Page 10 - The Indian EYE 051724
P. 10

OPINION                                                                   MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 10

        raeli actions in Gaza, calling on the                                                                     Still President Raisi visited Ka-
        two nations to unite at the Organiza-                                                                 rachi and Lahore to enhance the
        tion of Islamic Countries (OIC) and                                                                   economic relationship as  well  as
        other international forums along-                                                                     strengthen people to people ties.
        side fellow Islamic nations to push                                                                   Though the visit might not bring forth
        for  a  complete  ceasefire.  However,                                                                major economic breakthroughs, but
        though Prime Minister Sharif want-                                                                    it was an effort not only to reduce
        ed similar support from Iran with                                                                     tensions between the two nations as
        regard to Kashmir, President Raisi                                                                    well as portraying Iran as a depend-
        chose not to mention anything with                                                                    able and responsible neighbor of Pa-
        regard  to  it.  However,  in  the  joint                                                             kistan.
        statement, the issue of Kashmir was                                                                       To conclude, the visit of Presi-
        mentioned as an issue that should be                                                                  dent  Raisi  to Pakistan  did  not  tar-
        resolved through “peaceful means                                                                      get attain ground breaking levels of
        based on the will of the people”.                                                                     partnership. Rather, it was on the
                                                                                                              background of meeting the newly
        While meeting with his Pakistani                                                                      elected government, normalizing the
                                                                                                              situation in the Iran Pakistan bor-
        counterpart, both President                                                                           ders,  finding  avenues  of  enhancing

        Raisi and President Zardari dis-                                                                      trade. With continuing political and
                                                                                                              economic instability in Pakistan and
        cussed key regional and global                                                                        lack of political will for any positive
        developments, particularly the                                                                        change, such bilateral visits will not
                                                                                                              bring forth any positive change be-
        situation in West Asia. Presi-     General Asim Munir also called on President Raisi during the visit, emphasizing the need for   tween Iran Pakistan relations.

        dent Raisi emphasized further      improved coordination along the Iran Pakistan shared borders to prevent terrorists from jeop-  Dr. Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjee is a
                                                                                                               Research Fellow at the Indian Council
        cementing economic, trade                ardizing the relations between the two neighboring countries (Agency photo)  of World Affairs, New Delhi. The views
        and cultural relations between                                                                               expressed are personal.
                                          project as per set deadline. In Janu-  private visit along with the Foreign
        Iran and Pakistan. The two  ary 2024, Tehran reportedly issued a    Minister Ishaq Dar. While keeping     This article first appeared on
        countries emphasized the need     final  notice  to  Islamabad  demand-  the visit low profile, PML-N did not   the website ( of Indian
                                          ing completion of its portion of the   disclose Nawaz’s plans during the   Council of World Affairs, New Delhi,
        to  work together to  overcome  pipeline by February-March 2024 or   visit.                                     on May 3, 2024
        the challenges being faced by     face a penalty under the Gas Sales
                                          Purchase Agreement. Presently, the
        the region.                       penalty stands around $US19 billion
                                          which Pakistan will have to pay, if
            General Asim Munir also called   Iran takes up the issue in an interna-
        on President Raisi during the visit,   tional tribunal.
        emphasizing the need for improved     Keeping in mind the visit of
        coordination along the Iran Pakistan   President Raisi, Pakistan began
        shared borders to prevent terror-  work on the long-delayed pipeline
        ists  from  jeopardizing  the  relations   this  month.  Pakistani  authorities
        between the two neighboring coun-  have begun initial work on an 80 kms
        tries.  President Raisi also stressed   section of the Pakistan-Iran gas pipe-
        that there is an urgency of fostering   line.  The  Pakistan  Inter-State  Gas
        cooperation between the two Armed   Company (ISGS) has issued tenders
        Forces, which would strengthen    to consultants for the re-validation of
        peace and stability for both nations   a survey and Front-End Engineering
        and the region.                   Design (FEED) for the project. Fol-
            Pakistani  leadership  expected   lowing the re-validation process, au-
        that President Raisi will put the is-  thorities will begin land acquisition
        sue of the Iran Pakistan Gas Pipeline   and awarding an Engineering, Pro-
        on  the  table  for  discussion.  Paki-  curement and  Construction  (EPC)
        stan after setting multiple deadlines   contract, with the project is expected
        from 2010 have failed to initiate the   to be completed in 24 months. Even
        project fearing US sanctions as well   if the pipeline has been discussed
        as due to internal political and eco-  informally, fortunately for Pakistan,
        nomic instability, originally slated   the issue did not get reflected in any
        for completion in December 2014,   press release or in any statement is-
        whereas Iran has completed its part   sued by the Iranian leadership.
        of the project.                       It can be noted here that while
            As per an agreement signed    President Raisi’s visit was ongoing,
        by President Asif Ali Zardari in a   Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz
        previous  tenure  of Presidency,  Pa-  (PML-N)  Chairman  and  former
        kistan will pay a million dollars fine   Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif left for
        per month if it fails to complete the   China on April 23, 2024 on a five-day

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