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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 17

                   Rahul Gandhi participates in an interaction at Hudson Institute       Rahul Gandhi with students at Stanford University Campus
                             in Washington DC on Thursday (ANI)                                   in California on Thursday (ANI)

        united”.                          see it too. Press freedom is very crit-  press” back home.          nalists during a free-wheeling con-
            Putting forth his point of view   ical for a democracy. One should be   But in a rare endorsement of a   versation at the National Press Club
        on a range of issues during a conver-  open to criticism. There is a clamp-  position taken by the Union govern-  in Washington on Thursday.
        sation at the National Press Club in   down on the institutional framework   ment under the leadership of Prime   Responding  to  a  question,  the
        Washington DC, Rahul said his party   that allowed India to talk and Indian   Minister  Narendra  Modi,  Congress   Congress leader stressed the signif-
        was in touch with fellow Opposition   people to negotiate. I view India as   leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday   icance  of  India’s  bilateral  ties  with
        forces.  Responding  to  ANI’s  ques-  a negotiation between its people, be-  backed the BJP’s stance on the Rus-  Russia, which goes back decades.
        tion on Opposition unity, Rahul said   tween  different  cultures,  languages   sia-Ukraine conflict, saying he would   “I would respond (to Russia)
        his party was holding regular dia-  and  histories.  Mahatma  Gandhi  set   respond similarly to the issue.  similarly  to  what  the  BJP  did.  We
        logue with all the Opposition parties,   up the framework to enable that ne-  Rahul made the remark while   (Congress)  would be responding  in
        adding that “quite a lot of good work   gotiation fairly and freely. That struc-  putting forth his view on how the   a similar way (to the Russia-Ukraine
        is happening” in that regard.     ture, which allows this negotiation, is   Congress would assess India’s bilat-  conflict). Because India has that sort
            “The opposition is pretty well   coming under pressure,” Rahul said.  eral ties with Russia in light of the on-  of relationship with Russia and that
        united, and it’s getting more & more   He alleged further that was a   going military conflict with Ukraine.   can’t be denied. Our policy would be
        united. We are having conversations   “definite capture of institutions and   He was fielding questions from jour-  similar,” said Rahul.
        with  all  the  Opposition  (parties).
        I  think  quite  a  lot  of  good  work  is
        happening  there.  It’s  a  complicated
        discussion because there are spac-
        es where we are competing with the
        Opposition. So, a bit of give and take
        is required. But I am confident that it
        (a grand Opposition alliance against
        the BJP at the Centre) will happen,”
        Rahul said.
            Weighing in on issues concern-
        ing national politics during an inter-
        action with journalists at the Nation-
        al Press Club in Washington DC on
        Thursday,  Congress  leader  Rahul
        Gandhi claimed that press freedom
        was under threat back home in India
        and the world could see the same.
            Opening up on the issue during
        a free-wheeling conversation with
        scribes  in  the  US  capital,  Rahul
        said press freedom is very critical
        for a functional democracy and one
        should  be  open  to  criticism.  He  al-
        leged that there was a clampdown on
        the  institutional  framework,  which
        enabled  the  national  discourse.
        “There  is  definitely  a  weakening  of
        press freedom in India. It is apparent                    The Congress leader Rahul addresses a Stanford University gathering (ANI)
        in India and the rest of the world can

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