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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 09, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 30

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Screen sharing feature coming to WhatsApp for Android users

        WhatsApp also announces a new feature called ‘Chat Lock’ to make users’ most intimate conversations even more private

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            er feature and others.
                                                                                                                  Meanwhile,  Meta  founder  and
        Washington DC/New Delhi
                                                                                                              CEO Mark  Zuckerberg recently an-
                 hatsApp keeps its users                                                                      nounced a new WhatsApp feature
                 engaged with new features                                                                    called  ‘Chat  Lock’  to  make  users’
        Wand updates for the plat-                                                                            most intimate conversations even
        form.  Now  it  appears  like  Android                                                                more private.
        phones are constantly a beat behind                                                                       This feature lets you protect your
        iOS in the view of app developers.                                                                    most intimate conversations with a
            According to the Mashable web-                                                                    password and secures them in a sepa-
        site, screen sharing is available on iOS                                                              rate folder. When someone messages
        phones  during  FaceTime  chats,  as                                                                  you and you have that chat locked, the
        well as other video call services such   feature.  It  will  purportedly  be  made   fronted with “Start recording or cast-  sender’s name and the content of the
        as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. You   available to more users in the follow-  ing with WhatsApp?” and a disclaimer   message will also be hidden.
        may soon be able to screen share on   ing  days.  However,  Engadget  notes   about how WhatsApp will manage the   Zuckerberg’s   announcement
        WhatsApp on Android smartphones   that older Android handsets may be   information it sees when you expose   read, “We’re excited to bring to you a
        as well. I’m sure the functionality will   unable to handle the update, and you   sensitive credentials including pass-  new feature we’re calling Chat Lock,
        come in handy for things like playing   will most likely be unable to utilise the   words,  photos,  and  payment  details.   which lets you protect your most inti-
        Wordle  with  your  partner,  looking   function on calls with too many people   When  you  click  “Start  now,”  you’re   mate conversations behind one more
        at a vacation schedule, showing your   or if the person you’re conversing with   off to the races.    layer of security.”
        pal the Instagram profile of someone   does not have an updated WhatsApp.  Reportedly, WhatsApp is said to   “Locking a chat takes that thread
        they’ve blocked, and other more fruit-  In order to use the feature, after   be developing new features such as us-  out of the inbox and puts it behind its
        ful endeavours.                   updating the app, click the icon of a   ernames, archive statuses, and others   own folder that can only be accessed
            As   per   WABetaInfo,   the   phone with an arrow pointing out of   to make the app more dynamic and   with your device password or biomet-
        WhatsApp beta for the Android     it - this button will be near other tools   user-friendly.          ric, like a fingerprint. It also automati- version will let certain beta   like  muting.  According  to  pictures   It will also have app language and   cally hides the contents of that chat in
        testers check out the screen-sharing   from WABetaInfo, you’ll then be con-  message draft filter, password remind-  notifications too,” he added.

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