Page 6 - The Indian EYE 051724
P. 6

NATION                                                                    MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                     GENERAL ELECTIONS 2024

                        PM Modi accuses Congress of

         being “anti-Hindu” as Rajnath assures

                                        tribals of reservation

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Remember one thing, ‘Vanchit ka jo
                                                                                                              adhikaar hai, Modi uska chaukidar
                                                                                                              hai’,” he said.
              ontinuing his attack on Con-                                                                        Meanwhile, in his address at a
              gress and its leader Rahul                                                                      public meeting in Jharkhand, Defense
        CGandhi, Prime Minister Na-                                                                           Minister  Rajnath  Singh  on  Friday
        rendra Modi on Thursday said that                                                                     tore into the opposition for alleging
        the opposition party “hates Hindus                                                                    that the BJP was going to end reser-
        and Hindu festivals so much that it is                                                                vations. He assured the tribals that
        now being exposed daily” and “wants                                                                   no one could end their reservation.
        to make Hindus second-class citizens                                                                      Singh was campaigning for BJP
        in their own country”.                                                                                candidate Sita Soren in the Dumka
            Addressing a rally in Mahbub-                                                                     constituency, where he rejected the
        nagar in Telangana, PM Modi re-                                                                       opposition’s allegations about the
        ferred to remarks on former Indian                                                                    reservation and said that no one can
        Overseas Congress chief Sam Pitro-                                                                    end it.
        da about the color of skin of Indians                                                                    “The opposition falsely accuses
        and some of his other remarks to at-                                                                  the BJP of ending reservation. But
        tack the Congress.                       A boy dressed up as Prime Minister Narendra Modi attends a public meeting    I say that I will never let reservation
            He targeted Rahul Gandhi as      in support of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Heena Gavit for the Lok Sabha   end. I give assurance to the people of
        “shehzada” and Sam Pitroda as “guru”                                                                  the tribal society that no one can end
        of the Congress leader. “Congress                    elections, in Nandurbar on Friday (ANI)          your reservation,” Singh at an elec-
        hates Hindus and Hindu festivals so                                                                   tion rally in Dumka.
        much that it is now being exposed   citizens in their own country. Is this   ting in America, says that the people   “No corrupt person will escape
        daily. The shehzada’s guru even   why they talk about vote-jihad?” PM   of South India are Africans. He sees   in the Modi government. Whenever
        went ahead to say that the Ram Tem-  Modi asked.                    the people of Telangana as Africans...   Congress government was in power,
        ple should not have been built. He   “The shehzada of Congress set   The Congress decides who is Indian   corruption prevailed. If we say some-
        went on to say that the construction   out with ‘Mohabbat ki Dukaan’ but   and who is African based on the col-  thing against the corrupt, opposition
        of Ram Temple and celebrating Ram   the board of the shop is no longer   or of our skin,” he alleged.  parties say that we did wrong. If we
        Navami is anti-India, it is against the   visible and he is busy dividing the   The Prime Minister alleged that   have done wrong, then action will
        idea of India... If you want to visit   society (samaj me zehar gholne me   Congress is anti-Hindu by mentality.   be taken against us. Go to the High
        Ayodhya and celebrate Ram Nava-   jut gayen hain)...supporters of ‘tukde  “Congress is fully involved in giving   Court or Supreme Court. We do not
        mi, are you anti-India? Congress   tukde gang’ are talking of dividing   the reservation of SC, ST, and OBC   divide anyone on the basis of caste
        wants to make Hindus second-class   country into pieces. His advisor, sit-  to Muslims on the basis of religion...   and religion,” he said.


                 irebrand BJP leader Navneet Rana was   on a complaint and not suo motu. Krishna Mohan of   On Thursday, Navneet attacked the AIM-
                 booked for her remarks against the Con-  FST flying squad of the Election Commission (EC),   IM and the Congress, claiming that if the peo-
           Fgress at a campaign event in the state, on   who is currently on election duty in the state, filed   ple vote for the AIMIM and the Congress, it
            Friday. An FIR against Rana, who is seeking a   the complaint against the BJP leader, the police said.  would mean a vote for Pakistan.
            fresh term from the Amravati constituency of   “We received a complaint from the FST flying   “If you vote for the AIMIM and Congress,
            Maharashtra in the ongoing Lok Sabha elec-  squad, EC for violation of the model code of con-  it will go directly to Pakistan. The kind of ‘AIM-
            tions, was registered at the Shadnagar police   duct. The complaint was lodged yesterday. Krish-  IM  prem’  and  ‘Rahul  prem’  that  Pakistan  is
            station in the state.                    na Mohan, FST of EC who is on election duty in   showing is actually intended to ensure Modi-ji’s
               Canvassing for fellow BJP candidate Madh-  the state currently, lodged the complaint against   defeat and make Rahul win. The Congress gov-
            vi Latha, who is contesting the Hyderabad Lok   Navneet Rana’s remark that every vote cast in favor   ernment governed the country as per the whims
            Sabha seat, Navneet said every vote cast in favor   of Rahul Gandhi and the Congress was a vote for   and dictates of Pakistan.
            of the Congress will be a “vote for Pakistan”.  Pakistan. She has been booked under Section 188   Now, the same Pakistan is returning the fa-
               Confirming  the  registration  of  the  FIR   of the IPC,” Pratap Lingam, inspector, Shadnagar   vor with its demonstration of love and affection
            against her, the police informed that they acted   police station, told ANI.           for the Congress and the AIMIM,” Navneet said.

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