

                                To Make Diwali A Federal Holiday

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Bandi Chhor Divas is pivotal to en-
                                                                                                              riching  the cultural fabric of the
        QUEENS, NY
                                                                                                              United States and fostering greater
              .S.  Rep.  Grace  Meng  (D-                                                                     understanding and appreciation for
               NY), First Vice Chair of the                                                                   the rich South Asian diaspora,” said
        UCongressional Asian Pacif-                                                                           Sim J Singh Attariwala, Senior Policy
        ic  American  Caucus,  last  week  an-                                                                and Advocacy Manager of The Sikh
        nounced that she introduced the Di-                                                                   Coalition. “By embracing these cele-
        wali Day Act, a bill to make Diwali a                                                                 brations, we not only include and inte-
        federal holiday.                                                                                      grate communities but also strengthen
           “Diwali is one of the most im-                                                                     the bonds of our multicultural soci-
        portant days of the year for billions                                                                 ety, making America a more vibrant
        of  people  across  the  globe,  and  for                                                             and  compassionate  nation  for  all.”
        countless families and communities                                                                       “Today is a milestone that demon-
        in Queens, New York, and the United                                                                   strates our visibility, our contributions,
        States,”  said  Congresswoman  Meng.                                                                  and the progress we are making in
        “Diwali celebrations are a wonderful   Congresswoman Meng holds up her Diwali Day Act this afternoon as she announces the   the United States with the Diwali
        time here in Queens, and each year it                   introduction of her legislation.              Day Act,” said Richard David, Board
        is easy to see just how important this                                                                Member at the Indo-Caribbean Alli-
        day is to so many people. America’s   lead the movement for Diwali to be   celebration last fall, and fully support   ance. “We commend Rep. Meng for
        strength is derived from the diverse   a  school  holiday  in  New  York  City,”   this legislation to continue the feder-  this legislation that is important to Di-
        experiences,  cultures  and  commu-  said  Assemblywoman  Jenifer  Rajku-  al government’s work to uplift AAPI   wali-observing communities from the
        nities  that  make  up  this  nation.  My   mar (D-NY). “This year, we saw our   voices and designate Diwali as a fed-  Caribbean to Asia. This is bright day
        Diwali Day Act is one step toward   entire state speak with one voice in   eral holiday.”             for all Americans.”
        educating all Americans on the im-  support of recognizing Diwali and the   “As a scholar working with minori-  “The Coalition of Hindus of
        portance of this day, and celebrating   South Asian community. My extraor-  tized  religious  communities,  federal   North America (CoHNA) congratu-
        the full face of American diversity. I   dinary partner in government Con-  recognition of holidays is important,”  lates Representative Grace Meng for
        look forward to shepherding this bill   gresswoman Meng is now taking the   said  Dr.  Natasha  Raheja,  Assistant   introducing this bill and fully supports
        through Congress.”                movement national with her historic   Professor  of  Anthropology  and  Per-  her efforts to recognize Diwali as a
            Diwali represents the triumph of   legislation to make Diwali a federal   forming and  Media Arts at Cornell   federal holiday,” said Nikunj Trivedi,
        good  over  evil  and  knowledge  over   holiday.  Together,  we  are  showing   University.  “Every  year,  Diwali  falls   President of the Coalition of Hin-
        ignorance. While the holiday holds a   that  Diwali  is  an  American  holiday.   on a new moon night and is often as-  dus of North America. “This joyous
        different significance for various cul-  To the over 4 million Americans who   sociated with the end of the harvest   festival  is  celebrated  by  millions  of
        tural, ethnic and religious groups, the   celebrate  Diwali,  your  government   season.  A  federal  holiday  is  fitting   Americans and symbolizes the victo-
        Festival of Lights is universally a time   sees you and hears you.”  as new moon nights are customarily   ry of good over evil and of light over
        for celebration, reflection, prayer and   “Deepavali is a special holiday for   time for  workers to  rest and spend   darkness and brings together people
        gatherings  with  loved  ones.  Diwali   so many South Asian and Indo-Carib-  time with their families. A joyful festi-  from all backgrounds to cherish good-
        will be celebrated later this year on   bean communities,” said Councilman   val, Diwali is celebrated in a rich vari-  ness, well-being, peace and prosperity
        November 12.                      Shekar  Krishnan  (D-NY).  “As  the   ety of religious and cultural practices.  - things that everyone can value and
            Under  the  Congresswoman’s   first  Indian  American  ever  elected   Expanding federal holidays is a criti-  benefit from. Diwali enriches the cul-
        legislation, Diwali would become the   to NYC government, I am so proud   cal step in affirming religious diversity   tural tapestry of our great nation and
        12th  federally  recognized  holiday  in   to  support  Congresswoman  Meng’s   in the United States.”  inspires us to pursue the best that life
        the United States. Establishing a fed-  legislation to establish ‘Deepavali’ as   “NCAPA applauds Congress-  has to offer.”
        eral holiday for Diwali, and the day   a  Federal  Holiday.  It  is  crucial  that   woman Meng for introducing the   Endorsing organizations include
        off it would provide, would allow fam-  children like my own are able to offi-  Diwali  Day  Act,”  said  Gregg  Orton,  Indian  Diaspora  Council,  Sikh  Coa-
        ilies and friends to celebrate together,  cially celebrate our holidays with their   Executive Director of the National   lition,  International  Commission  on
        and demonstrate that the government   families, in a way that I was not able   Council  of  Asian  Pacific  Americans   Dalit  Rights,  Indo-Caribbean  Alli-
        values the diverse cultural makeup of   to growing up.”             (NCAPA).  “The  official  recognition   ance, National Council of Asian Pacif-
        the nation.                          “I applaud Congresswoman Meng   of Diwali allows for the acknowledg-  ic Americans (NCAPA), OCA-Asian
            Meng has also pushed to make   for her continued work to increase the   ment and celebration of individuals in   Pacific  American  Advocates,  Asian
        Diwali a school holiday in her home-  visibility of the Asian-American com-  the Hindu, Sikh, Jain, and Buddhist   American Federation (AAF), Nation-
        town of New York City, and she con-  munity,”  said  State  Senator  Jeremy   faiths. Our communities deserve to be   al Asian Pacific American Bar Associ-
        tinues to advocate for state and local   Cooney  (D-NY).  “Naming  Diwali  a   seen and celebrated, and the passage   ation (NAPABA), The Sikh Cultural
        recognition of Diwali, along with Lu-  federal holiday not only honors those   of this act empowers several South   Society,  Hindu  Temple  Society  of
        nar New Year and Eid.             who observe, but highlights a cultur-  Asian and Southeast Asian communi-  North  America,  Hindus  for  Human
           “After making history as the first   al tradition some Americans do not   ties in practicing and embracing their   Rights, Coalition of Hindus of North
        Indian-American  woman  elected  to   experience regularly. I was proud to   religious heritage.”     America and Asian Americans Ad-
        New York State office, I was proud to   attend the White House’s first Diwali   “The recognition of Diwali and   vancing Justice - AAJC.

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