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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 26

              IAAC asks for submissions for Literary

                                          Festival in November

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Daisy  Rockwell,  Nobel  Peace  Prize
                                                                                                              Winner  Dr.  Kailash  Satyarthi,  Kal
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              Penn,  Vishakha  Desai,  Anupam
              he   Indo-American    Arts                                                                      Kher,  Ambassador  Haksar  and
              Council has announced their                                                                     Member  of  Parliament  Dr.  Shashi
        Tupcoming  Literary  Festival                                                                         Tharoor.  We  have  organized  book
        scheduled for November 2023. “We                                                                      launches for eminent authors such
        will be celebrating and exploring the                                                                 as Ramchandra Guha, and Madhur
        vibrant and diverse cultures of India                                                                 Jaffrey, and in 2021 launched Acro-
        through the written word, including                                                                   bat by Nandana Sen, and the official
        works written by Indian and diaspo-                                                                   biography of His Holiness the Dalai
        ra authors as well as those who have                                                                  Lama.
        been inspired by the many facets of                                                                       Interest in the IAAC Literary
        the country.                                                                                          Festival has continued to garner in-
            We invite submissions of pub-                                                                     ternational attention with its spot-
        lished  books  of  poetry,  fiction,                                                                  light  on  topics  such  as  Women’s
        non-fiction,  drama  and  children’s                                                                  Empowerment, Health & Wellness,
        literature that illuminate this year’s                                                                Diversity, and Equity. IAAC strong-
        theme  Courageously  Creative.  We                                                                    ly believes in sustaining community
        are looking for works that examine                                                                    to help create a world where liter-
        and showcase the beauty, challenges,                                                                  ature can thrive and has partnered
        complexity, diversity and richness of                                                                 with several prominent organiza-
        Indian culture and its relationship to                                                                tions such as Poets & Writers, Kun-
        society,  history,  politics,  spirit  and                                                            diman,  and  the  Asian  American
        the  human  experience.  We  accept                                                                   Writers Workshop.
        original works in English and the lan-                                                                   “The only criteria besides a fo-
        guages of India with English transla-                                                                 cus on India or work by an Indian
        tions,” said a statement from IAAC.   will be exclusively launched on our   Deepti  Naval,  Deepak  Chopra,  An-  or diaspora author is literary excel-
            Chosen entries will be featured in   online platform.           upam Kher, Rakesh Kaul, Dr. Ravi   lence, whether you are a children’s
        New York City at an in-person event,   In  the  past,  the  IAAC  Literary   Shankar,  Newbery  Honor  recipient   book  author  or  a  poet.  We  wish
        featuring renowned and emerging   Festival has had the honor of hosting   Veera  Hiranandani,  Booker  Nomi-  you the very best and look forward
        voices.  These  energetic,  interactive   prominent authors such as Salman   nee Avni Doshi,  Dr. Sudha Murthy,  to  reading  your  submissions,”  said
        discussions will be complemented by   Rushdie,  Suketu  Mehta,  Dr.  Ama-  Narayan  Hegde,  Megha  Majumdar,  IAAC,  asking  for  submissions  for
        a series of recorded programs that   rtya Sen, Indra Nooyi, Barkha Dutt,   International Booker Prize winner   the festival.

        Community leaders host fund-raiser for Paul DeGroot

              fund-raiser was organized by                                                                    street as public prosecutor and hopes
              Rajender Dichpally and San-                                                                     to get more funding for education as
        A tosh Peddi for Paul DeGroot                                                                         commissioner.
        for Commissioner (Morris County)                                                                          He has been a strong votary for
        at the Grand Cafe restaurant in Mor-                                                                  reduced spending in Government
        ristown.                                                                                              and plans to ensure clean and honest
                                                                                                              governance as commissioner.
                                                                                                                  “The Indian American Commu-
        The event was attended by                                                                             nity considers Paul as a friend and
        many Indian Americans who                                                                             will stand with him on the primary
        support the candidature of                                                                            election  in  June  and  general  elec-
                                                                                                              tion in November in Morris Coun-
        Paul DeGroot who has been a                                                                           ty,” said Rajender Dichpally.
        successful public prosecutor
        for over 25 years with a great
        conservative track record.                                                                            << Paul DeGroot and his wife along with
                                                                                                              Rajendar Dichpally, Santosh  Peddu and
            Paul has been fearless in taking                                                                  Rahul Borana
        on the drug mafia and guns off the

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