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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 24

        CMEs to Feature World-Renowned Health Leaders

                   at AAP I’s 41st Convention in Philadelphia

        OUR BUREAU
        Philadelphia, PA
              he  41st  Annual  AAPI  Con-
              vention & Scientific Assembly
        Tscheduled to be held from July
        6th to 9th, 2023 will feature world-re-
        nowned leaders in healthcare and
        academia,  who  are  well  known  and
        are sought after around the world
        for  their  expertise  and  knowledge,”
        said Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of The
        American  Association  of  Physicians
        of Indian Origin (AAPI).
            “The multidisciplinary Con-
        tinuing Medical Education (CME)
        during the convention allows special-
        ists and primary care physicians to
        interact in an academic forum. The
        speakers at the CME will lead dis-
        cussions on gaps between the current
        and best practices on wide-ranging
        topics,” he added.                                                                                    AAPI has been fortunate to be able
            It’s a well-known fact that phy-                                                                  to tap in some of the world’s leading
        sicians of Indian origin excel in their                                                               physician-scientists in these areas of
        respective areas of work and contin-                                                                  Medicine.”
        ue to play key roles in patient care,                                                                     In addition, there is the popular
        administration, academics, and med-                                                                   parallel track for Life style Medi-
        ical research. In order to cater to its                                                               cine, which touches Mind- Body side,
        diversity of medical specialties, AAPI                                                                making it a wholesome CME session,
        continues to use a multi-disciplinary                                                                 giving everyone something that they
        conference format. “The essence of                                                                    would love. I thank Dr. Ravi Kolli for
        AAPI is educational,” said Dr. Ravi                                                                   giving me the opportunity to work
        Kolli, while describing the purpose of                                                                with him and his team during the
        CME said.                                                                                             convention. I hope all these will be
              “The  41st  annual  AAPI  Con-                                                                  informative as well as enlightening
        vention in Philadelphia will provide                                                                  CME sessions, Dr. Sharma added.
        physicians of Indian origin an oppor-  ment of the diverse group of diseases   are passionate about sharing their   The inaugural CME session on
        tunity to come together in an atmo-  discussed during this program.”  knowledge  with  our  delegates.  We   July  6th  is  being  led  by  Dr.  Sath-
        sphere of collegiality, enabling them   Led  by  Dr.  Sreeni  Gangasani,   hope that our program will inspire   eesh  Kathula,  Clinical  Professor
        to retrace and appreciate their com-  AAPI CME Chair and Dr. Brahma   and empower our attendees to make   of  Medicine  and  a  Board  Certified
        mon  roots,  culture,  and  bond  that   Sharma,  AAPI  Convention  CME   a positive impact in their communi-  Hematologist  and  Oncologist,  who
        unites them as members of this large   Chair, the CME Committee has Drs.   ties and beyond.”          will  address the delegates on “Rise
        professional community,” said Dr. V.   Gunjan  Shukla,  Sunder  Rao,  and   According to Dr. Brahma Shar-  of Immunotherapy in Lung Cancer.”
        Ranga, Chair of AAPI BOT.         SACHIN MEHTA as members.          ma,  Chair  of  AAPI  Convention   Dr.  Sujeeth  R  Punnam,  an  Inter-
            According to Dr. Anjana Samad-    “As the Chair of the AAPI CME   CME Chair, “CME has been a major   ventional, Structural Cardiologist &
        der, President-Elect of AAPI, “This   Committee, I am proud to announce   highlight of AAPI conventions.  This   Certified  Cardiac  Device  Special-
        mission of AAPI translates into nu-  that our program will be providing   year, our teams’ approach has been   ist in Stockton, CA will present on:
        merous CME and non-CME semi-      the highest level talks for AAPI del-  holistic  and  balanced,  with  sessions   “Update and Long term outcomes
        nars by experts in their fields. CME   egates,”  said  Dr.  Sreeni  Gangasani.   focusing on both old and new: bed-  on  Transcatheter Aortic Valve Re-
        will provide comprehensive and cur-  “Our team has worked tirelessly to   side and bench side and usual care, in   placements.”
        rent reviews and guidelines for the   curate a lineup of speakers and pre-  addition to personalized approach to   “Giving them a platform to cel-
        diagnosis and treatment of various   sentations that will provide valuable   chronic diseases which have become   ebrate  their  accomplishments,  the
        disease  states  to  reduce  morbidity   insights and information to our at-  our nemesis today. The goal is not just   annual convention to be attended by
        and mortality and achieve cost-ef-  tendees.  We  understand  the  impor-  to educate about current concepts of   nearly 1,500 physicians of Indian ori-
        fective quality care outcomes. At the   tance of staying up-to-date on the   chronic disease management but also   gin, it will also provide a forum to re-
        end of the activity, it is expected that   latest research, trends, and best prac-  inform about emerging concepts like   new their professional commitment
        attendees will gain an understanding   tices in healthcare and beyond, which   Genomics, Gene-editing, and Artifi-  through continuing medical educa-
        of the causation, diagnosis, and best   is why we have chosen speakers who   cial Intelligence, which play a critical   tions activities,” said Dr. Sanjay Gup-
        clinical practices for the manage-  are  experts  in  their  fields  and  who   role in managing chronic conditions.   ta, Convenor of AAPI Convention.

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