Page 8 - The Indian EYE 051724
P. 8

OPINION                                                                   MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                              The importance of

              Iranian President Raisi’s

            three-day visit to Pakistan

           Pakistani leadership expected that President Raisi will put the issue of the Iran Pakistan Gas Pipeline

         on the table for discussion. Pakistan after setting multiple deadlines from 2010 have failed to initiate the
         project fearing US sanctions as well as due to internal political and economic instability, originally slated

                      for completion in December 2014, whereas Iran has completed its part of the project


              he President  of  Iran, Dr
              Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, made
        Ta three-day visit to Pakistan
        along with a delegation of his cabinet
        ministers and business persons from
        April 22 – 24, 2024. During the visit
        President Raisi met President Asif
        Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Shehbaz
        Sharif, Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar
        and the Chief of Staff of the Pakistan
        Army, Asim Munir. He also met with
        the Senate chairman and the Nation-
        al Assembly speaker. He also visited
        the cities of Karachi and Lahore to
        meet the country’s provincial leader-
            This maiden visit of President
        Raisi to Pakistan after the election
        of the Pakistani Prime Minister She-
        hbaz Sharif to power remain signif-
        icant. In the month of January this
        year, Iran had targeted Jaish ul-Adl
        terrorist group, 50kms within Pa-
        kistani territory in the province of
        Balochistan by missiles and drones.   During the visit, while meeting Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the two sides signed eight agreements and Memorandum of Understandings
        In retaliation, Pakistan conducted   (MoUs) on a wide range of subjects including on security, judicial assistance and the establishment of a special economic zone (Agency photo)
        military strikes, targeting alleged Ba-
        loch militants (the Baloch Liberation
        Front) in the city of Saravan in Iran.   assistance and the establishment of   create and bring about welfare for   and prosperity which will further
        Both the countries resisted from ag-  a special economic zone (the Rim-  the people residing in border areas   lead to economic progress and con-
        gravating the situation any further.   dan-Gabd Joint Free/Special Zone).   and regions.              nectivity.
        This was the first foreign trip made   Both Iran and Pakistan share a   Presently, Iran and Pakistan      However, the US State Depart-
        by the Iranian President after such   porous border of more than 900 kms,   have a trade volume of US$ 2 billion,   ment  stated  in  a  press  briefing  on
        attacks had elevated the level of ten-  which is infamous for smuggling, il-  which was described as ‘unaccept-  April 24, that countries doing busi-
        sion between the two countries.   legal trade and other menaces. The   able’  to President Raisi.  He stated   ness  with  Iran  faced  the  “potential
            During the visit, while meeting   leaderships stated that they were   that in the forthcoming five years or   risk of sanctions”.
        Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the   committed to combating terrorism,   the  first  phase,  both  the  countries   Prime Minister Sharif reiterat-
        two sides signed eight agreements   organized crime, narcotics, and var-  will enhance trade to US$10 billion.   ed Pakistan’s position with regard
        and  Memorandum  of  Understand-  ious forms of insecurity. President   Prime Minister Sharif stated that the   to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. He
        ings (MoUs) on a wide range of sub-  Raisi  stressed  the  need  to  use  the   friendship between the two countries   commended Iran’s stand against Is-
        jects  including  on  security,  judicial   shared border as an opportunity to   should act as a catalyst for progress   Continued on next page... >>

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