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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 24

           Mukesh Modi urges everyone to watch his film

          “Political War” now streaming on OTT platform

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            includes a motivational song “Ekta
                                                                                                              Banaye Rakhein” and an item song.
        New York, NY
                                                                                                                  The  film,  produced  under  the
              he Hindi film “Political War,”                                                                  banner of Indie Films Inc., was shot
              produced by Mukesh Modi un-                                                                     in  Lucknow,  Varanasi,  Mumbai,
        Tder the banner of Indie Films                                                                        and the United States. With perfor-
        Inc., has been making headlines late-                                                                 mances by Seema Biswas, Rituparna
        ly as the censor board has refused                                                                    Sengupta, Milind Gunaji, Prashant
        to pass this political drama. Due to                                                                  Narayanan, Abhay Bhargava, Shishir
        this reason, the film is not being re-                                                                Sharma, Aman Varma, Jiten Mukhi,
        leased in Indian cinemas, but it’s now                                                                Prithvi Zutshi, Dev Sharma, Arun
        streaming on                                                                      Bakshi,  the  film  “Political  War”  is
        OTT Platform.                                                                                         directed  by  Viivek  Srivastava  and
            Mukesh Modi, a Mumbai-born                                                                        Mukesh Modi. The film is produced
        filmmaker based in the United States,  starring Seema Biswas and Ritupar-  now  the  film  is  shown  on  the  OTT   by Mukesh Modi, edited by Manish
        has embarked on a journey fueled by  na  Sengupta,  started  streaming  on  platform Indie Films World.  Sinha, DOP India Chandan Singh
        passion  and  a  drive  to convey pow-  Indie Films World Streaming (OTT)   It’s notable that the powerful   and Ketak Dheeman (USA). The
        erful messages through cinema. His  Platform. As the country is amidst  trailer of filmmaker Mukesh Modi’s   screenplay and dialogues are written
        latest project, Political War, though  elections, there is a lot of buzz in the  Hindi film “Political War” has been   by Manoj Ji Pandey.
        rejected by the Central Board of  political alleys. In such times, watch-  viewed and shared by millions of   Modi says through Political War,
        Film Certification India is poised for  ing filmmaker Mukesh Modi’s movie  people. The producer-director hopes   he aims to instill a message of unity
        a global release on IndieFilmsWorld.  “Political War,” which sheds light on  that just like the trailer, people will   and resilience, cautioning against di-
        com platform, showcasing Modi’s re-  the darker aspects of politics, would  also shower love on the film. Several   visive politics fueled by religion and
        silience in the face of adversity.  be quite intriguing. Starring Seema  songs from the film have already be-  caste. Amid India’s growth, he advo-
            Political  War  is  a  fictional  story  Biswas, Rituparna Sengupta, Milind  come quite popular among the audi-  cates for awareness and unity, urging
        showcasing how the external powers  Gunaji ,Prashant Narayanan and sev-  ence.                                                                                                   audiences to resist political manipula-
        are trying to break India with the help  eral other talented artists, the Hindi   The film featured a grand Ram   tion and embrace solidarity. “Today,
        of corrupt leaders. This film is based  film “Political War” is now streaming  Bhajan dedicated to the majestic   unfortunately we are surrounded by
        on 2024 election, Modi says Political  on Indie Films World OTT. It’s worth  Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Then, in   people who are taking advantage of
        War is an eye-opening film, everyone  mentioning that the censor board had  another song titled “Roshni,” it is   religion and caste biases. I want peo-
        must  watch  this  film  to  understand  rejected certifying the film “Political  shown how people stoop to any level   ple to open their eyes and see the im-
        the dark side of politics.”       War.” Otherwise, the film would have  in politics, and politicians can do any-  pact of religion bias. You have to be
            The  Hindi  film  “Political  War,”  been released in cinemas. However,  thing to win elections. The film also   one, you can’t let anyone divide you.”

            A Child’s Death and an Act of Aggravated

                                    Arson under investigation

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 alive but with burns to his body and a self-inflicted
                                                                                                   wound. Next to Rivera a vehicle was located that
        Sayreville, NJ
                                                                                                   was doused with gasoline and on fire. Rivera was
                idddlesex  County  Prosecutor  Yolanda                                             transported to Robert Wood Johnson University
                Ciccone and Chief Daniel Plumacker of                                              Hospital where he is being treated for his injuries.
        Mthe Sayreville Police Department has an-                                                     Initial investigation has revealed that the
        nounced that a child’s death and an act of aggra-                                          body of a deceased child was found in the
        vated arson is under investigation in the Borough                                          vehicle. Rivera has been charged with sec-
        of Sayreville.                                                                             ond-degree  Aggravated   Arson.  Additional
            On March 28, 2024, at approximately 10:45                                              charges are pending the autopsy report from
        P.M., authorities received a 911 call reporting a                                          the Middlesex County Medical Examiner.
        fire on the area of Sayreville High School, while
        responding to the call an additional call came in                                          Anyone  with information  or surveillance
        reporting a related domestic dispute. Authori-                                             footage of the area is asked to call Detective
        ties then responded to Eisenhower Drive in the    Midddlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone  Michael Pirigyi of the Sayreville Police
        Borough of Sayreville, upon their arrival, officers                                        Department at 732-727-4444 or Detective
        located a female victim, who alerted the authori-  9-year-old son.                         Jose Rosario of the Middlesex County
        ties of a domestic dispute that led to Manuel Ri-   Authorities on scene at Washington Road, near   Prosecutor’s Office at 732-745-3289.
        vera, 43, of Sayreville, leaving the home with their  the rear of Sayreville High School, found Rivera

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