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BIG STORY                                                                 MAY 17, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                    BAIL TO AAP LEADER

            BOOST TO INDIA BLOC?

                 The Supreme Court of India gives interim bail to Arvind Kejriwal till June 1.

           How will the decision boost the chances of the INDIA bloc in the remaining phases

                                                      of General Elections 2024?

        OUR BUREAU

        New Delhi
           n a boost for the INDIA bloc, after spending 50
           days in Tihar jail, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind
        IKejriwal was released on Friday following the
        Supreme Court’s order granting him interim bail in
        the excise policy case. Kejriwal was arrested by the
        ED on March 21, 2024, in connection with the al-
        leged liquor policy scam.
            A huge crowd of supporters gathered outside
        Tihar jail to welcome the Chief Minister on his re-
        lease. Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal, Punjab Chief
        Minister and AAP leader Bhagwant Mann, party
        leaders  Atishi,  and  Saurabh  Bhardwaj  and  AAP
        general secretary Sandeep Pathak accompanied
        Kejriwal when he was released. The Chief Minis-
        ter headed to his official residence after he was re-
        leased from Tihar jail.
            A bench of Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipan-
        kar Dutta granted the Delhi Chief Minister interim
        bail in the money laundering case registered against
        him by the Directorate of Enforcement (ED).
            The ED had opposed his bail in the top court,
        which  was  hearing  arguments  on  Kejriwal’s  bail   Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal addresses Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers after being released from Tihar jail, in New
        plea. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, also repre-    Delhi on Friday. The Supreme Court granted him interim bail in the Delhi excise policy case till June 1 (ANI)
        senting ED, told the bench at an earlier hearing that
        there can’t be any deviation only because Kejriwal   standing here with you. I just have one request to   interim bail will not be treated as an expression of
        is Chief Minister and asked if the Supreme Court is   make with all of you we should together save the   opinion on the merits of the case or the criminal ap-
        carving out exceptions for politicians.      country from dictatorship. I’m fighting and protest-  peal which is pending consideration before it. The
            Arvind Kejriwal is now likely to join the AAP   ing against dictatorship with everything I have. But   AAP supremo is likely to participate in the election
        campaign in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. Del-  the 140-crore people have to fight against dictator-  campaigns of the party in the run-up to the general
        hi goes to the polls on May 25.              ship,” Kejriwal said while addressing the supporters   elections in Delhi scheduled to be held on May 25.
            Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Fri-  on Friday.                                  Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) thanked the Su-
        day appealed to the public to unite against “dicta-  Earlier  in  April  this  year,  AAP  MP  Sanjay   preme Court for “upholding democracy” after the
        torship” and said that he is fighting “with everything   Singh was released on bail from Tihar jail follow-  top court on Friday granted interim bail to Delhi
        that he has.”                                ing the top court’s order. Singh was released after   Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the excise policy
            “Our country is more than 4,000 years old. But   spending over six months in jail in connection with   case.
        whenever anyone tried to impose dictatorship on   the excise policy case. Kejriwal has been granted in-  Addressing  a  joint  press  conference  in  Delhi
        this country, people never tolerated it. Today the   terim bail till June 1 with conditions that he shall   along with AAP leaders Saurabh Bhardwaj, Gopal
        country is passing through a period of dictatorship.   not visit the Office of the Chief Minister or the Del-  Rai and Atishi on Friday, party national spokesper-
        I am fighting against it,” he said while addressing   hi Secretariat.                      son Priyanka Kakkar said, “We are extremely grate-
        his supporters.                                  While granting Kejriwal interim bail, the apex   ful to the Supreme Court for upholding the democ-
            Kejriwal addressed the supporters enroute to   court said he would not interact with any of the wit-  racy in the country today. The interim bail has been
        his official residence on Friday after he was released   nesses or have access to any official files connected   granted in very extraordinary circumstances.”
        from Tihar Jail.                             with the case. He will not “make any comment with   “This is the last chance to save the democracy
            “I want to thank all of you. Crores and crores   regard to his role” in the present case, the bench   and we call upon the citizens, media and all of you
        of people across the country prayed for me. I want   ordered.                              to ensure we also uphold the democracy this time,”
        to thank the Supreme Court because of whom I’m   The bench also made it clear that the grant of              Continued on next page... >>

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