Page 18 - The Indian EYE 060923
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 18

                            Over 30 Ambassadors Celebrate

            the Spiritual Oasis of Harmony Taking Form

                                at BAPS Hindu Mandir in UAE

        OUR BUREAU

        Abu Dhabi, UAE
           n a remarkable display of unity
           and  mutual  respect,  ambassa-
        Idors  representing  more  than  30
        nations gathered at the sprawling 27-
        acre construction site of the BAPS
        Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
        This momentous visit aimed to pro-
        mote intercultural understanding and
        provided esteemed guests with an
        opportunity to witness the progress
        of the region’s first traditional Hindu
        mandir, a symbol of universal values
        such as tolerance and harmony.
            The dedicated directors and
        volunteers  overseeing  the  mandir’s
        construction warmly welcomed more
        than 85 esteemed guests. The digni-
        taries were adorned with garlands
        and were welcomed with a traditional
        tying of a sacred thread. The ambas-
        sadors were provided with a com-
        prehensive overview of the mandir’s
        historical  significance,  construction
        process, and expected impact through
        captivating  video  presentations  and
        personal narratives.
                                                                                                              announcement and now seeing the
        His Excellency Sunjay Sudhir,                                                                         BAPS Hindu Mandir coming up. He
                                                                                                              added, “Real change is when differ-
        Indian ambassador to the UAE,                                                                         ent cultures connect with each other
        highlighted the long-standing                                                                         respectfully  encompassing  equality
                                                                                                              and fairness”.
        friendship between India and                                                                              Pujya  Brahmaviharidas  Swami,

        the UAE, rooted in history, cul-                                                                      Head Swami of BAPS Hindu Mandir,
                                                                                                              Abu  Dhabi,  warmly  welcomed  the
        ture and trade. He praised the                                                                        ambassadors and their families, “Cel-
        tolerance and generosity of                                                                           ebrating  the  past,  addressing  the
                                                                                                              present and recalibrating the future,
        the UAE leadership and added,                                                                         BAPS Hindu Mandir amalgamates

        “This mandir represents the                                                                           ancient art and architecture, modern
                                                                                                              science and technology, universal val-
        collective aspirations of faith                                                                       ues  and  spirituality.  Your  presence
        of the broad Indian community                                                                         here sends a hopeful message of har-
                                                                                                              mony and is a testament to the belief
        living in the UAE, especially the                                                                     that dialogue, exchange, and engage-

        saints and volunteers of BAPS                                                                         ment can bring us all closer together
                                                                                                              and make this world a happier place.”
        who are serving tirelessly and                                                                            He also thanked both the UAE
                                                                                                              and  Indian  leaderships,  “We  are
        selflessly to build this mandir   his hopes for the significance of the  UAE and the world as well as his deep  equally  grateful  to  HH  Sheikh  Mo-
        of tolerance and harmony.”        BAPS Hindu Mandir in the UAE  respect for the vision and direction of  hamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and
                                          and the world through a heartfelt  the UAE leadership. He emphasized  Hon. Shri Narendra Modi. They are
            Dr. S. Jaishankar, the Minister of  video message. He shared his hopes  that one of the most touching and  both visionary leaders who have en-
        External  Affairs  of  India,  conveyed  of what the mandir would mean for  fulfilling moments of his life was the   Continued on next page... >>

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